
Changes Always Precede Repression

Atheistic Coinage

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By Barry Napier —— Bio and Archives November 15, 2009

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Emails are going around the USA urging people not to accept the new dollar coins. This is because they have been pressed without the words “In God We Trust”. The idea is to boycott the coins so that government gets the message.
It is my view that anyone can express their opinions and beliefs, so long as they are not violent, wicked, pornographic or harmful to the vulnerable. But, I have one important proviso – they can say what they like so long as I have the same courtesy extended to myself. Today, governments and special interest groups don’t show this courtesy. Instead, they reject the idea violently and by law. This is a sure sign of people who have nothing useful to say and who fear public scrutiny. It is also a sure sign of fascism. It is why Obama, who claimed ‘transparent government’, is the least transparent president there has ever been. These people constantly rob us of choice, freedom of thought, and any way of checking what government does. This is because, instead of being the servants of the people, political figures have become our leaders. Instead of being representatives of our wishes, they do whatever they like as dictators. They do not follow our choices and needs – they impose their own worthless ideas without proper remit. And that gets my back up! A new kind of Euro coin has already been designed, and British coins are being planned minus the Queen’s head. So the USA is not alone – the change is part of a much broader movement.

The Hidden Plot

Flags in Europe already display the much-loathed European Union logo that already appears on car licence plates and, to my disgust, on my passport. Euro flags now typically replace British Union flags, whether or not the public want them… and usually they don’t. The EU moguls in Brussels have even redrawn the map of Europe, renaming countries as regions, and completely leaving out England altogether! The plot is well hidden, yet it is amazingly obvious and blatant! A major method used to enforce laws and actions people don’t want, is to alter words and symbols. Just alter meanings and the actual change will follow. In the matter of homosexuality, homosexual activists first changed meanings of words. But, this had to be accompanied by threats and violence to take real effect. In the space of a few short years, what was once regarded by psychiatry as a sign of mental imbalance became a mere alternative lifestyle! (Many psychiatrists still regard it as unbalanced, but are not allowed to say so). The signs and symptoms (the worst are rarely shown in public) remained the same, but the words changed. It is where that ridiculous word, ‘homophobia’ came from… and it really is ridiculous: coined by activists, it has itself changed meaning drastically over time. It was first used to mean ‘fear of homosexuality’. But, when that didn’t produce any interest, it was changed to mean ‘hatred for homosexuals’! And this really stupid meaning stuck, transferring itself to law. What was even more stupid, was that politicians accepted this shoddy piece of wordage. It doesn’t even make sense, because the actual Latin means ‘an irrational fear of mankind’!!

PC movement is like a societal cancer, eating at flesh, innards and mind

The whole PC movement is like a societal cancer, eating at flesh, innards and mind. One day it will eat at vital organs and arteries and we will all be dead. Yet, PC is as stupid as movements get, and it is led by academics. It does not really matter what the PC is PC about. What makes my neural pathways melt is that we are being forced to accept what is blatant nonsense. We have no say in the matter and no means to express our horror, dismay, or anger. We are told openly that we must like it or shut up! We may not challenge government, or academics, or anyone else who champions what is forlorn and beyond rational description. They can tell us anything they like and we must just bow our shoulders in obedience and take it on the chin. As with the environmental movement, the idea is very simple. It is a tactic of socialism. In other articles I have highlighted that western governments, almost without exception, are either Marxist or Fascist. Both are sides one and two of the same socialist coin. The changes in coinage are representative of this dynamic-duo, set to ruin societies everywhere. It is not the coin itself I object to but what is behind its change.

Atheists Get Their Way

The magic coin trick is only one weapon in the atheistic arsenal. Behind all socialist politics is a hatred for Christianity in particular, and all religious expressions. Stalin had a great time killing and imprisoning preachers and believers. He planted spies in churches, and generally wrought havoc. Hitler was more sophisticated; he allowed people of religion to stay alive so long as they shut up. But, he soon became discontented and put many of them in camps, except when the religion happened to be Judaism. We all know the atheistic activity towards this group of people. Nowadays, there is no sophistication. Socialists want to kill off Christianity and are using any means at its disposal to do it, most of it quite public. From minting God-less coins to getting memorial crosses taken down, and banning Christmas. That, however, is only the first stage! Schools are being targeted because kids are easy to manipulate. Teachers are becoming more Bolshy (literally) and anti-God, very rapidly. Colleges are denying students the right to think for themselves or to hold Christian views. Evolution is taught as fact when there is no real scientific proof whatever that it is true. Plenty of circumstantial evidence but no actual proof… but that’s another fun story! The PC movement is a machine used to squash genuine criticism. A variety of other movements: sexual, political, moral, pseudo-religious, educational, add their spiteful tirade against thinking for ones’ self. But Christianity gets the full force of hatred. Why? Because of all religions Christianity does not do harm. Despite the many urban legends, that Christianity causes wars, and so on, genuine Christianity does nothing of the sort! There is absolutely nothing at all in Christian beliefs to do harm. If anything, Bible-believers who are genuine (so I am not talking about pretenders) love their neighbours, do good, and generally live decent lives. It is through Christianity that nations rose to prominence, including the USA and UK. So, why try to get rid of it? Many folks don’t believe in anything (or at least they fondly think they don’t; in reality, everyone believes in something, even if it is ‘nothing’!), but very few are hardened atheists. It is these few, filled with hate, who insist on destroying every Christian thing in the land. They do it because they know Christianity is the only barrier they have between their vile little tricks and objectionable plans for society. Destruction of Christianity is on top of the list for many vicious movements, from gay to green. They don’t want decency to be the norm, love to drive relationships, morality to keep society together, health to be our lot, plain work to provide our bread and butter, or rational thought and ethical activity. No, they want ‘open everything’, from sex to politics, with no moral tone whatever. When they got their way with abortion, for example, numbers of pregnancies shot up. When they got their way with promiscuity, sexual diseases rocketed and pornography became easy to access, ruining innocence. When they got their way with homosexuality, HIV and AIDS emerged as the world’s worse pandemic, and gets worse by the day. When they got their way with politics, politicians did their own thing, refusing to listen to the people who voted for them and becoming wicked; when they got their way with the environment, the country immediately was plunged into trillions of debt, ever-increasing unemployment, inability to keep warm and use vehicles, poverty caused by rising taxation… how many other ‘benefits’ of atheism do I need to mention to make my point?

Writing On the Wall

For those who belong to other religions, or none, this is not just about Christians! It is about every decent person on the planet who wants freedom; Christians are only the current fall-guys- everyone else is in the firing line afterwards. Under Obama, Democrats, Blair, Brown, the UN, EU and self-interested groups, there can be no freedom, only deepening despair and repression. It is the way of all atheism, through its main bully-boys, Marxism and Fascism. The one dollar coin is not the real problem. Leaving off a few words is merely a front for something far worse. Pass the buck if you like – but it will stop right here, in your own sitting room, in your own life, in your own repression. You either stand against it, or sit back, enjoy your ever-decreasing freedoms that are bound to end drastically one day soon, and wait for the end of your life. It really is that stark. Barry Napier runs christiandoctrine.com. The Global Green Agenda’, Barry Napier. Published, Petra Press, 2009. For other anti-green books by Barry Napier contact the author: barry.napier@ntlworld.com

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