
Humberto Fontova

Humberto Fontova is the author of four books including "Exposing the Real Che Guevara and the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him." Visit hfontova.com.

Most Recent Articles by Humberto Fontova:

Pope Blesses Castroism

A few items to keep in mind regarding the MSM version of the Pope’s visit to Cuba this week: “Viva Christ the King! –Down with Communism!” the defiant yells “made the walls of La Cabana prison tremble,” wrote eyewitness to these firing squad massacres, Armando Valladares, who suffered 22 torture-filled years in Castro’s prisons and was later appointed by Ronald Reagan as U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Human Rights Commission.
- Monday, April 2, 2012

Vetting Obama’s Pastor

“I have been affiliated with the Cuba Council of Churches since the 1980s,” boasted Rev. Jeremiah Wright in a sermon on July 16th, 2006. “I have several close Cuban friends (italics added) who work with the Cuba Council of Churches and you have heard me preach about our affiliation and the Black Theology Project’s trips to Cuba. The Cuban Council of Churches has been a non-partisan global mission partner for decades. I have worked with them for two decades.”
- Saturday, March 10, 2012

“Mammas Please Let Your Babies Grow up to be Commies” (sings Sean Penn)

Sean Penn was Hugo Chavez' guest of honor (again) last week, serving as keynote speaker at graduation ceremonies for Venezuela's Salvador Allende Medical School. "Allow me to impart a little anecdote," beamed the two-time Oscar winner to the enchanted crowd. "I had the privilege (italics mine) to introduce my children to comandante Fidel Castro and as he posed for a photo between them I told him: "President, (italics mine) I'll now be denounced in the U.S. for educating my children as socialist revolutionaries.
- Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A President’s Priorities (Mimi Alford)

Mimi Alford certainly has cause to regret her handling by President Kennedy. But while fornicating with the U.S. President in the White House, this teen-ager was never deceived by the President who remains the most popular in modern U.S. history. And Mrs Alford admits as much. "It's hard to say that it felt really good to be considered special--- but it did," she tells an interviewer. "I was 19 years old. He was just magnetic."
- Sunday, February 19, 2012

More Media Shilling for Castro

Last week, the media was flush with stories on the 50th Anniversary of the U.S. “embargo” of Cuba. From the New York Times to USA Today, most are running AP and Reuters stories (from Havana) which begin and end with quotes from “academic experts” deploring the “embargo” as “failed,” “archaic,” “cruel,” “political pandering to Republican Cuban-Americans,” blah, blah…
- Monday, February 13, 2012

Will The Pope Absolve Fidel Castro?

Pope Benedict XVI will visit Cuba in March. Two of Italy’s top newspapers are reporting that Fidel Castro will avail himself of the visit to confess his sins and be accepted back into The Catholic Church, which excommunicated him in 1962.
- Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Mrs Tom Brady Models Mass-Murderer

At the São Paulo fashion show on July 15, 2002, supermodel Gisele Bundchen catwalked wearing a glamorous bikini consisting entirely of faces of Che Guevara, who rarely bathed and constantly reeked of “boiled liver” and “rotting fish” according to his early comrades and surviving victims.
- Friday, February 3, 2012

Republican Debaters Miss the Boat on Cuba

How easily Romney or Santorum could have enjoyed their “Gingrich in South Carolina Moment!” How easily Gingrich could have basked in another! The Media lobbed it over home plate and not even Gingrich bothered to swing.
- Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Che Guevara now selling Mercedes-Benz

The top act at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this week featured Mercedes Benz’ Chairman Dieter Zetsche peddling his company’s new gadgetry under a huge picture of Che Guevara, who sported the Mercedes logo on his beret. “Viva la Revolucion!” beamed the cheeky Herr Zetsche while unveiling his brilliant ad campaign.
- Tuesday, January 17, 2012

CBS Still Shilling for Castro

Last week’s 60 Minutes featured another in its long line of joint CBS-Castro productions. This time Anderson Cooper and his production crew partnered with the Stalinist regime’s Centro de Investigaciones Marinas for a propaganda piece on the marvels of Cuban coral reef conservation. The co-host of the CBS show and conduit for this fruitful Communist infomercial was Dr David Guggenheim, senior fellow at the Ocean Foundation in Washington, D.C. who chairs its Cuba Marine Research and Conservation Program. Dr Guggenheim toasts himself as a “Cubaphile” and toasts Castro’s fiefdom (which he has visited over 40 times in recent years) as a “magical place!”
- Monday, December 26, 2011

Michael Moore Salutes Our “Hispanic” Veterans

When Japan’s ferocious General Tomoyuki Yamashita (“The Tiger of Malaya”) finally emerged from his headquarters on Luzon to surrender on September 2nd 1945 he handed his pistol, samurai sword and battle flag to the nearest U.S. soldier he saw. This was staff sergeant Manuel Perez-Garcia of the 32nd Infantry Division. Perez-Garcia was born in Cuba but immigrated to the U.S. after Pearl Harbor to join the U.S. Army and volunteer for combat.
- Sunday, November 13, 2011

Target: Marco Rubio

Last July one of America’s biggest TV networks craved to interview Senator Marco Rubio. Univision is the biggest Spanish-language network in the U.S., reaching thirteen and a half million households, (95 per cent of the “Hispanic” total) making it 4th biggest in the U.S., just ahead of NBC. Mexican-Americans make up most of its viewers so the network’s editorial tone essentially echoes that of the Democratic-controlled Hispanic Congressional Caucus.
- Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Harry Belafonte Insults Herman Cain—but Hails Fidel Castro

Harry Belafonte recently denounced Herman Cain as a "bad apple" as a "false Negro" and as someone "denied intelligence" and "denied a view of history" (whatever that means.) His host Joy Behar snickered her approval of Belafonte's every vocalization, often before they were decipherable.
- Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Occupation of Wall Street—What Would Che Guevara Do?

Che Guevara would clear the occupation of Wall Street in a New York nano-second. His colleagues of the time recall Che cheering the Soviet tanks slaughtering Hungarian freedom-fighters on the streets of Budapest. The youths they machine-gunned and blasted were all “Fascists and CIA agents!” he raved.
- Monday, October 10, 2011

“Drill, Castro, Drill!” says Obama and the Environmental Defense Fund

In half a heartbeat the Obama team could put the kibosh to the most dangerous offshore oil drilling ever proposed near U.S. shores, scheduled to begin in December by a Spanish/Cuban corporation. By fighting this drilling his “Environmentalist” allies could get the biggest bang for their lobbying buck in their history.
- Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Ahmadinejad Humiliated in New York

As he attempted to address them this week, one third of the UN General Assembly walked out on Iranian “President” Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Then he was pointedly snubbed by all U.S. political figures and hard-balled by the media, who grilled him on human rights abuses and nuclear weapons.
- Monday, September 26, 2011
