
Waiting for Josh Earnest to interpret the President

In evidence of his lack of consultation with his advisers, President Obama stated on Thursday, August 28 that, "we don't have a strategy, yet" in regard to the growing international threat of the genocidal terrorists who call themselves the Islamic State.
- Monday, September 8, 2014

Obama will wait until after the election to illegally change immigration policy

Apparently Barack Obama no longer even feels the need to pretend he is governing. Granted, it’s been a while since anyone was fooled on that score, but you’re getting pretty blatant when you go ahead and announce that your latest plan to abuse your power for political gain is going to have to wait until after the election.
- Monday, September 8, 2014

Alberta Isn't Warming

With Jim Prentice easily winning the leadership of Alberta's Progressive Conservative Party on Saturday, he becomes the premier of one of the most valuable pieces of real estate on the planet. And since the value lies in oil -- Alberta's environmental policies will be back on the agenda front and center as the environmental activists will try to impose further rent-seeking activities on a historically unprincipled party. For several decades, Alberta has been slipping further into political correctness and unbridled liberalism.
- Monday, September 8, 2014

Yes, I Blame White Liberals

A white teacher said he routinely overhears vulgar and racist comments from students at an all black high school. I blame the black youth's negative mindset on blacks in the civil rights exploitation business and white liberals with their stomach-turning bigotry of lowered expectations.
- Sunday, September 7, 2014

Executive Order Amnesty

It is believed that President Obama will sign an executive order giving some sort of amnesty but not until after the November election.
- Sunday, September 7, 2014

From 1600 T0 400 Calories in 40,000 Years!

How can we help to improve the health care system in this country? Politicians and others continue to debate this issue. They always conclude that more money is the answer. But this approach is doomed to failure. How can it work when it’s taken 40,000 years for humans to get into such horrible shape? How did it happen? And is there a solution?
- Sunday, September 7, 2014

The New-Old Palestinian Initiative to Establish a State

By presenting his new three-stage process toward the establishment of a Palestinian state, PA President Mahmoud Abbas is now trying to maneuver amid the complex circumstances in which he finds himself: the renewed call for negotiations with Israel in the first stage is designed to twist Hamas’ arm, contain intra-Palestinian tensions, and influence the US mediator, whereas promoting the idea of joining international institutions and threatening to take Israel to court stem in part from the lack of domestic legitimacy to negotiate with Israel. • To the extent that the Abbas-led initiative gathers momentum, Israel will in the next few months be left with a difficult starting position for political moves, both vis-à-vis the Palestinians and the international community. Therefore, an Israeli initiative that manages to convey a drive to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict based on a responsible, long term, sober view of Israel’s vital national interests could well balance the scales in advance of the coming political rounds.
- Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Right to Resist Evil Leaders--The Christian History

In this continuing study of the Right of Resistance against unjust authority, we now turn from the Continent, and the Lutheran and Huguenot stories, and examine the U.K.'s additions. Given the times, and the fact that Europe arose and distinguished itself from Christian origins, it is unsurprising that the Right of Resistance would be justified by biblical arguments. Yet, all these arguments were buttressed by appeals to history, ancient societies, Roman law, and logical propositions.
- Sunday, September 7, 2014

NATO Wales Summit , a reality TV Show Starring Western Leaders

President Barack Obama, Prime Minister David Cameron and all go-along-to-get-along NATO nations delivered their first reality TV show on the real life terror of ISIS from Cardiff, Wales. At no other time in NATO history, has the difference between the glass-clinking global elite and the imperiled-by-their-own-governments common man been more glaring.
- Sunday, September 7, 2014

An Economist's Bad Climate Advice

An Economist's Bad Climate Advice
If I need my car repaired, I do not take it to a dentist. If I am seeking advice about the climate I check out what climatologists and meteorologists are saying, at least those who have not sold their souls to the global warming/climate change hoax.
- Sunday, September 7, 2014

Obama Blames GOP for “Politicizing” Illegal Issue; Delays Action Until After Elections!

Just when it seemed that Barack Obama could go no lower in his assault on American sovereignty, the US Constitution, established rule of law, and good old-fashioned common sense, he managed to pull a whopper on the illegal alien issue, a move which has infuriated racists who believe that the Constitution does not, or should not, apply to Hispanics.
- Sunday, September 7, 2014

Progressive RINO Establishment Losers

What is up with the ubiquitous Mitt? He's flitting about--as would any public office aspirant trying to gain voter interest in their candidacy--making the scene on radio and T.V., while enthusiastically endorsing the go-along-to-get-along hack candidates backed by the Progressive RINO Establishment; champions of crony capitalism, electoral criminality (remember Mississippi), and fraternal loyalty to the ruling class: still neglecting to embrace a concise articulation of the Constitutional Conservatism they rightly view as a threat to their established Inside-Beltway political racket pecking order.
- Sunday, September 7, 2014

National Wall of Debt

National Wall of Debt, spending, taxes, borrowing, deficits
At the end of this month (September 2014), the "wall of debt" will be 24.5 feet tall. I have written about the ever increasing height of the wall of debt. (You can get the basis for the calculations on my blog entry in June 2011 "The 20' Wall of Debt".)
- Sunday, September 7, 2014

Unsung Benghazi Heroes

Unsung Benghazi Heroes, Tale of the six Annex Security Team: 13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened in Benghazi
"Five minutes, we're ready. It was thumbs up, thumbs up, we're ready to go." Kris "Tanto" Paronto, member of the six man Annex Security Team in Benghazi on 9/11/12 After a delay of nearly 30 minutes, the security team headed to the besieged consulate without orders. They asked their CIA superiors to call for armed air support, which never came.
- Saturday, September 6, 2014

Who does President Obama believe is the real enemy? ISIL? Americans? Muslims? Christians?

Who does President Obama believe is the real enemy? ISIL? Americans? Muslims? Christians?
Since 2008, we have been told that President Obama is Christian. However, are these assertions true? Gallup polls since 2008 have shown that fewer and fewer Americans believe he is actually Christian. As a matter of fact, President Obama's approval ratings are and have remained the highest among Muslims than any other group in the United States.
- Saturday, September 6, 2014

The Bundy Affair - Answering the Most Common Question

One question that is often asked of me, when the discussion involves the Bundy Affair, is, "Was Cliven Bundy in charge of the militia?" Though it has been addressed, to some degree, in my previous writings on the incident in Nevada, many still have not grasped it.
- Saturday, September 6, 2014

The Enterprise Of Maligning Enterprise (And The Clergy Who Make Matters Worse)

"MCDonalds Mcdonalds, can't you see...Seven-forty is not for me..." The chant, recited through a megaphone, was being led by a man identified as a Christian Pastor ("Reverend Charles" we'll call him), near a McDonalds restaurant in Detroit last week. Dozens of people in the parking lot uttered the chant with him, as the crowd sought to malign McDonalds restaurants while at the same time demanding a $15.00 per hour wage.
- Saturday, September 6, 2014

Obama’s schedule, rhetoric belie world realities

Meetings, meetings meetings. You can tell a lot about a person from his appointment book, and that’s certainly true of our president this week. Meeting with Democratic supporters in Wisconsin one day and world leaders in Europe just a few days later, President Obama told us all we need to know about his administration’s shortcomings, in both foreign and domestic policy.
- Saturday, September 6, 2014

Obama mouthpieces, Media Puppets

While we are keeping an eye in the threat from ISIL, thanks to the Obama mouthpieces in the form of government spokespeople and media puppets, some really important issues are not getting the attention they deserve.
- Saturday, September 6, 2014
