
Same Song, Third Verse: What can be done to limit what is sure to be an all-out effort by the Democrats to use voter fraud in the upcoming mid-term election?

Another Voter Fraud Warning

Stan McHugh image

By —— Bio and Archives July 4, 2018

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Another Voter Fraud Warning In the past, Canada Free Press has published two of the author's articles (Combating Voter Fraud 2010 and Combating Voter Fraud 2016) on the subject of Voter Fraud by Democrats. Although we all know that it exists, for some reason, it does not receive the attention and concern that the author, obviously, believes it should. Perhaps this lack of concern can be explained by the mistaken belief that voter fraud primarily affects local elections and the various local areas in which it occurs. History has proven otherwise as in the 1960 presidential election between Richard M. Nixon and John F. Kennedy.

1960 General election: Kennedy vs. Nixon

Going in to the 1960 General election, both Parties recognized the outcome would likely be very close. As the retired commander of the Allied Forces that defeated Hitler's armies in Western Europe, Dwight Eisenhower had been a popular President, holding the office for two terms with Nixon as his Vice President. Nixon and Kennedy were experienced politicians and both had served in the Senate and House for their respective States and districts. Nixon had encountered some missteps as Vice President and Kennedy's Roman Catholicism was, at that time, a concern for a number of Protestant voters. As a result, neither candidate held any real lead over the other. With the anticipated closeness of the race the Democrats knew that to win, they had to take both Texas and Illinois. In order to take Texas, the Democrats nominated Texas Senator, Lyndon Johnson as their Vice Presidential candidate. Johnson's history of voter fraud in Texas was legendary and documented but probably did not play a major role in the winning of what was then, a predominately Democrat state. The taking of Illinois would not prove as easy. As is still the case, in 1960 Cook County, where Chicago is located, was strongly Democrat while the rest of the State, then referred to as "downstate", was strongly Republican. Although no longer true today, the overall statewide voter split between the Parties was then fairly even with a slight Republican "downstate" advantage over Democrat Cook County, a fact of which Richard J. Daley, Chicago's Mayor, was well aware. In addition to being mayor of Chicago, Daley also held the position of Democrat Party Chairman for Cook County and, holding those two powerful positions as he did, it fell to Daley to bring home a win for John Kennedy.
For hours following the election and the counting of the Cook County votes, Daley refused to release any of the Cook County returns to the media and public as he waited for the returns from "downstate" to be counted and posted. Once posted, those returns showed Daley that Nixon held a sufficient lead over Kennedy to offset the actual Cook County Democrat vote. However, only Daley and his key staff knew the real Cook County returns and, therefore, knew just how many fraudulent votes would be needed to offset the "downstate" returns. Daley had his minions "stuff" enough Cook County ballot boxes with fraudulent ballots (voting, in 1960 was still being done on paper ballots) to offset Nixon's win. Democrat voter fraud carried Illinois for Kennedy thus putting him in the White House instead of Nixon the actual winner of the state and the Presidency. This Illinois example provides one historic reference of how Democrat voter fraud in a single county in a single state changed the outcome of a Presidential Election and with it the course of history. As President, Kennedy was personally popular but made some mistakes such as expanding the American involvement in Viet Nam. Obviously we can never know if Nixon would have made the same mistake as Kennedy regarding Viet Nam. We do know that our involvement there started with Eisenhower, was expanded by Kennedy then turned into a major war by Johnson resulting in over 58,000 Americans killed and our first, and only, war lost. We also know that Kennedy's assassination put one of the two worst presidents that America has ever had in the White House and that, had the election not been stolen for Kennedy, Johnson would not have been Vice President and in position to become President as he did. To many readers this may seem a page out of history and, as such, of little concern today. Just the opposite is true as Democrat voter fraud has, without question, grown and become more sophisticated since 1960. "Early Voting", "Mail in Ballots", so called "Motor Voter" provisions, resistance to meaningful voter identification and now opening our borders to illegal immigration are all 100% Democrat schemes created for the single purpose of making voter fraud easier to accomplish. Today, voter fraud is alive, well, growing and is practiced regularly by the Democrat Party. It will be used this fall in an attempt to cripple and reduce the effectiveness of the Trump Presidency if not end it outright.

