
Extend an invitation to President El Sisi of Egypt to address a joint session of Congress

The Honorable John Boehner Speaker United States House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Speaker Boehner, Please allow me to congratulate you on your tremendous success in having Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu address Congress. The world needs to hear the truth from our friend, Israel. For decades Israel has suffered terrorist aggression from neighboring states.
- Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Clinton's Evasive Press Conference

A short press conference held at the United Nations in an effort to tamp down a growing email scandal was vintage Hillary Clinton: long on self-righteous, self-aggrandizing assertions, and woefully short on anything resembling genuine information.
- Wednesday, March 11, 2015

VA's Double "State of Emergency"

LOS ANGELES - America's capital for homeless Veterans is not only in a state-of-emergency to house and care for thousands upon thousands of war-injured and impoverished Veterans, but it's also in a state-of-emergency for trusting and caring VA leadership to end this crisis -- NOW -- not months and months, or quite possibly, years from now.
- Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Turning smartphones into personal, real-time pollution monitors

As urban residents know, air quality is a big deal. When local pollution levels go up, the associated health risks also increase, especially for children and seniors. But air pollution varies widely over the course of a day and by location, even within the same city. Now scientists, reporting in the ACS journal Environmental Science & Technology, have used smartphone and sensing technology to better pinpoint where and when pollution is at its worst.
- Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The madness of queen Hillary and I'm not standing for it!

So, I guess we now know, er most of us anyway, at least those of us who watch Fox News and heard Hillary's latest mea culpa, about the use of her own email system to conduct the foreign affairs of the most powerful nation on earth because she daren't use "two phones", when every doggone kid in America, or at least in Beverly Hills and Grosse Isle has three. Or had three when she was only capable of trundling one Blackberry around and God knows how much they weigh, or even two of them.
- Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Tolerance Surplus

Until the tolerance surplus with Islam is closed, the violence that Islam brings to our shores will continue.
- Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Hillary Clinton's Talking Points Press Encounter

Using the United Nations as a backdrop to theatrically remind people of her foreign policy gravitas, Hillary Clinton held what the UN referred to as a press "encounter" in front of the UN Security Council today. Hillary repeated over and over again her well-rehearsed talking points regarding the private e-mail account she used during her tenure as Secretary of State. Figuring that it is better to beg for forgiveness rather than refrain from doing something that could later be considered wrong-doing, Hillary said that "looking back" she now thinks it would have been better if she had used one device connected to the official government e-mail account and a separate separate device connected to her own personal e-mail system.
- Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Using "safety" to break a nation

Lulling Americans into believing that government can provide a safety net for everything from stocking a pantry and providing healthcare, to preventing administrative offices from "shutting-down," boosting the stock market and de-stressing the environment through regulating virtually every activity, results in an opposite effect... It destabilizes the economy.
- Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Hydro One Sale Smoke Screen for Cash Grab

QUEEN’S PARK – One-time asset sales will be used by the Wynne Liberals to create the false perception they’re making fiscal progress, Ontario PC Finance Critic Vic Fedeli charged today.
- Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Romanian Tradition of “Mucenici”

The celebration of spring in Romania starts on March 9 through April 23. It coincides with the Orthodox tradition honoring the forty martyred Saints (Mucenici) at Lake Sevastia. The forty Saints were Christian soldiers employed by the pagan Roman Emperor Licinius around 320 A.D. The governor of Armenia, Agricola, who found out about their faith, forced them to pray to his pagan gods. Because they refused and did not give up their Christian faith, the forty soldiers were jailed for eight days, stoned, and finally sentenced to death by freezing in Lake Sevastia.
- Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Victory! ATF Pulls Proposed Ammo Ban, But Fight Not Over

BELLEVUE, WA – While overwhelming public pressure has suddenly caused the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to postpone action on a proposed ban on M855 ammunition for modern sport-utility rifles, the Second Amendment Foundation said the battle is not over in defense of firearms rights.
- Tuesday, March 10, 2015
