
Father Paul Nicholson

Father Paul Nicholson is a Mission Preacher for the New Evangelization.

Most Recent Articles by Father Paul Nicholson:

You can get a Plenary Indulgence Today! (and tomorrow!)

The intrepid Ronan Reilly from Australia, a champion for the unborn and harp of the Holy Spirit (he can sing Gregorian Chant like butter!) writes that Auckland, New Zealand is already celebrating 2014. To all my friends in New Zealand (and in the future!) salutations and happy new year.
- Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Pope Francis the Incredible: impervious to controversy

I haven't had time to access any video footage of the consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart by Pope Francis, but from the anecdotal evidence that I have read and heard, there were other little consecrations that took place in parish churches, in dioceses and small apostolates throughout the world. God has shown in time previous that when the Church honours His Mother, He blesses the world, and favours the Church with unprecedented graces. For our Lord, everyday is Mother's Day!
- Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Fr. John Trigilio makes a splendid case!

Fr. John Trigilio, a parish priest of Harrisburg, PA, blogger extraordinaire at The Black Biretta president of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy, the young protege of the great Fr. Robert Levis, and (I have almost run out space for all his achievements!) host of a series of shows on EWTN has presented a splendid rebuttal to Fr. Daniel Horan OFM, in a guest blog post called The False Charge of Clericalism.
- Wednesday, October 16, 2013
