
Mark Andrew Dwyer

Mr. Dwyer has been a continuing contributor to the Federal Observer. Mark Andrew Dwyer’s commentaries (updated frequently) can be found here. Send your comments to readerswrite@yahoo.com.

Most Recent Articles by Mark Andrew Dwyer:

The government failed: Let's depend more on the government!

The amount of absurdity in "Liberal" anti-gun hysteria that was prompted by the Sandy Hook Elementary massacre is beyond imaginable. It's like if the "Liberals" tried to follow Hitler's Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels’s doctrine that a big lie repeated often and authoritatively enough becomes the truth in the eyes of low-informed masses. Now they look and sound as if they were really up to delivering the final kill to Americans' freedom to keep and bear arms. Yet the co-called "conservative" wing of the establishment and media is acting as if its leaders were getting ready to surrender to the "Liberals'" assault, desperately trying to find "reasonable restrictions" on freedom in order to make us all safer and happier.
- Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Deceptive Susan

There is an on-going debate whether Susan Rice lied in public when she announced that the attack on American consulate in Benghazi 9/11/2012 was a result of a spontaneous demonstration that was triggered by a YouTube video "Innocence of Muslims". We all know that what she said was false but she and her defenders maintain that she did not know that when she made those announcements. And the masters of spin, including the so-called "mainstream" media, add to the confusion, blaming a lack of credible intelligence and an on-going investigation, with the obvious intent to make the subject so murky that no one would know anything anymore for sure.
- Sunday, December 2, 2012

The "Prosecutorial Discretion" Fallacy

"That amnesty for illegal immigrants should allow them to stay in the U.S. indefinitely, just like the amnesty for thieves would allow them to keep the property they stole." [Mark Andrew Dwyer, Idiot's Guide to Illegal Immigration]
- Sunday, June 24, 2012

Organized Extortion

Many, although not all, public sector unions became organized groups of extortion that use Liberal/Democrat lawmakers under unions' influence and protection in order to deprive, via progressing taxation, hard-working Americans of the fruits of their work for the benefit of the unions' members. The Liberal/Democrat lawmakers have no interest in resisting unions' demands and just keep imposing more an more taxes on the public that apparently has no collective right to resist such a rip-off, or if the resistance against the tax hikes is stronger than the urge to tax, the lawmakers keep borrowing money in order to feed their unsustainable generosity for the public sector employees. And the public sector is the only sector of American economy that has been growing (or even metastasizing, like in the case of Government Motors) during the severe recession-depression of these days.
- Monday, February 21, 2011
