
NBC Producers Need Sensitivity Training

This week an episode of Law & Order on NBC, which regularly adopts real life events and blurs the line between fiction and fact, portrayed a leader in a college Christian ministry as being guilty of making death threats against a professor because the Christian was anti-homosexual. The lead detective calls Christians "Bible thumpers."
- Saturday, January 12, 2008

Can an American President Be a Muslim Apostate?

As the primary season finally gets started the issue of Barack Obama’s religion takes the stage once again. While there are some aspects of his religious affiliations that cause legitimate concern, the contention that he is a danger because he practiced Islam as a child, under the guidance of his father and then his step-father, is being overblown for what it is not and ignored for what it is.
- Saturday, January 12, 2008

Protecting yourself against Identity Theft

A recent article posted in the National Post raised concerns regarding a current debate by a committee at Industry Canada, which currently regulates the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Document Act (PIPEDA) and has not brought forth mandatory conditions for such organizations as banks, businesses and retailers to advise clients that their credit or identity has been breached or compromised.
- Saturday, January 12, 2008

A Question of Democracy, Integrity and Credibility

Today, 27 members of the Ontario Landowners Association attended the opening meeting of the newly formed Mississippi-Rideau Source Protection Committee. The MRSPC was formed as a requirement of Bill 43, The Clean Water Act, which is managed by the Ministry of the Environment.
- Saturday, January 12, 2008

Tom DeLay Slams GOP Presidential Hopeful John McCain

When Attorney General Janet Reno deployed federal law enforcement agencies to Waco, Texas to arrest the Branch Davidian leader David Koresh, one of the the tactics used was to constantly blast loud music 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 

- Saturday, January 12, 2008

Could Romney Leave Michigan With a Bronze?

There have been three races so far. I’ve gotten two silvers and one gold. Mitt Romney’s New Hampshire Primary Concession Speech January 8, 2008 – Manchester, NH
- Saturday, January 12, 2008

Will soon be dead in America

I am writing this message now, because once this bill is passed, by the senate and signed into law by the president, which we are sure will happen SOON, I could be prosecuted as a TERRORIST for writing this message.
- Saturday, January 12, 2008

Books to Bless

Dear Church leader, (Click website below; Ministry books)
- Friday, January 11, 2008

SAF applauds D.C. Court Dismissal of Lawsuit Against Gun Industry

The Second Amendment Foundation today applauded the unanimous ruling by the District of Columbia Court of Appeals that dismissed a lawsuit against 25 gun manufacturers filed by the district and families of nine gun crime victims in the city.
- Friday, January 11, 2008

Enough MPs Already Mr. McGuinty

Premier McGuinty and the other premiers will be meeting with Mr. Harper on a variety of issues. One item Mr. McGuinty is expected to raise is more MPs for Ontario. Canada needs more MPs about as much as Britney Spears needs more media attention. More politicians usually means more people thinking up new schemes to spend other peoples' money. Nevertheless, the Harper government is forced by law to add more seats to Parliament starting in 2011.
- Friday, January 11, 2008

Using the Race Card To “Lynch” Free Speech

Kelly Tilghman is a "hot" fox and a babe. She is also is an exceptionally talented commentator for the GOLF channel, the first woman to hold that position on a full time basis.
- Friday, January 11, 2008

Whatever happened to negotiations for the promised release of Ingrid Betancourt?

The silence of French President Nicolas Sarkozy is deafening on the tragic fate of French-Colombian politician Ingrid Betancourt. No questions from Sarkozy yesterday when Clara Rojas, who was kidnapped in 2002 along with Betancourt and Consuelo Gonzalez de Perdomo, a former Colombian member of congress, taken hostage in 2001, were set free and flown to waiting family members in Venezuela. Surely his question should have been: What about Ingrid Betancourt?
- Friday, January 11, 2008

Increased user fees: what’s not to understand?

The city of Toronto recently announced an increase in user fees in some of the city’s recreational programs. Never being satisfied to resort to half measures when it comes to parting residents from their hard earned money, councillors will raise fees this year by a whopping 21 per cent. These fees will then be increased a further 10 per cent per year for the next six years.
- Friday, January 11, 2008

Vaccine Vindication

The vaccine preservative Thimerosal is not linked with autism, a new study reports. The data also suggest that the dilettante “scientist” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. should perhaps go back to practicing law and stop exploiting parental fear and suffering for his own political agenda.
- Friday, January 11, 2008
