
Dr. Laurie Roth

Dr. Laurie Roth Just Who is this Annie Oakley of the airwaves?

Laurie Roth has a Ph.D. in counseling and a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, is happily married and currently resides in Washington State. She is a singer/songwriter with five CD albums to her credit.

Most Recent Articles by Dr. Laurie Roth:

It just isn’t enough – Suffer some more

The latest and full on assault against America is against our Veterans who have been denied and delayed care by the thousands. Now, the U.S. finally knows that ‘Death panel’ waiting lists and false reports offered up by the Veterans Administration are everywhere. Vets have not been given care and have died. Forms have been fraudulently sent in to get more Federal money, daring to say the Vets have been seen. It is called fraud and murder and only a sign of what is unfolding in the death machine of ObamaCare for the rest of us.
- Friday, May 30, 2014

Path to American Greatness – AND Obama is not on it

Everyone in the world knows we are a unique and fairly new nation founded mostly by Christians and built on Christian principles reflecting the Holy Bible, not Islam or any other religion. When the United States started putting love and reverence for God in the back seat, and us in the front seat we started spiraling downward. We elected wanna-be movie stars and gods like Bill Clinton and those wanting international controls and a dictatorship like Obama. We have turned our country and Government into nothing but a cult of personality, race and fame.
- Thursday, May 22, 2014

Falsely accused Jonathan Fleming gets out of prison after 25 years--Now what

Just a few weeks ago Jonathan Fleming was finally let out of prison after 25 years of hell for doing a crime he never committed. This week I interviewed on my national radio show the hero investigators Kim Anklin and Bob Rahn of Management Resources LTD of NY. They were the determined and brave ones who took this case on when the family approached them. They told me, though somewhat cynical at the start and not sure of Jonathan's guilt or not they committed to find the truth. The more they dug, the more they exposed shoddy police and prosecution against Jonathan.
- Friday, April 25, 2014

This is a real and powerful way to take back America

For years now I have been screaming on air about the importance of our 10th amendment and state rights against Federal Government encroachment and UN Constitutional over reach. Out of control and lawless Government actions seem to be the Obama and progressive legacy. It must stop.
- Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Obama Cult--Will you drink the Kool Aid?

There are over 5000 active cults in America but the biggest and most deadly of these is The Obama Cult, headed by Barack Hussein Obama. The Obama-Church/Cult follows classic Cult strategies and steps to draw, trap and keep Cult members inside the fenced work and playground, doing what Obama bids.
- Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Stay planted for the battles ahead and the Conservative WINS

What will conservatives do with the wins in 2014? Will they load their guns with real bullets and destroy ObamaCare or keep shooting on the 50-yard line with their Obama provided cap guns? I believe they will win big in the 2014 elections but that will only put Conservatives and the GOP in the ‘big boys’ ring to enact real change and fix things, or blow it…again.
- Thursday, January 2, 2014

If I could give America anything for Christmas

Merry Christmas to you all and may you all be overwhelmed with joy and peace this season. Sadly for many in America right now, we are overwhelmed all right but it is not with joy. It is with fear about the future. We are overwhelmed by losses in our family, stress, debt, sickness and work. We are also overwhelmed, horrified and wondering just what to do about the deranged dictator in the White House – Obama. He has gleefully torn down the U.S. Christmas tree and is steam rolling over all the presents under our tree.
- Thursday, December 19, 2013

ObamaCare will create Cold Hard bodies

From the beginning, the Affordable Care Act – otherwise known as ‘ObamaCare’ was always a ‘bright shiny thing’ appealing to the dumbed down masses in America who had wants, needs and health issues.
- Thursday, December 12, 2013

If I can come back, so can America

Obama’s December is stealing the manger scene and replacing it with the horrors of Halloween and ObamaCare. His continued and feeble attempts at propaganda lies and smiley face deception are massively boring in their criminal predictability.
- Thursday, December 5, 2013

HR 3350 – a Major step in the right direction

Last week H.R. 3350 was introduced in the HOUSE and has been in Committee being bantered around. Now a twitter is going around saying that this bill will get a vote. It was introduced by Fred Upton (R-Mich) and has 88 cosponsors so far.
- Thursday, November 7, 2013

Watch the horror flick ‘Who is to blame’

After the unprecedented ObamaCare demise and usual spin of ‘non failure’ by Obama and his talking heads, playing pretend by Obama is getting much harder to do. Mount Saint Healthcare - Helens has erupted, bodies are strewn all over, trees are flattened and 3rd degree burns for those left alive go untreated.
- Thursday, October 24, 2013

DON’T sign up for the exchanges and DON’T give out your personal info

Obama is indeed a talented 'poser n' Chief. It takes rare talent to be standing in a pit of refuse, looking up arrogantly through the mountains of dung and then smoothly talk to the nation about the wonders and cost saving brilliance of ObamaCare. All this while 747s continue to drop more failure and lying ObamaCare dung on his head.
- Tuesday, October 22, 2013

It is time to VETO Obama

Here is the bottom line for some of you slow 50-yard line thinkers. The Progressive Democrats and establishment Republicans directly caused the Government shut down because they were not willing to negotiate with the House at all. The House was willing to talk delays with the Senate and Obama instead of only defunding but the negotiation door was slammed shut. No talk -- no delay...all Obama's way or nothing.
- Wednesday, October 2, 2013

And then there was one—Obama

The Obama tornadoes wreak destruction everywhere as he and his minions prune, trim and reshape America. He and his demolition team could care less about broken legs and ripped off arms here and there. The lights are humming and buzzing as the Obama monster is getting ready to get up from the table and finish the job. Will we let him? I won't insult Frankenstein. I would prefer him to the Obama monster being built.
- Monday, September 30, 2013

Obamacare - Give me your money and your health

Stop wishing for a better more responsive Senate. Stop wishing for more heroes like Senator Ted Cruz and less of the Republican sell outs peppered all over. Stop feeding despair and cynicism because of who is in the White House and his anti American agenda. It is what it is. We have to act!
- Thursday, September 26, 2013

Egypt has the guts to do it—Will America before it is too late?

It is official now. The Muslim Brotherhood has been outlawed and all its assets confiscated according to the AP. Related funding and Muslim Brotherhood social groups are also being shut down. This means throughout Egypt the military supported interim government is taking control of the Muslim Brotherhood's entire money supply and buildings. They are destroying anything that keeps them going--period!
- Monday, September 23, 2013
