
Cliff Kincaid

Cliff Kincaid is president of America's Survival, Inc. usasurvival.org. Older articles by Cliff Kincaid

Most Recent Articles by Cliff Kincaid:

Justice for Victims of the Weather Underground

A live version of “Forensic Files” hits Washington, D.C. on March 12, as pressure mounts for an expanded probe of Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, and their alleged roles in the 1970 bombing murder of a San Francisco policeman. Ayers and Dohrn, now university professors, were members of a communist terrorist gang called the Weather Underground during the 1960s and 1970s whose aim was to support communist regimes and anti-American movements around the world and destroy the United States. The group received terrorist training in Communist Cuba and was advised by Soviet and Cuban intelligence agents.
- Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Global Television For Our Global Leader

Elite members of the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos, Switzerland, at the end of January were considering a proposal for a new global television network to usher in a state of “global governance.” It sounds authoritarian, even totalitarian, to some.
- Monday, March 2, 2009

Obama Sells U.S. to China Inc.

The truth is starting to seep out. Because of the need for more money to finance the latest bailout―the Obama economic stimulus plan―America is going further in debt to the Chinese Communists. Our country is officially being sold to the highest bidder. And we have striking confirmation of this fact from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
- Monday, February 23, 2009

The Politically Incorrect Black American Hero

February is Black History Month. But Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, who rose from poverty and overcame racism to become a leading black conservative thinker and jurist, wasn’t on the list of famous African Americans that my son brought home from school.

- Monday, February 16, 2009

Who is Pulling Geithner’s Strings?

Appearing behind a podium that proclaimed, “Financial Stability and Recovery,” Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on Tuesday carefully read from a teleprompter and provided what his flack said was a “comprehensive” plan. It was not comprehensive in any way. It seemed so amateurish and shallow that the market dropped and commentators and senators were almost incredulous at the lack of detail.
- Thursday, February 12, 2009

Global Television for Our Future Global Leader

Surprise and even shock were among the reactions to my recent column about how elite members of the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos, Switzerland, were considering a proposal for a new global television network to usher in a state of “global governance.” It sounded authoritarian, even totalitarian, to some.
- Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Radical Rep Hails “Revolutionary” Obama

Rep. Barbara Lee, who admits in her book that she has been called everything from a radical to an anti-American communist, is very pleased with the record of her friend, President Barack Obama. In fact, she thinks he has been “phenomenal.”
- Friday, February 6, 2009

Liberals Propose Fast-Tracking Treaties

Translated into common language, this means that the treaty process takes too long and the treaty may ultimately be rejected by Senators reacting to popular pressure.
- Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Government Bailout of Government

Our media have been in awe of Barack Obama’s physique, his workouts and basketball skills. But his obvious deceptions about the economy are what really deserve scrutiny.

- Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tax Cheat Daschle Favors “Federal Reserve for Health”

Before his tax cheating came to light, former Senator Tom Daschle was expected to sail through the Senate and be confirmed as Obama’s new Secretary of Health and Human Services and director of the White House Office of Health Reform.
- Monday, February 2, 2009

Wall Street’s Marxist Presidential Pawn

There was big news out of the U.S. Senate on Monday evening but the major media were not paying much attention. By approving exposed tax cheat Timothy Geithner as President Obama’s Treasury Secretary, the Democratic Party was confirming and advertising itself as the party of Wall Street.  
- Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Global Taxes and Global TV Now on the Agenda

President Obama’s pick for Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner, is being urged to lay the foundation for “global governance” by considering “international taxation” measures to loot more money from U.S. taxpayers.  

- Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Geithner Accused of Lying About Tax Cheating

Art Cashin, one of the talking heads on CNBC, said early on Thursday morning that the stock market was going down in part because of a lack of confidence caused by the failure of the Senate to quickly confirm Timothy Geithner as Treasury Secretary. This was the party line of the Wall Street insiders who have a special interest in getting Geithner confirmed. Later on that day, Geithner was endorsed 18-5 by the Senate Finance Committee. A full Senate vote on the nomination may be held on Monday. 

- Monday, January 26, 2009

Liberal Media Anxious to Get Geithner Confirmed

If Obama Treasury Secretary nominee Timothy Geithner is so smart, why was he so dumb in handling his own taxes? Or perhaps he wasn’t so dumb. Perhaps he thought he could get away with not paying his taxes. Either way, how is he fit to be Treasury Secretary, with jurisdiction over the IRS?
- Friday, January 23, 2009

Running and Ruining America for the Benefit of China

On CNN on January 16, Lou Dobbs, perhaps the most honest and outspoken major media commentator, told the truth about the Wall Street bailout. “Treasury Secretary Paulson basically used the money to bail out his buddies on Wall Street, and don’t let anybody kid you,” he said.
- Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Conservative Blogs Duped in Panetta Controversy

In a frantic search for the obscure and hidden left-wing connections of members of the new Obama Administration, some leading conservative blogs and websites have made an embarrassing error by claiming without evidence that Leon Panetta, the former Clinton chief of staff and incoming CIA director, has a radical daughter named Linda who associates with Hugo Chavez and other Latin American revolutionaries.
- Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Big Money Behind Geithner

A guy who can’t figure out his own taxes is supposed to fix the economy? This is the absurd rationale being offered by media figures such as Andrea Mitchell of NBC News for confirming Timothy Geithner as Obama’s Treasury Secretary after it was disclosed that he was a serial tax evader. He did his own taxes for a couple years and got into trouble, Mitchell chuckled. And everybody can relate to that, right? Mitchell is the one who deserves to be laughed at. This guy is supposed to be so smart we can entrust him with managing the entire U.S. economy? She must be kidding. Does she seriously expect us to believe that? 
- Friday, January 16, 2009

Why Are the Media Protecting Geithner?

The Obama Transition Project says that Timothy Geithner, its Chinese-speaking Treasury Secretary nominee, made “honest mistakes” on his tax returns. This line comes from the same group that is telling us that a nearly $1 trillion “stimulus” bill taking us further into debt can be called the “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.” Polling and focus groups came up with that brilliant deception.
- Thursday, January 15, 2009

Soros Flunky Runs Obama’s Pro-U.N. Policy

In violation of Barack Obama’s promise to run an open and transparent transition to the next administration, an associate of convicted document thief Sandy Berger has been secretly meeting with far-left groups under the auspices of the Obama-Biden Transition Project to develop a range of pro-U.N. policies. These include placing “more [U.N.] blue helmets on U.S. troops” and forcing the U.S. to join the U.N.’s International Criminal Court (ICC). 
- Monday, January 12, 2009

Red Chinese Celebrate at New York Stock Exchange

Henry Kissinger made headlines on January 5 by proclaiming Barack Obama to be the architect of a “New World Order.” He told CNBC that “His task will be to develop an overall strategy for America in this period when, really, a new world order can be created. It’s a great opportunity, it isn’t just a crisis.” But even more important than this eye-opening statement was where Kissinger made it―the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). 

- Thursday, January 8, 2009
