
The few good men and women within Congress need to take a leap of faith in separating themselves from those who are the embodiment of Satan

Are You a Traitor?

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By —— Bio and Archives August 8, 2013

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Are you a traitor? Do you plan on voting for an incumbent in Congress in 2014? If so, by voting to re-elect any of the traitors in Congress, aren’t you also an enabling traitor?
With every revelation of evil and act of fraud and malfeasance originating from within each of the major political parties inside the District of Corruption, not just during the last four and one-half years, but for decades, it is apparent that the vast majority of those who have sworn an oath to represent ‘we, the people’, have abandoned their duty. There has been a clandestine, undeclared war upon our constitutional republic from within, with the help of foreign influences, and we must move to prevent the total destruction of our blessed republic. The oath of office for the President: ‘I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of the President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States’ (emphasis added).
The oath of office for the Vice-President, a Senator, or a Representative is as follows: ‘I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, that I will take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation, or purpose of evasion, and I will well, and faithfully, discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter, so help me God’ (emphasis added). Only an anarchist and/or a lemming of the traitors inside the District of Corruption would posit that more than a woeful few, who have held, or now hold, any of the positions listed above, have adhered to their oath of office for several decades. It appears that we have a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah in our midst, with the Democrats representing Sodom and the Republicans representing Gomorrah. There is little evidence that even ten (10) righteous people are among those who comprise our elected Federal officials. ‘We, the people’ need to rain down the burning sulfur of voting out the depraved individuals who view themselves as a form of royalty, living off of the toils of ‘we, the people’. Voting for an incumbent is akin to looking back, damning one’s self, and our blessed republic. Before someone goes off, saying there are a few good men and women worth saving, I agree. This acknowledged, we can no longer support the status quo regarding the co-joined parties terrorizing our republic. A genuine opposition party must be established to combat the tyranny and depravity practiced by the hood rats who have abandoned their oaths to us. As a new party, candidates must be fielded for all seats up for election in 2014! The few good men and women within Congress need to take a leap of faith in separating themselves from those who are the embodiment of Satan. We tend to become like those with whom we interact, so do anything less is an occasion of sin. It is also comparable to fearfully remaining within an abusive relationship. We need to think bolder, embracing the grace of God. The clock is ticking on each state’s Primary Election, which range from March 4th to September 16th (tentative), and we are less than fifteen months from the 2014 General Election, so time is of the essence. Common sense says that taking such drastic action is ill advised, and, with the traditional media under the influence of the globalist illuminati, the chances of fair elections and success are improbable. As such, we need politicians with the bravado of the Doolittle Raiders to lead us in this effort. If we don’t exterminate the vermin inside D. C., being an out-of-power, patriotic conservative within the Gutless Opposition party, is worthless! My questions to nay-saying patriots are, ‘How long are you willing to be abused by the heartless traitors atop the Gutless Opposition Party?’, and, ‘Isn’t hiding within a corrupted party being hypocritical of our faith in God?’ The list of attacks upon patriotic U. S. citizens, especially those of faith, is extensive and grows by the day. The Domestic Terrorist Profile has established invisible fences around, heretofore, patriotic citizens. The ‘Patient Abandonment & Un-Affordable Care Act, a/k/a ObamaCare, Dodd-Frank, the Fast & Furious and Benghazi cover-ups (among others), the abusive intrusion of citizen’s phone calls, emails, and use of social media, the targeting by the IRS of conservative organizations, the vicious, constitution circumvention by the EPA, the malicious deployment of biometrics, smart meters and Common Core, the recently stalled Blueways aggression, amnesty for those who have illegally breached our borders (with the illegal assistance of various government agencies at all levels of government) top the list of known offenses of the current regime, to date. Virtually every attack we face has