
Part 3: Secular Humanism and Global Government - the UN - and the USSR

From USA to USSA

Frank Polacek image

By —— Bio and Archives December 19, 2010

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Part 2 addressed Humanist Manifestos 1 & 2 showing them as the foundation of communism into which we are to be merged. Here are some excerpts from Humanist 2000 and its connection to advancing the UN, adding some more pieces to the puzzle. To wit:
Since the end of the Cold War (between the free Western European democracies and the U.S.S.R.), the United States, supported by NATO and the other Western Powers, has often sought to impose peace by force, bypassing the United Nations and seriously undermining its authority. Notice: The complaint is made against the United States, and the free Democracies of Western Europe for using force to defend and protect their freedoms (impose peace) against the threat of Soviet communist aggression, which has caused more deaths during peacetime than all the wars in history combined!> We need now more than ever a world body that represents the people of the world rather than nation-states. To solve problems on the transnational level, we need gradually but drastically to transform the United Nations. Some of these changes will involve amending the UN Charter;...radically altering the structure of the UN. The most fundamental change would be to enhance the effectiveness of the UN by converting it from an assembly of sovereign states to an assembly of peoples. Such a transformation does have precedents, including the self conversion of America's early confederation of sovereign states into the current 'federal' system (our irreversible fatal mistake, even they know about this). If we are to solve our global problems, nation states must transfer some of their sovereignty to a system of transnational authority. The de-facto political boundaries of the world are arbitrary. We need to go beyond them. (Just surrender your freedom to us and we'll "take care of" you. Right!! ) The world needs to establish a World Parliament. The current UN General Assembly is an assembly of nations. This new World Parliament would enact legislative policies (law) in a democratic manner. We recommend options for strengthening the UN or supplementing it with a parliamentary system. The veto in the Security Council by the Big Five (us) needs to be repealed. (Another attempt to undermine the diplomatic and bargaining power of the United States) The global community needs to develop a system of international law that transcends the laws of the separate nations. We must develop an effective World Court and an International Judiciary (dominated by them) with sufficient power to enforce its rulings (against us) and have the power to try violations of human rights, genocide, and transnational crimes (by communists too?) and to adjudicate conflicting international disputes. We recommend an international system of taxation (Aha! Anyone smell the stench of Carbon Offset Credits and Cap & Trade here?). This would not be a voluntary contribution but an actual tax. The existing vital agencies of the United Nations would be financed by the funds raised. ( A global shakedown on a mass scale.) James Warburg, son of Paul Warburg, the mastermind of our Federal Reserve system, told the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in 1950: "We will have our (Marxist) world government whether you like it or not. The only question remaining is whether it is to be by conquest or consent". We need to look now into just what the Soviet Union we are to be merged into is. Most "Ameri-Kans" would obdurately insist that the U.S.S.R. Constitution is, in fact, the Constitution of the United States, showing how successful their deceitful scheme has been. It is patently obvious how the tenets of Secular Humanism have been incorporated into the fundamental law of communist constitutions. Nikita Kruschev, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1953 - 1954), openly boasted that "we don't expect the American people to accept communism overnight, we intend to feed it to you a little at a time, until one day you wake up to realize that you have it". Of course, then it will be too late to do anything about it. The following is an abbreviated excerpt from the U.S.S.R. Constitution. The reader is asked to notice the striking correlations and similarities between it and the Social Security Act of 1935, which is how we "signed up" for and have been systematically and covertly merged into Soviet style American communism.


(Fundamental law) of the UNION OF SOVIET "SOCIALIST " REPUBLICS; December 5, 1936, as amended.

Chapter 1: The social, structure

Art. 1. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is a "socialist" (not "communist") state of workers and peasants. Art. 4. The economic foundation of the U.S.S.R. is the "socialist" system of economy and the "socialist" ownership of the instruments and means of production, firmly established as a result of the liquidation of the capitalistic system of economy, the abolition of private ownership of the instruments and means of production, and the elimination of the exploitation of man by man. Art. 5. "Socialist" property in the U.S.S.R. exists in the form of state property (belonging to the whole people), or in the form of co-operative and collective farm property (property of collective farms, property of cooperative societies). <Note: When they speak of "collective" ownership of property allegedly belonging to the whole people, they mean the"people" who run the government. The worker peasant is not allowed to use what is supposedly "his" unless he receives "permission" from government. The fruits of his labor are not his to own. Only the "owner" can give permission to someone else to use that which is his, he does not need to ask permission from himself. He who grants permission is the real owner. Depriving someone of the "use" of his property is regarded in our law as a "taking" of that property. "Use" is a necessary incident to "ownership", the primary reason for wanting and having it in the first place. In the United States, ownership of private property was to be held in "Allodium" (absolute ownership, to the exclusion of all others). No where else has this ever been found, it is one of the exclusive identifying badges of "Americanism".> Art. 9. The "socialist" system of economy is the predominant form of economy in the U.S.S.R. Art. 12. Work in the U.S.S.R. is a duty and a matter of honor for every able bodied citizen (except bankers and bureaucrats who live in idle luxury) in accordance with the principle: ªHe who does not work, neither shall he eat'. (A Biblical principle in an atheist state? Wow!) The principle applied in the U.S.S.R. is that of "socialism": ªFrom each according to his ability, to each according to his need.' (Sooner or later, everyone discovers that his "need" is greater than his "ability") <Note: The U.S.S.R. Constitution refers to itself as a "socialist", not "communist" state. The word "socialist" is used in this Constitution 57 times; the word "communist" only twice, both times in Chapter 10, wherein it refers to a member of a political party that exists to serve as the vanguard of the working people to establish and strengthen the "socialist" system. They are called Democrats here, and, of course, Republicans, who are .003 of an inch to the right of being a Democrat, not distinguishable to the naked eye. Both exist to work towards developing and strengthening the "socialist" system.>

Chapter 2: The State Structure

Chapter 9: The Courts and the Procurator's Office

Art. 112. Judges are independent and subject only to the law. (That's the way Admiralty jurisdiction works, as the colonists learned the hard way. The American Revolution abolished this abuse of power. We are a "People" with a government; they have a government with people.)

