
David C. Jennings

David Jennings is an ex-pat Brit. living in California. A Christian Minister he advocates for Traditional & Conservative causes. David is also an avid fan of Liverpool Football Club and writes for the supporters club in America David Jennings can be found on Twitter His blog can be read here

Most Recent Articles by David C. Jennings:

UK Channel 4 to broadcast Ramadan call to prayer daily

In an unprecedented and brazenly provocative move, UK Channel 4 has announced that it will broadcast a three-minute call to prayer each day during Ramadan. This will be aired live at 3 a.m. for the full 30-day period of Ramadan which begins on 9th July. The station's website will carry the remaining 4 calls to prayer each day.
- Sunday, July 7, 2013

Seat Selection Row exposes Labour’s assimilation by unions

Establishing itself as Britain’s most influential union is Unite; not just because of its two-million strong membership but because they have now audaciously ventured into the machinery of the Labour Party in order to covertly pick its candidates, as confessed to by the union and revealed in leaked documents.
- Saturday, July 6, 2013

Croatia ascends to the EU

Monday July 1st will always be on the Croatian calendar, but what remains to be seen is if it will be as a day of celebration, indifference, or the day that independence paid for in blood died with the bureaucratic stroke of a pen.
- Tuesday, July 2, 2013

UK pregnant with 3 & 4 parent babies

Coming to a maternity ward near you, babies with the genes of 3 or 4 people! The British government has said it's full speed ahead for an in-vitro fertilization technique where the DNA of 2 ‘parents’ can be mixed into the donor egg of a third person. A second kind of procedure involves chromosomes from 2 men and 2 women to achieve the same result with more DNA in the mix. The bill is due to be debated in the House of Commons and voted on next year.
- Monday, July 1, 2013

Post Office Strikes continue over closures

British postal workers continued with a series of one day strikes to protest the closure of main Post Office branches which the government has planned to transfer to more efficient units based within retail shops.
- Saturday, June 29, 2013

It took a socialist in Ireland to call out the Obamas

Clare Daly of the Irish Parliament is not the person John Boehner or Mitch McConnell would select to give the response to the President’s annual state of the union speech. A firebrand union activist since her teens she was expelled by the mainstream left Labour Party and with other ejected members formed the Socialist party in Ireland. But last week she took to the floor of the Dail Eireann (Lower House) to launch a blistering attack against visiting American President Barack Obama.
- Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tory Taliban goes on the offensive

In a desperate bid to save both their country and their party, the media named ‘Tory Taliban’ have introduced a series of 42 bills designed to get Britain back on a true conservative course. The compilation of Private Members Bills published on Friday and dubbed an 'Alternative Queen's Speech', is a wish list of the Conservative Party right and the four MPs behind it.
- Sunday, June 23, 2013

Robinson stirs the waters on both sides of the Atlantic

The appearance of EDL leader Tommy Robinson on ‘The O’Reilly Factor’ has stirred reactions on both sides of the pond. Fox News ambitious booking prompted the BBC to do a follow up with an interview by Andrew Neil on BBC’s ‘Sunday Politics’ which prompted a variety of viewer response.
- Saturday, June 22, 2013

UK Wind Power All Hot Air

British consumers are being forced to subsidize an energy programme which loses money, blights the landscape and is dangerous to wildlife. Industry and employers also pay the ‘tax’ with households paying an average of £47/year.
- Thursday, June 20, 2013

Belgium considers law to legalize child euthanasia

In a move that underscores the social depravity of north-west Europe, Belgium is now seriously considering legislation that would legalize euthanasia for children under the age of 18. The adult right to die can (pardon the pun) already be executed by doctors in Belgium and Holland with laws on the books since 2002. (The Dutch allow it for age 13+)
- Monday, June 17, 2013

Lib-Dems – party of social advancement, mired in sex scandal & cover-up

The rumours began circulating as early as 2004, Chris Rennard party election chief mastermind of 10 by-election gains, guilty of unwanted sexual advances and beyond. The architect of ‘pavement politics’ sent a young prospective female candidate running from his room in tears in what became known as the ‘Peterborough incident’. Rennard curiously took a back seat in the party in 2009 for the infamous family and health reasons – code for 'I’ve been busted and we’ve begun a cover-up'.
- Saturday, June 15, 2013

UK Gay marriage continues down the aisle

Despite a complete lack of consensus from the public The House of Lords voted last week to move forward with the legalization of gay-marriage in the UK. Further the Anglican Bishops have stated that there will be no further organised opposition from them.
- Monday, June 10, 2013

Tommy Robinson, English Defence League, meets ‘The O’Reilly Factor’

You know you’ve hit a nerve of truth every time the American left begins to attack even the source of a news story. In this case Media Matters, faithful Doberman of the Democratic Party, attacked Fox News flagship ‘The O’ Reilly Factor’ for booking Tommy Robinson – leader of the English Defence League (EDL).
- Saturday, June 8, 2013

Imam in Wales deported, Mosque protests, situation ambiguous

Battle lines are being drawn in South Wales after a Pakistani Imam, employed by a local mosque in Newport, had his visa revoked and was deported to Pakistan after being held at Heathrow for 2 days. The Imam in question, Hafiz Majeed Al-Nasar, had been on leave in his home country and was detained at the airport after flying back to London.
- Friday, May 31, 2013

Major media outlets boycott Holder meeting

Eric Holder, embattled Attorney General of the United States and leader of President Obama’s Department of Justice; decided it was prudent, in an increasingly desperate move to save his job, to have an off the record session with reporters. The initial meeting was scheduled for May 30.
- Thursday, May 30, 2013

EU strips protections for employees that object to gay-marriage

The chief argument against Britain’s continued membership in the EU is related to immigration. But UK citizens had better realize that the European government in concert with its own is gradually stripping away their religious liberties as well.
- Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Britain’s wrong approach to stopping radical Islam

The politicians and social commentators dither as they search for responses to terrorism in Europe this week. It is well known what drives the ideology that leads to terrorist attacks but knowing is one thing, understanding is another.
- Monday, May 27, 2013

Woolwich Terrorist, truth emerging, parallels to Boston

Woolwich terrorist Michael Adebolajo was previously arrested in Kenya in 2010 having been suspected of leading a group of Islamists trying to join the al Shabaab group. He was arrested with five others, and later deported, which is standard procedure in Kenya when involvement with terrorism is suspected.
- Sunday, May 26, 2013

Britain’s Muslim Problem – Child Sex Rings

Gangs of Pakistani men have been convicted of grooming girls as young as 11 for sex in Derby, Oxford, Rochdale, Rotherham and Shropshire. Liberally supplying gifts and alcohol they pressured their victims into giving up what they wanted from them.
- Sunday, May 19, 2013
