
Leigh Bravo

Leigh Bravo works in the Hospitality and Marketing Industry. Leigh considers herself a concerned citizen interested in reaching those people who may not be aware of the entire truth. Leigh is happily married and a mother of three looking towards a better future for her kids. Leigh also writes for thetrumpet.me

Most Recent Articles by Leigh Bravo:

Clearly, the Pot Is Calling The Kettle Black!

A Federal judge, James E. Shadid, a nominee of the Obama administration and the only Arab Federal judge in Illinois, was lucky enough to draw a case involving religious discrimination against Muslims.
- Tuesday, October 27, 2015

White House Agenda Has Turned U.S. On Its Head!

Finally common sense floats to the top. FBI Director, James Comey, speaks out about the "Ferguson Effect." Are we seeing an increase in crime across the country as a result of the after effects of Ferguson, Baltimore and other cities where police have been thrown under the bus driven by activists and politicians supporting the "Black Lives Matter" movement. To date, we have seen a 20% increase in violent crimes across the country.
- Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Political Correctness, Not Critical Thinking, is the Key to Our Demise

We have all heard it before. Students at colleges and universities around the country are demanding that anyone who has a differing opinion than their own should be tarred, feathered, banned and removed from their sight. Student groups claim that inviting anyone with a differing opinion onto their campus threatens their very safety or well-being. Sound ridiculous? Leaders at these educational institutions are listening to these demands resulting in the creation of a generation that is single-minded, self-absorbed, and intolerant of others all while the same generation demands a voice, respect and tolerance from others.
- Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Obama's Political Correctness Okays Child Rape?

Is this really the United States we were meant to be? I find the path in which we are headed becomes more perverse every day I read the news. The latest? A Green Beret is dismissed from the Army because he confronted a child rapist in Afghanistan! Since when does the United States accept the rape of children during war-time an acceptable activity? What if the activity is happening on military bases?
- Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Why Has Immigration Become Such A Bone Of Contention and Division

Back in 2007, while President Obama was busy campaigning to become the first black president of the United States, the majority of Americans were fully in support of immigration reform, and a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. Flash forward to 2015 and you will see unbelievable levels of contempt and refusal to accept anything less than mass deportation of all illegals. Why?
- Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The United States Is Bleeding To Death!

The United States is bleeding to death under the Obama Administration and it is time for a full transfusion to rid our country of the cancer that is slowly but surely destroying our way of life.
- Thursday, September 3, 2015

Will Obama's Legacy Be World War III?

Obama made, yet, another speech yesterday, but what made this one different from the rest? This one will go down in history as the United States' surrender to terrorism. If we have not been destroyed by nuclear bombs, there is no doubt future generations will be studying this speech and drawing parallels to the Munich Agreement, which is regarded as a failed act of appeasement by Britain and France to Germany and Adolph Hitler, a mistake which led to the beginning of World War II.
- Thursday, August 6, 2015

Is This Really The Democratic Party You Signed Up For?

Recently, Debbie Wassermann Shultz, the Chair of the Democratic Committee, was asked the difference between Democrats and Socialists. She was unable to answer the question; not once, but twice. Why? Could it be that there is no difference? I can remember a time when any Democrat would have been insulted to be called a socialist. Now there seems to be pride associated with the label. Thousands of Democrats have turned out to support Bernie Sanders for President even though he is a self-professed socialist.
- Wednesday, August 5, 2015

United States President Surrenders Flag to Our Enemies!

We have watched President Obama honor plenty of fallen Americans, but the majority of them just happen to be crooks, thieves, illegal aliens or followers of Islam! What happened to honoring our fallen Military? The men and women who fight for our freedoms. What happened to honoring our fallen citizens? The hard-working Americans who have been killed as a result of our own President's failed policies or his refusal to follow our rule of law?
- Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The United States Under Obama: A Criminal Haven For Our Enemies!

President Obama and Secretary of State, John Kerry agreed and signed a deal with Iran. Just yesterday, Iranian citizens and their leader were burning the American flag and shouting "death to America and death to Israel". Why would our President and Secretary of State, who are in charge of protecting the American citizens, agree to such a bad deal? Because they believe, "Iran has the right to a peaceful Nuclear program"- John Kerry
- Thursday, July 16, 2015

Marriage: A Ceremony Complicated By Government Interference!

The Supreme Court has ruled that gay marriage is the new norm. But the real question is, should the government have any say in what constitutes marriage at all? What if there was a way to stop the controversy? What if we took government out of the business of marriage completely? We have seen, over the past 6 years, government remove any signs of "Faith" from our schools, our government offices, our memorials, our military and our foreign policy. But why then, are we allowing the government to make a decision about what most believe is a religious ceremony?
- Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Where Does the Buck Really Stop?

It has recently been reported that illegals have been charged in over 120 murders. The finger of blame is being pointed at Homeland Security and ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) officers. However, the blame lays squarely on President Obama's desk.
- Thursday, June 18, 2015

One Bad Apple Destroys the Whole Bushel!

Eleven teachers in Atlanta have been convicted for the largest cheating scandal in the nation's history. So what does this tell us? ALL teachers are cheaters! A Northwestern University professor violated the sexual harassment code by getting a student drunk then kissing her and groping her while she blacked out. What does this tell us? ALL university and college professors are sexual predators!
- Thursday, June 11, 2015

Pedophiles Off The Hook?

In this day and age of social media and technology, we have all been made more aware of sexual predators and their actions than ever before. The question remains, do we still believe that sex with children is a crime, or are we now giving a pass to pedophiles in the name of sexual freedom?
- Friday, June 5, 2015

Liberals and Islam; Just A Misunderstanding?

Who is Eric Allen Bell? He is a Liberal described as slightly left of center. I recently came across a video via social media where he was filmed discussing the meaning of Liberalism and his "counter jihad" cause. After listening, I felt it was important to share it. Could it be possible that when it comes to Islam and Muslims that liberals and conservatives might be on the same side, but just don't understand each other? If we were not all so polarized, might we have a discussion and discover that we agree on more than we disagree? One issue is Islam and the views that all Muslims support terrorism. Below is the transcript of the video, but you can also watch by clicking on the link above. It is well worth the listen.
- Friday, June 5, 2015

Full Disclosure For All!

Our government has pushed food labeling to the extreme. Demanding that calories, fat, sugar and other ingredients be fully visible to the public in order for them to be able to make informed decisions about the food they eat. But what about informing the public about the news they receive on a daily basis?
- Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Chains of Government Strengthens as our Morality Weakens

"Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters."- Benjamin Franklin What has happened to the United States? Many say that it is a natural progression that is inevitable, but is it actually the breakdown of our morals, our ethics, our family structure and our school systems? Is it the inevitable "chains of government," that have slowly but surely bound us with the very freedoms we claim to embrace? In the name of progression, we have thrown out the very things that made this country great. Our leaders have shunned the very thought that the United States is a Christian Nation and our freedoms are slowly being taken from us on a daily basis. Government of the people, by the people, for the people, exists no more! We are now being ruled by the political elite who have adopted "political correctness," as the new rule of law.
- Saturday, May 9, 2015
