
Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser

Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser is author of CONVENIENT MYTHS, the green revolution – perceptions, politics, and facts Convenient Myths

Most Recent Articles by Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser:

The Moonatory

Intuitive Machines,As you may know, there is a great push by man to settle the Moon. As reported, NASA just awarded a $78 million contract "for Intuitive Machines [a private U.S. company] to develop, launch and land its Nova-C spacecraft on the lunar surface with a payload of NASA and private experiments."
- Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Us Super-Mutants

Are you ready to evolve? As Fox News reports, once man (and woman, I presume) have become settled on Mars, evolution to super-mutant Marslings (or similar) is inevitable.
- Friday, May 24, 2019

Historical Floods--from Philatelic Records

Historical Floods--from Philatelic RecordsNot very long ago, written communications were in the form of postal mail, like letters to your love, postcards to everyone else, and so on. The Universal Postal Union, established by the Treaty of Bern of 1874, agreed to and ratified by nearly all countries in the world, is an expeditious system of moving the mountains of mail coming and going, across the entire globe. One vital principle of that system was (and still is) proper postage. Initially, the postage stamps just depicted renditions of the ruler of the day, in different colors for the different postage rates. But, after a while, the postal services discovered that the little stamps could be made more meaningful by having pictures that were more relevant to the day.
- Friday, May 17, 2019

A Yew for You

A Yew for YouYew bushes are quite common in gardens as ornamental shrubs and hedges. They are liked for being hardy, and soil and moisture tolerant evergreens. In addition, the have nice red berries in the fall. Please note: the orange/red juicy fruits are quite palatable but have poisonous seeds in the center. Their poison was already known two millennia ago (Taxus baccata) and appeared to be the choice of soldiers to die when not wanting to fall alive into the hands of the enemy.
- Sunday, May 12, 2019

Glyphosate--the End of Aspirin?

Glyphosate--the End of Aspirin?Dear Readers, Relax, this is not going to be a heavy-duty chemical lecture! As you may have read in the news, the herbicide Roundup™ inventing company Monsanto had been bought by the company that invented the medicinal compound Aspirin™ , i.e. the Bayer AG, back in 2018. Roundup is said to be the world's most widely used herbicide.
- Sunday, May 5, 2019

The Age of Anomalies

The Age of AnomaliesHave you noticed, "Anomalies" are the new grand evil culprits, of everything gone wrong, anywhere? Dictionaries describe the term like "something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected." I guess that could mean anything, like (not) arriving on time at your destination, or having a bout of hiccups.
- Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Dandelion Windfall

The Dandelion Windfall
Happy cows in a field of dandelions
For as long as I can remember, dandelion plants were THE enemy of the city neighbors all around. Any sign of their yellow flowers in the lawn or garden needed to be eradicated by all means, as soon as possible. Of course, your little children or grandchildren enjoy picking the seeds with their small feathery parachute-like umbrellas and with a small puff make them rise and travel in the slightest breeze to the lawn next door.
- Friday, April 19, 2019

Ocean Power Generating Systems--Going Nowhere Fast

The number of companies that hoped in vain (some still do) to harness ocean power for "free energy" is steadily increasing. Ocean Power Generating Systems--Going Nowhere FastOne of the latest outfits not doing so well is Ocean Power Technologies, Inc. (OPT) of Monroe Township, NJ, USA. According to its website ( [url=https://oceanpowertechnologies.gcs-web.com/]https://oceanpowertechnologies.gcs-web.com/[/url] ), it "is a pioneer in renewable wave-energy technology that converts ocean wave energy into electricity" and they have several patents to prove it.
- Saturday, April 13, 2019

The new “Landfill Site”

The new Landfill SiteIt’s nothing new. Landfill sites are filling up, faster than ever, with all kinds of debris. Just about everywhere. How did it come to that? Blame the “Greens” and the “Authorities.” Why, you ask? The answer lies in the decomposition times for various items in your garbage-to-be-deposed-of. As they vary from a few years to millions of years, known as eons, the landfill sites keep filling up.
- Saturday, April 6, 2019

Dowse the Fire!

