
Court of Appeals restores Wisconsin's voter ID law

The justice system in MJ's home state of Wisconsin is awfully twisted. Not only do county prosecutors conduct baseless investigations against Gov. Scott Walker and his supporters just because he is a Republican and they don't like him, but now we have a Clinton-appointed federal judge from the state taking the liberty of striking down the state's voter ID law simply because that is what Democrats are expected to do.
- Monday, September 22, 2014

Liberty Counsel Defends Church’s Rights in Amicus Brief

Washington, DC— The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco decided a Freedom of Speech case using subjective legislative motive rather than the facts in the case, Liberty Counsel told the Supreme Court in an amicus brief today. Later this year, the Supreme Court will hear Reed. v. Town of Gilbert, a First Amendment challenge from Good News Community Church, which was denied the right to advertise its church like other businesses or political candidates.
- Monday, September 22, 2014


Mondays suck. Over the weekend we see a dearth of reportable, recordable information occurring because legislators and civic leaders go to the house and start sipping on a cold one. The other problem to consider is this is the day when these nimrods return to work gumming up the process and trying like the dickens to maintain their cushy jobs doing no more than talking to each other, posturing before microphones and in general being of little to no good to the people paying their exorbitant salaries.
- Monday, September 22, 2014

The Most Futile March Ever

Street marches today are to real politics what street mime is to Shakespeare. This was an ersatz event: no laws will change, no political balance will tip, no UN delegate will have a change of heart. The world will roll on as if this march had never happened. And the marchers would have emitted less carbon and done more good for the world if they had all stayed home and studied books on economics, politics, science, religion and law. Marches like this create an illusion of politics and an illusion of meaningful activity to fill the void of postmodern life; the tribal ritual matters more than the political result. --Walter Russell Mead, The American Interest, 21 September 2014
- Monday, September 22, 2014

In the dark of night remember to pray for America

In the dark of night remember to pray for America
At the end of each day as we lie abed each and every night there is something many of us forget to do. That something forgotten is to pray for America. In the vale of tears that life on earth is and has always been; in the misery that Marxism continues to spread among vulnerable masses, we pray for family members and friends who have fallen ill. We pray our job will be there for the foreseeable future, and even that we can somehow make this month’s rent or mortgage.
- Monday, September 22, 2014

NIH Makes Monkey’s Uncles Out of Taxpayers

The National Institutes of Health has billions of tax dollars to give away each year in the form of research grants. I’m sure that senior bureaucrats have the really famous diseases and maladies already booked up.
- Monday, September 22, 2014

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Wants To Jail His Political Opponents

New York City – Environmental activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. lamented that there were no current laws on the books to punish global warming skeptics. . “I wish there were a law you could punish them with. I don’t think there is a law that you can punish those politicians under,” Kennedy told Climate Depot in a one-on-one interview during the People’s Climate March. The interiew was conducted for the upcoming documentary Climate Hustle.
- Monday, September 22, 2014

Hit’s De Principle

My mentor and boyhood best friend, Jaybird, believed God watches how His children spend money. “The Lawd give us de know-how to make a dollar,” he’d say. “Thass a gift; when we misuse dat gift by wasting money, hit’s lak tellin’ Him we don’t ’preciate de gift, which makes Him powerful mad, and He takes dat gift back.”
- Monday, September 22, 2014

The passing of an icon

King: The passing of an icon
King, whose real-life image exists as the readily recognizable icon for our pursuit of the unbiased and unfiltered truth in radio and print, fought valiantly against his cancer and nearly debilitating arthritis like no other canine and few humans I have ever known. Last Saturday afternoon during early autumn like conditions, King lost his courageous battle with this hideous disease. But as strong-willed as he was in life, so too was he in death, for he seemed to die on his own terms, at the time and place of his choosing, with my wife and me at his side.
- Monday, September 22, 2014

Blathering Eco-Intellectuals

I confess I have always been wary of intellectuals. They love arcane theories that often have little to do with real life and this is particularly true of eco-intellectuals who have embraced a panoply of lies and claims about the “environment”, “fossil fuels”, “sustainability”, and other notions that permit them to bloviate without once addressing reality.
- Monday, September 22, 2014

The church of Obama has us pay for our sins

Our nation's law enforcement system is being molded into a system of institutional injustice, where a desired political outcome supersedes individual rights, our Constitution and our laws. Under the new rules, being put into practice by our nation’s executive branch, voter fraud should not be controlled, because poll taxes used to exist, organizations dedicated to Constitutional government and responsible spending are to be treated like enemies of society because they are a threat to the political establishment.
- Monday, September 22, 2014

Constitution Day Passes Without Notice

Constitution Day Passes Without Notice
Oh, Well… Constitution Day has come and gone and not surprisingly, hardly anyone noticed. The Constitution has become irrelevant to all but a few endangered Republicans on Capitol Hill, and is totally ignored or twisted beyond recognition by all - repeat, all – Democrats. This, of course, includes all the members, young and old, of the Ministry of Leftist Propaganda, aka, the “mainstream” media.
- Monday, September 22, 2014

More Abject Failure from Koskinen's IRS

More Abject Failure from Koskinen's IRS
John Koskinen has failed the IRS and the American people. IRS Commissioner John Koskinen testified last week about the missing emails lost forever due to computer failures. When questioned about any more crashes or computer issues recently, Koskinen told the House Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee that “Hard drive crashes continue as we speak.”
- Monday, September 22, 2014

‘Life should be measured in moments, not minutes’

As MSC say ... life should be measured in moments, not minutes, and my first moment on Preziosa was just one of many on this spectacular cruise ship. Having just boarded we headed for deck 14 and a special ‘welcome onboard’ buffet lunch. Spoilt for choice food wise this beautiful restaurant offers wonderful views ... and what a view greeted us, looking out over the rooftops of Venice and the wealth of artistic and architectural gems that make up this city. Several hours later we were to set sail past St Mark’s Square ... Venice must surely be one of the most iconic ports to start a cruise.
- Monday, September 22, 2014

What really drives anti-fracking zealots?

Recent news stories underscore the tremendous benefits brought by America's fracking revolution.
  • The shale oil production boom could boost US crude production to 9.5 million barrels of oil per day (bopd) next year, reducing America's crude oil imports to 21% of domestic demand, the lowest level since 1968. Output from fracked wells represents 43% of all US oil production and 67% of natural gas production; "frack oil" could hit 10 million bopd by 2016, the Energy Information Administration says.
- Monday, September 22, 2014

Fear of shutdown politics prompts House to surrender to Harry Reid yet again

If you were scared to death about the possibility that the government might shut down at some point before the end of the year, I guess you can start celebrating. The House has passed the latest in a series of continuing resolutions that are not really budgets, but authorize the spending of money necessary to fund the operation of the government through the end of the year.
- Monday, September 22, 2014
