
Hillary Backer wants Russert Shot

A report in Thursday's edition of The Hill suggests that Hillary Clinton supporters have little or no understanding of either the First or Second Amendments, after a Clinton backer reportedly said in a conference call that NBC's Tim Russert "should be shot" for asking tough questions, the Second Amendment Foundation said today.
- Friday, November 2, 2007

Adobe Creative Suite—Three’s Charming

Adobe's big time creativity suite has been reborn yet again, this time in a third incarnation that brings into the fold new-to-the-suite products that weren't available before.
- Friday, November 2, 2007

Media Glorifies McGovern Museum Despite Paltry Attendance

It looks like A South Dakota museum devoted to the political career of far-left Democrat George McGovern registered 5,000 fewer visitors last year than a Wisconsin museum devoted to mustard. So why all the hype from the Associated Press about how a Museum about McGovern draws many visitors"? Oh, the AP did their best to make it seem like the George McGovern Legacy Museum is a "surprising" run away success in the world of museums.
- Thursday, November 1, 2007


As of November 1, 2007, Oklahoma is the beacon of light and hope for those seeking escape from the fog of liberal-begotten insanity when it comes to illegal aliens.
- Thursday, November 1, 2007

Get a load of G.I. Joe, Hollywood version

imageIn a world of too many politically correct inspired revisionists, the lines keep being rewritten. Everything that existed in the past is passe and long held traditions are being tossed into history's dustbin. Cindy Sheehan and the Code Pink gang must be in raptures. G.I. Joe is on his way out in ever-creative Tinseltown. The Botox-dependent Hollywood screen writers are now proposing a new live-action movie based on the G.I. toy line. A few martinis later and he's no longer G.I. Joe. The Hollywood version has taken out membership in an "international force based in Brussels", home of the all-glass and all-neutered European Union.
- Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Fifth Column in the USA

The MSM continues to hide behind fake 1st Amendment protections while acting in 'seditionist' and 'treasonous' manners!
- Thursday, November 1, 2007

“Start worrying, details to follow”

A while back, I read a reasoned article suggesting the survival of Israel was important to the free world. My feeling is that the survival of Israel is more important today than was the survival of England in the last Great War. With a thousand times the firepower around today, the stakes are much higher. The enemy is far more deadly and committed...and a shade looney.
- Thursday, November 1, 2007

Law of the Sea Treaty heads out to open sea

imageThe Gipper must be rolling in his grave: The Jolly Roger-flagged Law of the Sea Treaty is sailing full speed ahead, courtesy of a media encouraged U.S. Senate panel. Minus political rhetoric, the treaty gives the power-grabbing United Nations complete jurisdiction over God's Seven Seas--70 percent of Mother Earth's surface. "The treaty also creates an International Seabed Authority with the power to levy a $250,000 tax (application fee) on anyone who wishes to explore the seabed. (Henry Lamb, WorldNetDaily, May 17, 2007). "It would also tax (royalties) everything that might be excavated from the seabed. It requires technology transfer from the nations that have technology to the nations that don't--under the supervision of the UN of course."
- Thursday, November 1, 2007

Earth Shoe Academies

Academics like to cultivate an image of themselves as cutting edge. Actually, while they may be more up-to-date than flat-earth theories, they are frequently not quite as far ahead of the curve as earth shoes. "The issue of climate change has entered its rock concert/college curriculum phase, which is a sure indicator that the issue has peaked and will begin a long, slow fade in the public mind," author Steven F. Hayward writes in a column that appeared in the October Carolina Journal. "Simultaneous 'Live Earth' rock concerts were staged on several continents following the model of 'Live Aid' and 'Farm Aid' in the 1980s--'consciousness-raising events after which public interest quickly waned."
- Thursday, November 1, 2007

Big Media Demand Passage of U.N. Treaty

As predicted, the big guns of the liberal media are unloading on critics of the U.N.'s Law of the Sea Treaty. After ignoring the story of growing opposition to the pact from the American people, the New York Times and the Washington Post both have editorials in their Wednesday papers urging ratification.
- Thursday, November 1, 2007

When at War Listen to the Warriors

A very dangerous pattern has developed in American culture and politics. Everyone wants to be an expert about everything. Yet too few are even equipped to have a valuable opinion, much less qualify to be an expert. This is particularly true in matters of national security, where so few have any direct experience, any knowledge of classified threat assessments, any war planning background or implementation expertise.
- Thursday, November 1, 2007

Oprah finds answers aren’t so simple

Oprah Winfrey's heart was in the right place. She used a significant portion of her abundant wealth to start the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa earlier this year.
- Thursday, November 1, 2007

Apple Goes to YouTube Teen for Advertising Genius

If you thought that all that time you were spending on YouTube was a total waste... then you're probably right. But if you are directing some effort towards putting something up on YouTube, then you're most likely on the right track. At least, that's what you could hypothesize after hearing Nick Haley's story.
- Thursday, November 1, 2007

Heaviest Small Black Hole found… again

It was only two weeks ago that astronomers found that what they had previously thought about black holes, was not the entire story. Announced on the 17th of October, a "stellar" black hole was discovered to be 16 times the mass of our own sun. Previously it was thought that the norm was only 10. That record has been smashed, by a new stellar black hole that is weighing in at 24 times the mass of our sun.
- Thursday, November 1, 2007

Jurassic Park; Scientific Prophecy or Lucky Guess

If you've ever watched the movie or read the novel Jurassic Park, then no doubt you've had at least one nightmare of being attacked by a Velociraptor. It is nothing to be ashamed about, it really has happened to us all. What's worse though--worse even than attacking Velociraptors--is the fact that the John Crichton might not have been too far off the mark.
- Thursday, November 1, 2007

U. S. Flag Ceremony Banned

A long standing Flag Folding Ceremony has been banned at all Military Funerals by the White House. Reciting what the 13 folds to the United States Flag stand for in Military Funerals, can no longer be read by anyone who is an employee of America.
- Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Father of slain Marine wins case against funeral protesters

Albert Snyder of York, Pa., the father of a Westminster Marine who was killed in Iraq, today won his case in a Baltimore federal court against members of Topeka, Kan.-based Westboro Baptist Church who protested at his son's funeral last year.
- Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Judge Roy Moore & Foundation for Moral Law Welcome Court of Appeals Decision Reversing Ban on Prayer

Former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore and the Foundation for Moral Law hailed the decision issued yesterday by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit in Hinrichs v. Speaker of the House, Indiana General Assembly as a victory in the battle against prayer censorship in the halls of government. The Hinrichs decision reversed an order by a federal district court banning prayers given in the name of Jesus in the Indiana legislature, the result Judge Moore and the Foundation had asked for in its amicus brief filed before the Court--but the Court did so only because the particular plaintiffs in the case did not have legal standing to bring their lawsuit.
- Wednesday, October 31, 2007