Dowse the Fire!Firefighting used to be simple. In the olden days, water was all that was needed and (hopefully) available as required. Once structures came with charged electrical wires, water was no longer the material of choice. You might extinguish a small fire and electrocute yourself in the process.
- Sunday, March 31, 2019


Jury-RiggingAccording to Merriam, as in Webster, the term "to jury-rig" means "to erect, construct, or arrange in a makeshift fashion" a temporary device to help you out in a pinch when there are no better alternatives available.
- Friday, March 22, 2019

Time is of the Essence -- even in these Varying Times

Time is of the Essence -- even in these Varying TimesNot only that, the time is getting shorter and--if you believe it--can now even be reversed. So, if you remember the date--and scroll back to that specific time window -- when your hammer hit your thumb instead of the nail, you ought to no longer feel any pain. Perhaps, it's a bit of extrapolation on my part; I don't even know. After all, the headline says:
- Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Gretafication--a new Syndrome

Demonstration in Hamburg, Germany
Demonstration in Hamburg, Germany; credit: Reuters.
To begin with, the title is not a typo. Furthermore, any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. As you may have read, there is a new type of virulence afflicting the world, particularly in Europe, i.e. the "Gretafication Syndrome."
- Monday, March 11, 2019

Lighting of the Future--Softly Glowing Plants

Lighting of the Future--Softly Glowing Plants
Artificially glowing yeast cells in a test tube. Credit: Sergei Shakhov, Science Daily.
Just when lighting technology has made a quantum leap, from incandescent light bulbs to light emitting diodes (LEDs), a new lighting idea appears on the (yet very far) horizon: bioluminescent (glowing) plants.
- Wednesday, March 6, 2019

5G Wireless Broadband and how (not) to Boil Eggs

5G Wireless Broadband and how (not) to Boil EggsThe new 5G wireless broadband technology that is said to be rolled out soon for wireless communication everywhere has some people concerned about potential health effects. In my perception, that concern is not without thought -- and not only for human health reasons. In order to understand why, one has to review not just the numerous studies done about the safety of the current (4G) technology but also the technology of microwave ovens and traditional ways of cooking. Let's begin with the latter.
- Thursday, February 14, 2019

Russia May Catch the North Pole and nobody can do anything to stop it

As Newsmax reported, the magnetic North Pole is wandering towards Siberia at an increasing speed, currently in the order of 35 miles per annum. Just when you had been thinking of following your compass until you see some polar bears in northern Canada, the magnetic North Pole shifted again. And if the pundits are right, it may just take a few more decades to point you right towards Siberia. Clearly, that’s intolerable. What is NORAD going to do about that?
- Friday, February 8, 2019

Good Night BONJOUR

Good Night BONJOURThe news is about day and night, especially the latter. BONJOUR, i.e. the company Téo Taxi, a new kind of taxi service in Montreal, Quebec, with the common French term for "Hello" ("Bonjour"), literally meaning "GOOD DAY" on its cars has shut down operation. Just when demand was rising due the cold temperatures in the city.
- Saturday, February 2, 2019

Punxsutawny Phil's urgent Reply to his Cousin Wiarton Willie in Canada

Punxsutawny Phil's urgent Reply to his Cousin Wiarton Willie in CanadaDear Cousin Wiarton Willie, Many thanks for your delightful letter from last year--how time has been flying. Phillina and our offspring are all fine, eagerly awaiting the onset of spring. As you may have read in the news, we've recently had some bitterly cold temperatures here lately. I guess that it was not any warmer in Canada.
- Saturday, February 2, 2019

The Davosian Decades

The Davosian DecadesAs the big German daily Die Zeit reports, the Intl. Monetary Fund (IMF) thinks that global growth will slow to 3.5% this year, down from 3.7% forecast a few months ago (imf.org ). What a disaster; it ought to put a crimp on the assembled economic and political leaders' annual confustications at the World Economic Forum (WEF) secretive meeting at Davos (Switzerland) this week. As participation is by invitation only and all speeches and discussions are strictly following the Chatham House Rules and hence are not made public, who knows what the future holds--not that any meaningful summary has ever been communicated from that "skiing-fest" in the Swiss Alps.
- Saturday, January 26, 2019
