
Chavez, OPEC oil at $300/barrel

America’s Economic Demolition ... Through Oil Implosion

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By Jean Valjean Vandruff —— Bio and Archives July 20, 2008

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We’re exactly where they want us, where they’ve been maneuvering us for decades.
They’ve been clear about their desire to increase the price of gasoline so high it would drive SUVs and other oil/gas guzzlers off the streets – while doubling tax revenues – using global warming as their means of deception. Achieving power over the masses, and unbelievable wealth, Al Gore and his panic-cronies will not debate real Climatologists and other professionals, because they know their claims are fraudulent. Their strategy of creating an energy shortage by shutting down American drilling and oil refining facilities for the past 25 years has been successful and the American economy is sliding into a painful recession with gas at over $4.50 per gallon (Calif.) and continuing to climb with no end in sight. Chavez, in Venezuela, and OPEC anticipate that oil will reach $300 a barrel, and liberals will not allow us to do anything to stop it from happening. Those “Evil” public-owned oil companies – liberals are suing them – have tried to save us, as they were forced to purchase over 70% of our needs from foreigners, mostly from Muslims who demand we convert, or die. But why die quickly when they can keep us in self-imposed bondage of extortion oil costs. Let’s face the truth, oil is the life-blood of America, not only powering cars, trucks, trains, aircraft and a primary fuel for electrical generation, but for asphalt paving of highways and streets, for roofing, heating oil and propane, for almost all plastics, for synthetic fabrics, solvents, lubricants and many other needs. Oil shortage effects everything, destroying the value of the dollar here and worldwide, our economy, our way of life. Doubling the price of fuel creates inflation as farmers, commuters. truckers, airlines, everyone must add on the extra cost. Our liberal congress is oblivious though. Stimulus-rebates are for one purpose only, to delay this energy-recession until after the election. Then it will be too late to make the essential political changes. Surprise: The recession is moving faster than anticipated, so they are considering a quick 2nd rebate. How sweet of them! And they continue to vociferously oppose the obvious solutions. It’s unreal! The Democratic Party and environmentalists have America’s head in a noose, and the rope is being pulled tighter and tighter over the limb of socialist POWER. This is not a mistake, it is not a blunder, it is intentional. Our present plight in America is precisely as planned. They don’t want to solve the problem ... no drilling, expansion of refining facilities, or building nuclear reactors. They keep saying, “Let oil companies drill in areas that we have designated.” Cunning, they know there is no oil there, and the oil companies would only waste their assets in such foolishness. Holding to liberal agenda, they will not allow drilling where we know there are vast supplies, most of it being on government-owned lands and offshore under governmental restrictions. They have a consuming obsession for self-empowerment and enslaving others to their all-powerful government. They simply tell us to tighten the purse strings and live more meagerly ... meaning, like Mexico and other 3rd world nations. It is amazing to see how they deceive Americans with their wind turbines, solar power, and most recently methanol. All are undependable, a farce! Wind turbines with their 3 skinny blades – that were designed for high rotational speed, as on an airplane – that capture less than 10% of the wind energy that passes through their ‘circle of influence’ and non-operational when the wind dies down; solar cells that are inoperative all night and operate poorly in cloudy or rainy weather; methanol made from corn, depends on weather, and millions of acres have just been destroyed in the floods. It deprives us of this nutritious food for humanity, for livestock (milk and meat), and for poultry (meat and eggs). Also, massive government subsidized planting of corn for methanol has replaced wheat, rice, other grains, and vegetables. These foolish energy solutions are from the same lame-brains as “midnight basketball to solve the crime problem” and “home loans for credit risks and shysters.” Liberalism has been a disaster, worldwide, yet America still embraces it! Please pardon expressing it in such a brutally frank manner, but the ignorance and idiocy shown by liberalism in the ‘Information Age’ is mind-boggling; but if you think it’s bad now, wait a few months until after the 2008 election and America elects Obama as its president. The domestic enemies of freedom and prosperity will then be able to pull out all the stops, and with complete control of judicial appointments, they will be able to do whatever they desire, including the imposition of martial law to nullify any physical or armed resistance – if it comes to that. Few seem to realize the peril of our nation, from the corrupt and foolish thinking of liberalism that fights God and His wisdom expressed in the Ten Commandments. Liberalism is gleeful as it casts out God, righteousness, and prosperity, imposing gun controls, homosexuality, open borders with amnesty, animal rights, murder of 45-million babies, more government bondage, and on and on. A return to the Lord’s blessings – In God We Trust – is America’s salvation. And vote them out of office! jvvandruff@sbcglobal.net

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