President Trump has been the greatest weapon against big government that we have had since President Reagan. So far he has probably been even more effective than Mr. Reagan was in his first one and one half years in office due to the fact that, as a political outsider, President Trump has few political connections and owes very few if any favors. He has shown that he is quite willing to reduce the size of government and block its further expansion. Crippling or ending the Trump Presidency would spell disaster to those of us who understand and support the Constitutional concept that limiting government is the only course that can protect the freedom and individual liberty that has made the USA the greatest country in history. Opposing that, the Democrat party has always existed with one goal above all others and that is the expansion of government to provide them with ever increasing POWER over the people. Are we willing to run the risk of allowing the Democrats to steal the power for which they so lust and destroy our freedom? Ever since late in the evening of November 8, 2016 when it became obvious that Hillary Clinton would not be the forty fifth President of the United States, the Democrat party has been absolutely rabid in their desire and efforts to destroy the Trump Presidency, regardless of the decision made by the American voters. The totally made up lie about Russian involvement in the election began even before Mr. Trump was inaugurated on January 20, 2017. Since that time cries for the impeachment of President Trump have been literally non-stop from numerous Democrats in both Houses of Congress. For any readers not fully familiar with the impeachment process, it takes place in two steps. Impeachment begins in the House of Representatives with a formal charge being brought by one or more Representatives claiming that a holder of Federal Office, such as the President, has committed "...Treason, Bribery or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." Following such a charge, for an impeachment to be declared it is then necessary that a majority of the House members present and voting vote to do so. Impeachment, itself, is similar to an indictment under criminal law and does not constitute any finding of guilt nor does it include removal from office. It does result in requiring a trial by the Senate where a two thirds majority vote by the Senators present and voting is required in order to convict and remove a President or any federal official from office.

Voter fraud in the upcoming election could easily impact the political split in the Senate

The question must be asked; is an impeachment of President Trump a possibility? Currently there are 235 Republicans and 193 Democrats in the House (along with 7 vacancies). Even if all seven vacancies are filled by Democrats, a numerical majority of 35 would still exist for the Republicans. So far that has proven a safe margin and made a majority vote for impeachment unlikely. However, given the continuous efforts of the "Never Trump" crowd or "RINOs" (Republicans in Name Only) to thwart President Trump and the will of the voters, it may not remain a certainty. It is a fact that in numerous cases over the past sixteen months, RINOs have either not voted in President Trump's favor or sided with the Democrats to vote against his various efforts to "Drain the Swamp" as the voters elected him to do. With the RINOs continuing to help the Democrats, it would not require that many currently Republican held House seats be stolen by voter fraud to provide that one vote margin necessary to effect an impeachment of a duly elected President. An impeachment trial in the Senate is a very different matter. The two thirds majority vote required for conviction is all but impossible to attain as history shows. Although in 1974 President Richard Nixon resigned from office rather than face impeachment and trial, in over 240 years no president has been removed from office through the impeachment process. Only Presidents Andrew Johnson in 1868 and Bill Clinton in 1998 were formally impeached by the House of Representatives and tried by the Senate. Both were found not guilty and neither removed from office. Voter fraud in the upcoming election could easily impact the political split in the Senate shifting a majority to the Democrats but, could it give them the two thirds majority necessary to convict President Trump and remove him from office? Currently there are forty seven Democrats, fifty one Republicans and two independents (that generally vote with the Democrats) in the Senate. This November nine seats, currently held by Republicans, are being contested along with thirty three Democrat held seats. Voter fraud could certainly give the Democrats a simple majority in the Senate should it assist them in holding their own in thirty three States and stealing just two of the nine Republican seats up for election. However, even winning or stealing all nine of the Republican seats, the split would still be fifty eight Democrat seats (including the two "Independents") and forty two Republican seats. That would leave the Democrats nine seats short of the sixty seven required for an impeachment conviction. Of course, that does not take into account the RINOs and as long as they are in the mix, real Republicans can ill afford to lose a single Senate seat through Democrat voter fraud.
Like the Republicans in 1998, the Democrats are certainly aware that a Senate conviction of a President Trump impeachment would be highly unlikely as was the case with President Clinton. What they know very well, though, is that the effectiveness of President Clinton was severely limited during the period of his impeachment trial which lasted over five weeks. The same loss of effectiveness would be true for President Trump should there be an impeachment and trial and that is definitely a major goal of both Democrats and RINOs. These two groups would certainly join forces to delay and extend such a trial as long as possible in order to limit President Trump's effectiveness for, what could well be, an indefinite period. This would prove a great "win" for them and an even greater "loss" for the citizens of the country. What can be done to limit what is sure to be an all-out effort by the Democrats to use voter fraud in the upcoming mid-term election? In the author's earlier articles it was suggested that the Republicans establish some sort of "bounty fund" to provide cash rewards for all "whistleblowers" that turn in Democrat operatives involved in voter fraud. In the author's opinion, this course of action would still have significant merit as it could turn the Democrat "followers" against the Democrat "leaders". However, perhaps a simpler approach would be for the Trump administration to go on record making it very clear that existing federal voter fraud laws will be enforced to the fullest extent and that all so indicted will, if convicted, spend considerable time in Federal prison and lose their voting rights for life. As a final consideration, what can individual readers do to help resist voter fraud? We can all write, email or call any and all Republican Senators and Congressmen, even including RINOs, and express your concerns in this matter. Please tell them that you know this problem is real and are counting on them to deal with immediately and effectively.

Stan McHugh -- Bio and Archives | Comments

Stan McHugh is a freelance writer.
