
Rich Berdan

Rich Berdan, was a regular guest co-host on a popular radio broadcast and has grown his passion to write on various topics; resulting in numerous published editorials and features. As a proud American and Canadian citizen, Rich's diverse work-life experience, including raising a family, as well as a number of bumps and twists along the road has resulted in this interesting journey we call life

Most Recent Articles by Rich Berdan:

October 7th has Exposed More than Anti-Semitism in the UN, BLM, Me-Too, and Our Schools

The one-sided anti-Semitic narrative and protests depicting Israel as both culpable for the horrific attack on October 7th by the barbaric governing Hamas terrorists and the colonial villain in their response to root out the terrorists embedded in neighborhood communities is not surprising. Shamefully, vile is not rated the same when it is against Jews and against Israel.

- Friday, December 1, 2023

Biden’s Speech Shamefully Conflates the Israel-Hamas War to the Russia-Ukraine War

Biden’s Speech on Israel-Hamas and Russia-Ukraine Wars began by telling the world he was the first American president to travel to Israel during a war. How is this remotely relevant to the multi-regional conflicts under his watch other than preparing personal achievements to be showcased during the run-up to the 2024 campaign. One time was not enough to tout risking his life to enter a war zone.

- Monday, October 23, 2023

The Real-Life Spy Novel to Take Out Trump and Putin

CIA, FBI, Congress, Big TechSince the election of former President Donald Trump in 2016, there has been a relentless obsession by the US government and federal agencies to remove and eliminate both Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin from the world’s political landscape. If the orchestrated failure to obfuscate Trump’s win in 2016 as Russian collusion was not enough to conjure a contrived attempt by plotters in the CIA, FBI, Congress, Big Tech, and a willing news media to illicitly remove a sitting president, we are now much deeper in the latter chapters of a bestselling Tom Clancy espionage novel of an ideological cabal willing to do whatever it takes--including risking a nuclear war.
- Sunday, January 1, 2023

The Indignant Politics of America’s Mass Shootings

The Indignant Politics of America’s Mass Shootings Why do mass shootings garner the lead stories in the news cycle? Could it be the sudden cluster of deaths alone? Perhaps it is the public fascination over a shooter plotting evil or to illicit political theatre where finger pointing, blaming far-right ideology, chalking it up to mental illness, or creating a stir over the demise of the 2nd Amendment and government taking our guns. These narratives would seem too simplistic for well-educated lawmakers obfuscating their responsibility by playing into an uncompromising political base rather than demonstrating a bipartisan effort to solving problems. Does the clinging to power in the legislature somehow become more imperative than the pains felt when facing the end of a barrel. In retrospect, lawmakers might ponder one of Mother Teresa’s favorite texts in the bible, which she often quoted to support her ministry, is “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did to me”.
- Monday, December 5, 2022

The Collapse of the Climate Change Cult

 The Collapse of the Climate Change CultDespite the attempts by the media coverage and attendees at the COP27 Climate Change Summit in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt touting  the creation for a loss and damage fund where developed countries who are allegedly responsible for the planet's demise will pay reparations to countries who are seemingly impacted by our climate warming sins, there was significant turmoil as the Summit went into two-days of overtime to come up with a watered down agreement. The cracks are becoming more evident in the collapse of the politically driven climate agenda that is exposing the folly, hypocrisy, and an emerging suffering caused by the climate policies.
- Sunday, November 27, 2022

Dare to Question Support for Ukraine

Dare to Question Support for UkraineQuestion the billions of dollars being sunk into Ukraine that has resulted in a devastating loss of life, an ensuing energy crisis, and a real threat of nuclear war; and you are politically canceled as a Putin ally.     To be clear, asking questions about the reasons and costs to this conflict is not agreeing with Russia's invasion into Ukraine. To see the bigger picture, the financing of Ukraine is not simply advocating for the virtues of democracy, but rather peeling back the layers of history in the region, revealing Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky's regimes crack down on opposing voices, and questioning the media's narrative that glorifies Zelensky and vilifies Putin. 
- Sunday, October 30, 2022

An Analysis of Trump and Biden on the World Stage

An Analysis of Trump and Biden on the World Stage Putting aside our bias one way or the other for former President Donald Trump; let’s consider what the state of world affairs might look like today if Trump became the president in the 2020. Outcomes under a Trump administration may be hypothetical or a myriad of assumptions, however it is unique in that we can gauge President Joseph Biden’s stark policy differences to the former president’s track record and known approaches to circumstances facing America and the international community while he was in office.
- Wednesday, October 5, 2022

