
Four years to find favourite artist

It took four years for a couple to track down their favourite artist after the art gallery where they first saw her work closed.
- Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Top 10 Israeli advances in autism

In recent years Israel has become a major hub for studies on autism, a neurodevelopmental disorder that is today the second most prevalent among children.
- Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Ottawa's Swelling Hidden Pension Deficit Adds $120 Billion to Federal Debt

TORONTO, - Ottawa's unfunded liabilities for employee pension plans rose to $272 billion in 2013, far larger than reported, according to a new C.D. Howe Institute study. In "Ottawa's Hidden Deficit: The Widening Gap between Federal Government Pension Liabilities and Assets," authors William B.P. Robson and Alex Laurin find the value of federal employee pension promises is much larger than shown on the books, and still growing.
- Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Teachers Breaking The Law Over Climate Change Bias, Education Department Says

A spokesman for Michael Gove has said that teachers who do not offer a balanced view on issues like climate change are breaking the law. The Department for Education's comments came after a report from The Global Warming Policy Foundation raised serious concerns about the lack of balance in British classrooms. The Secretary of State for Education's Spokesman said: “The Secretary of State read this report with concern. Schools should not teach that a particular political or ideological point of view is right – indeed it is against the law for them to do so. Great care should be exercised to make sure information provided to students is scientifically rigorous. It is important that any material used in the classroom is rooted in science, not driven by the aims of a campaign.” --Andre Walker, Breitbart London, 8 April 2014
- Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Relax, everybody, the Democrats just mispoke

"If I said 77 cents was equal pay for equal work, then I completely misspoke,” said White House economic advisor Betsey Stevenson. “So let me just apologize and say that I certainly wouldn’t have meant to say that.”
- Wednesday, April 9, 2014

OHIO and beyond, pushes back on LEEDCo’s assertion that its offshore project is environmentally benign

This week, hundreds of protesting individuals and groups, memberships numbering in the tens of thousands, took Dr. Paul Kerlinger and Associates, the lead “environmental” authority on the LEEDCo project, to task. Kerlinger’s claims that there would be no “significant biological damage” resulting from the 6-9 industrial wind turbine project, about 4-6 miles off the shores of Cleveland, provided a red flag for opponents of the project, who see that this ornithologist has long associated himself with the industry itself, providing testimony for developers from many parts US and Canada, as well as in China and Europe.
- Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Will IRS Targeting Send Someone to Jail?

It’s time to talk tough on the IRS—after all, it’s tax season. But the sad reality is, the investigation of the agency’s targeting of conservative groups has gone nowhere.
- Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Gallup: Only half the number Obama's touting have gained health insurance

When President Obama goes around talking about 7.1 million people signing up for ObamaCare, you have to remember he's doing that because the administration established 7 million many months ago as the must-have number that would make it plausible for ObamaCare to work. It looked for months like they weren't going to get anywhere near that, and that prompted the all out marketing blitz that at least they claim got them over the bare minimum hump.
- Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A Climate Change Nazi in Ireland

One of the delightful things about the global warming advocates is that they all seem to be on the same page, changing their arguments in synch so as to move the conversation into a different place. It’s so Orwellian, and I hate to keep using the same reference, but there just isn’t a better one.
- Wednesday, April 9, 2014

'Gender Gap' Fraud Backfires on Obama

Yesterday, a president apparently oblivious to his own hypocrisy teamed up with a Democratic Party eager to push the lie of the "gender gap" and agitate against sexist America.
- Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Islam Is What Happens When Civilization Loses

Saudi Arabia and Qatar aren't talking to each other. Syria and Turkey are shooting at each other. Not only are the Shiites and Sunnis killing each other in Syria, but the Sunni groups have been killing each other for some time now. There are even two or three Al Qaedas fighting each other over which of them is the real Al Qaeda while, occasionally, denying that they are the real Al Qaeda.
- Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Barbara Bush Got It Right: Jeb Bush Should NOT Run!

GW Bush, the last of the Bush clan to occupy the Oval Office did considerable damage to the culture and sovereignty of America with his adamant refusal to enforce the nation’s borders and immigration laws. In fact, so short-sighted was Bush-43 that, even after the Islamic terrorist attack of 9/11, he blithely refused to take control of the US borders, preferring instead to pursue the odd view that illegal aliens are generally “good-hearted, hard working” amigos whom should be welcomed, rather than deported, notwithstanding the rule of law and well being of US citizens.
- Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The REAL Americans Begin to Fight Back to Re-Claim Our Country

Just recently while I was gathering notes here and there in an effort to truthfully inform my readers of what is happening to our beloved country and not the ruinous, distortioning terms of the far left; I mean VERY FAR LEFT; I came upon an online column by Larry Kudlow for MoneyNewss.com, published on April 04, 2014, titled, "Charles Koch Fights Back" and it struck me that everything that I had been seeking was staring straight at me.
- Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Dinosaur Exhibit Will Close for Five Years

The National Fossil Hall at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History will receive its “first nearly-complete” T. Rex specimen on April 15, 2014 during a live webcast ceremony. The Fossil Hall will close its doors on April 28, 2014 to undergo “the largest and most complex renovation” which will last five years. When the National Fossil Hall reopens in 2019, the dinosaur will become the centerpiece of the newly renovated museum.
- Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Is Lying About Climate Change Okay?

Is Lying About Climate Change Okay
Those of us who have chronicled the global warming hoax, now called “climate change”, know that it is based on decades of lies about carbon dioxide and other “greenhouse gas” with predictions that the Earth will heat up and cause massive problems unless those emissions are drastically reduced by not using coal, oil and natural gas.
- Tuesday, April 8, 2014