its roots within the puppeteer-controlled, media suppressed U. N. Agenda 21/Sustainable Development assault. The two issues that pose the greatest immediate threats to our constitutional sovereignty and republic are amnesty and ObamaCare. Regarding amnesty, any fair-minded citizen welcomes legal immigration, but he/she balks at something as heinous as the government-engineered evisceration of our borders and the unlawful use of taxpayer money to fund a criminal enterprise. How can any Representative or Senator look a citizen in the eye and say he/she is representing the citizens of his/her district/state (not counting the wealthy and politically-connected), when he/she is providing preferential treatment to those who are here illegally, over the citizens of the United States? Amnesty goes beyond the obvious benefit of gifting voters to the Democrat cabal and cheap labor for wealthy business people. A key plank within Agenda 21 is to destroy our borders and to overwhelm the social and financial resources of the United States, bringing us to our knees, and paving the way for U. N. control of us as a satellite of a One-World-Government. In addressing ObamaCare, not defunding this excrement sandwich is treasonous. ObamaCare shouldn’t be delayed by a year; it must be snuffed out. It is equally heinous and traitorous for the President, VP, or any member of Congress, or members of his/her staff to accept a taxpayer-funded bailout, in the form of a waiver, for a problem that these hood rats have imposed upon the rest of the citizenry. Additionally, the state of Nebraska and all 1,700 politically connected entities that have received an exemption from ObamaCare must have their exemptions rescinded. If this is to be ‘universal healthcare’, then all of us should be universally miserable, and every exemption steals money needed for this monstrosity. Aren’t you eager to see the economy implode as premiums deliberately mushroom, while people earn less money because they work fewer hours, if they don’t lose their jobs? Members of Congress earn $174,000.00 per year (if not more, as Speaker of the House, etc.), benefit from insider trading, etc., yet they are being bailed out! This must not stand! How can anyone with a conscience vote for any incumbent, and not be accused of being a traitor? To add rock salt to an ever-growing wound, ‘Google’ ‘Special Health Care for Congress’. ABC News did a report on the ‘Office of the Attending Physician’ on September 30, 2009. This club is limited to members of Congress and the Supreme Court. Not all members of Congress and the Supreme Court are members of this exclusive club, but those who are members pay a whopping $503.00 … a year, for enviable and world-class healthcare! Can you guess who picks up the rest of the tab? If you said ‘the U. S. taxpayer’, you can go to the head of the class. For 2013, Congress appropriated $3,393,000.00, meaning they picked the pockets of the taxpayers for this largess, in addition to their ObamaCare bailout! With the odds so great against success in deposing the heartless and narcissistic royalty in Congress, the obvious first steps are to repent our sins, individually and collectively, and to embrace God’s divine intervention. We must come together as U. S. citizens to repel the traitors entrenched within our government. God does His most spectacular work when a situation appears to be hopeless. Unless you agree with subjugating our constitutional republic to the U. N., wouldn’t you agree that our current situation appears hopeless? God’s victory over Satan may not occur in our time, for, as a nation, we have offended God in many ways, but shouldn’t we act upon our faith in God, offering voters genuine alternatives to the puppeteer-controlled politicians who are deliberately destroying our republic, at the ‘behest’ of the globalist illuminati puppeteers? We need to act as free men and women to re-commit our nation to the will of God, in order to have a snowball’s chance in summer of being victorious against those who seek to enslave us, even kill us. May we find it within ourselves to act as free men and women, heeding God’s Ten Commandments, and restoring our republic as the home of unencumbered faith and freedoms. The first step is to be a patriot and not vote for an incumbent, unless he/she has broken free from the clutches of the rogue political parties destroying our cherished nation. May God continue to bless the United States of America!

A.J. Cameron -- Bio and Archives | Comments

A.J. Cameron was born in Kansas City, MO, and raised in Prairie Village, KS. He is a graduate of Rockhurst High School and University of Kansas, and is a the former president of the Native Sons & Daughters of Greater Kansas City. Having worked for international and local, start-up companies, A. J. brings a wide range of insight to many of the challenging issues of the day. A.J. seeks to engage readers on key issues with views grounded in time-tested principles and common sense.