China’s Proxy War in Ukraine

China’s Proxy War in UkraineDuring the Cold War, The Soviet Union and the United States clashed in numerous wars for global supremacy through proxies around the world—Afghanistan, Vietnam, and Angola being most notable. Today, Russia has been relegated to the junior proxy position with China now taking the lead for the East to dethrone the US as the reigning force in the West. Russia’s invasion into Ukraine is now America’s and China’s proxy war. The war in Ukraine is a small nick on the sidebar chart in China’s 100-year plan to become the world’s ruling superpower. While the Russian invasion into Ukraine was never part of the design, China pivoted and capitalized on a gold-plated cloak and dagger snare to further expedite America’s military and economic decline and its ability to exert its power in the latter part of China’s blueprint.
- Friday, September 16, 2022

America’s Two-Tiered Justice System

America’s Two-Tiered Justice SystemThe Constitution states only one command twice. The Fifth Amendment says to the federal government that no one shall be "deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law." The Fourteenth Amendment in 1868 uses the same eleven words, called the Due Process Clause, to describe a legal obligation of all states. These words have as their central promise an assurance that all levels of government must operate within the law and provide fair procedures to all its citizens.
- Monday, October 25, 2021

COVID-19’s Weakness is its Strength

About 4/5ths or 80% of the deaths come from 1/5th or 20% of the Canadian population. Our seniors and those living in long-term care facilities have been ravished with obscure and unregulated measures to say the least. On the opposite spectrum, approximately 1/5th or 20% of the deaths have come from 4/5th or 80% of the population that are younger than our senior population and perhaps some underlying health issues. While not short of devastating to families affected, it is roughly a thousand deaths in 80% of the population or about 1 in 40,000 deaths in this sizeable wedge of our communities. The mortalities equate to a relatively small number of 2.5 per deaths for every 100,00 Canadians.
- Sunday, May 17, 2020

Brexit Prelude to America

The United Kingdom defied the political and economic elites. The political left in America should take note that the people are capable of seeing through the provocations and are unwilling to submit to the financial fear mongering and one-sided bigotry in taking back and preserving one’s national and cultural identity.
- Saturday, June 25, 2016

Bernie Sanders, the Most Dangerous Man in America

Senator Bernie Sanders, the rising demagogue seeking the Democrat Party's nomination for President of the United States is currently the most dangerous man in America. He claims America's economic tribulations rest with the capitalist on Wall Street. This pied piper has seduced millennials lacking the discernment of the big lie with the sweet candy of free education and promising payback of the wealthy class that has left them behind.
- Sunday, February 14, 2016

Republican G-Men Trapped

Why are the three governors, Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, and John Kasich, trailing so far behind the field of Republican candidates for President of the United States? In part, the socio conservative and populist message has gained the upper hand in clouding experience with the establishment or the politics as usual guys. Can any one of G-Men get a move on, find a way out of the caboose, and derail the recent GOP momentum crisscrossing the American primaries?
- Friday, February 5, 2016

The GOP South Carolina Firewall

President Obama’s comments in his final State of the Union Address and the follow up GOP response by South Carolina Governor, Nikki Haley, came together in a tag-team attack on the two front runners in the race for Republican nomination for President of the United States.
- Friday, January 15, 2016

The Line in the Sand is Shifting to Israel

I am very concerned for the Jewish nation as the battle lines in the sand shift closely to the Jewish Nation. Time is of a critical essence.
- Monday, September 28, 2015

Here is the Solution to the Refugee Crisis

It is apparent that for all the top leadership in the world, whether Presidents, Prime Ministers, or a Pope, they have not been able expedite a strategic plan to stem the swelling refugee crisis. It is clear that the struggle for ancestral influence and intransigent sovereignty in the volatile region of the Middle East is at the core.
- Friday, September 18, 2015

Obama Created EU Refugee Crisis

The absence of a solid U.S. foreign policy doctrine and leadership under U.S. President Obama has resulted in the deadly combination of power vacuums across the Middle East and little to no fear of consequential American military action challenging the war-crime infused tribalism filling these vacuums. This failed responsibility of the world’s Super Power to inject the strategic counterbalance now has the European Community in uncharted chaos in the Obama-created refugee exodus that rivals biblical events.
- Monday, September 7, 2015

The Consensus Opinion War on the Constitution, Christianity, and America

We are witnessing a concerted effort through the accelerating conduit of social networking and mass media platforms propelling consensus opinion in legislation, court rulings, corporate policy, and school curriculum into a confounding acceptance to alter and tear down institutions, tradition, and the moral fiber of America. The world’s remaining stronghold and defender of freedom supporting the true democratic values conceived in The Constitution is rapidly imploding. It is not a single blow but rather the death of America by a thousand cuts.
- Friday, August 14, 2015

U.S. Abortion and the Third Reich Atrocities

“Never again” were two solemn words associated with one of the most tragic times in history when Nazi Germany under the Third Reich systematically committed genocide with the extermination of six million Jewish men, women, and children.
- Thursday, August 13, 2015
