
Obama and His Healthcare Bill:

A Blessing In Disguise for the Democrat Party Demise

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By Lisa Richards —— Bio and Archives March 28, 2010

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Americans will be convinced they will never worry about health again; Americans will be influenced into believing medical treatment is now free of charge and no American will ever suffer needlessly without medical treatment. Americans have been told by Barry Obama that healthcare is “the core principle that everybody should have some basic security when it comes to their health care.” Essentially Obama claims healthcare is a constitutional right despite the fact it is not. Soon everyone will find out just how many rights they have lost under Barry Obama and the Democrat Party.
Fear, not, all will have the privilege of being socially justified. On March 23, 2010, Obama declared: “Today we are affirming that essential truth, a truth every generation is called to rediscover for itself, that we are not a nation that scales back its aspirations.” That claim is true: America does not “scale back” on individual “aspirations,” the Founders believed all are capable of working to achieve personal dreams without government scaling back natural liberties. Obama however did exactly that by signing a socialist bill forcing Americans into compliance or face fines for continuing to live as free-thinking individuals with personal ambitions. The Messiah declared: we Americans wonder “…if there are limits to what we as a people can still achieve,” claiming the massive healthcare bill will help Americans achieve freedom because “we are a nation that does what is hard, what is necessary, what is right... [and the healthcare bill represents the] “...core principle that everybody should have some basic security when it comes to their healthcare.” Again, healthcare is not a constitutional right; the security provided in the Constitution is liberty, providing all to achieve their dreams individually. The Constitution does not provide social equality. America is not the EU; America is a free-market society of character choice, not government collectivism. Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution will Americans find rights to healthcare, education, and jobs, those particular privileges fall under the Constitution’s preamble that states “We the people of the United States…secure (make safe, are assured) the Blessings of Liberty (independence) to ourselves and our Posterity (future generations)…” Obama announced: “After a century of striving, after a year of debate, after a historic vote, health care reform is no longer an unmet promise, it is the law of the land.” Not according to Article III Section. 2. “The judicial Power shall extend (reach and offer) to all Cases, in Law and Equity (evenhandedness, fair play), arising under this Constitution…” Nowhere in Article I does the legislature have the power to make or mandate healthcare provisions, nor is healthcare a law under Article I. or right in any Constitutional Amendment. Americans are free to choose their own way, even if they go broke doing so. Americans have, under the First Amendment, rights to Free Speech, giving all right to say NO to healthcare, as well as rights “to petition the Government for a redress of grievances,” i.e., demand reparations to the objections and unfair treatment and unjust damages the legislature and president have executed and must, under Constitutional law, rectify. As a result, trail lawsuits are beginning, challenging the bill, that 49% of the people of Iowa alone, have demanded be removed. 13 GOP State Attorney Generals have filed lawsuits against Obama’s heavy handedness that broke Amendment IV: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated…” Obamacare is unconstitutional, mandating all Americans be forced to purchase healthcare or face heavy fines enforced by 16,000 soon-to-be-hired IRS (another illegal law office) agents, who, under the bill, are to keep tabs every American. Joseph Stalin would have loved America. The healthcare bill contains so many pages; the President of the United States admitted to Fox News’s Brett Baier: he does not know everything contained in his bill. “[B]y the time the vote has taken place, not only I will know what’s in it [the bill], you’ll [Brett Baier] know what’s in it because it’s going to be posted and everybody’s going to be able to able to evaluate it on the merits.” Knowing the president has no clue about his own policies and bills makesme feel very secure in my person. Obama told Baier “I don’t spend a lot of time worrying about what the procedural rules are in the House or the Senate.” The American people do, and they want their Life, Liberty, and their individual, promised Pursuit of Happiness, not denied as Obama and the Democrats have done. According to Barry Obama, Americans with medical Preconditions will receive treatment under Obamacare. A precondition technically means qualification, so unless one is eligible for medical attention, entitled to receive medical attention can be denied. Those over 65 certainly do not “qualify.” They are too old and unfit to meet Obamcare’s criterion of a satisfactory healthy age: young. A fetus however is too young. After signing the bill, Obama slapped the American people and his opponents by declaring Republicans are “still making a lot of noise” over the bill: “I heard one of the Republican leaders say this was going to be Armageddon. Well, two months from now, six months from now, you can check it out. We’ll look around and we’ll see.” Obama knows he will most likely be voted out of office in 2012, never seeing a second term, therefore, it was necessary to enact a weapon of law against the people, fundamentally changing the face of the nation into socialism before November elections. The Messiah is not blind or ignorant, he knows every law placed inside his bill he fought the majority of the people over for one year; Obama put up enormous, egotistical unconstitutional fights against the people’s will and their First, IV and IX Amendment Rights. Obama has proved he lacks all care and concern for America, and the feelings, opinions, and will of self-governed voters, who, have the power to elect and remove every unfit leader from power. Enacting legislation against the wishes of the people forces Americans to get even: taking leaders down through the voting system the Founders provided as a weapon against government attempting tyrannical acts. This present administration, as well as the Democrat Party and the GOP RINO’s, have taken constitutional liberties, using them against Americans for power. The people have awakened and will get even in November. Obamacare may be signed into law, but this is the end of the Democrat Party. November will see the removal of modern-day Democrat autocrats who abused leadership for life-term power. So yes Barry, we shall see a battle of voting force, judging Democrats with a Revelation: the end of their modern-day party. Lisa Richards (lisa-richards.com) lisa-richards@lisa-richards.com

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