Chapter 10: Fundamental Rights and Duties of Citizens

Art. 118. Citizens of the U.S.S.R. have the right to work, that is, the right to guaranteed employment and payment for their work in accordance with its quantity and quality. The right to work is ensured by the "socialist" organization of the national economy, the steady growth of the productive forces of Soviet society, the elimination of the possibility of economic crisis, and the abolition of unemployment. (This Article is incorporated into Title 3 of the Social Security Act. These are grants of "rights" by government to the citizen.) Art. 119. Citizens of the U.S.S.R. have the right to rest and leisure. The right to rest and leisure is ensured by the establishment of an eight hour day for factory and office workers, the reduction of the working day to seven and six hours for arduous trades and to four hours in shops where working conditions are particularly arduous; by the institution of annual vacations with full pay for factory and office workers, and by the provision of a wide network of sanatoria, rest homes and clubs for the accommodation of the working people. (Brought about by labor laws, trade unions, rest sanatoria in the form of sports stadiums, ski resorts, gaming casinos, and other entertainment facilities provided by the state.) Art. 120. Citizens of the U.S.S.R. have the right to maintenance in old age and also in cases of sickness or disability. This right is ensured by the extensive development of "social insurance" of factory and office workers at state expense, free medical service (the real object of "health care reform") for the working people, and the provision of a wide network of health resorts for the use of the working people. (This Article is incorporated into Title 1 and Title 2 of the Social Security Act. Sec.702 identifies SSA as "social insurance") Art. 121. Citizens of the U.S.S.R. have the right to education. This right is ensured by universal and compulsory elementary education; by free education up to and including the seventh grade; by a system of state stipends for students of higher educational establishments who excel in their studies; by instruction in schools being conducted in the native language; and by the organization in the factories, state farms, machine and tractor stations and collective farms of free vocational, technical, and agronomic training for the working people. (Marxist Plank # 10 - public school system, state scholarships, trade schools and technical colleges. Indoctrination centers preparing individuals to be "in ideal", world citizens in a world Marxist community.) Art. 122. Women in the U.S.S.R. are accorded equal rights with men in all spheres of economic, government, cultural, political and other public activity. The possibility of exercising these rights is ensured by women being accorded an equal right with men to work, payment for work, rest and leisure, social insurance and education, and by state protection of the interests of the mother and child, state aid to mothers with large families and unmarried mothers, maternity leave with full pay, and the provision of a wide network of maternity homes, nurseries and kindergartens. (The failed Equal Rights Amendment was an attempt to have this provision introduced and adopted into our Constitution as well. This is a part that the Social Security Act left out. Maternity leave with full pay has been established here with the Family Leave Act, which former President Bill Clinton boasted of as his first official Presidential act. State aid to mothers and children has been incorporated in to Title 4 and Title 5 of the Social Security Act.) Art. 123. Equality of rights of citizens of the U.S.S.R. irrespective of their nationality or race, in all spheres of economic, government, cultural, political and other public activity, is an indefeasible law. Any direct or indirect restriction of the rights of, or, conversely, the establishment of any direct or indirect privileges for, citizens on account of their race or nationality, as well as any advocacy of racial or national exclusiveness or hatred or contempt, is punishable by law. (this is the foundation of our social "diversity" and our "pluralistic" society. A house divided against itself cannot stand. This is a "divide and conquer" strategy, now destroying this nation. This provision has been incorporated into our criminal code in 18 USC 241, 242; and into our civil code in 42 USC 1981, 1983, 1985, 1986. This is the foundation of the "hate crimes" laws and the equivalent purpose of our Civil Rights Act of 1866 and the 14th Amendment.) Art. 124. In order to ensure to citizens freedom of conscience, the church in the U.S.S.R. (NOT in the U.S.A.) is separated from the state (an atheist institution), and the school from the church. Freedom of religious worship and freedom from anti-religious propaganda is recognized for all citizens. (This is the Constitution where the concept of "separation of church and state" is found. It is found in the U.S.S.R. Constitution! It is NOT found in the Constitution of the United States, or in the Constitution of any State of the United States. It is only implied by fiat. This is a direct attack upon the very source and foundation of our liberty. It is the heart and soul of our "world citizen in a world community" brainwashing. This country was not founded upon "human rights" or "civil rights". They are completely alien to "Americanism") Art. 125. In conformity with the interests of the working people, and in order to strengthen the "socialist" system, the citizens of the U.S.S.R. are guaranteed by law: (a). Freedom of speech; (b). Freedom of the press; (c). Freedom of assembly, including the holding of mass meetings; (d). Freedom of street processions and demonstrations. These civil rights are ensured by placing at the disposal of the working people and their organization's printing presses, stocks of paper, public buildings, the streets, communications facilities and other material requisites for the excersize of these rights. (These "rights" are granted by government.) Art. 126. In conformity with the interests of the working people, and in order to develop the organizational initiative and political activity of the masses of the people, citizens of the U.S.S.R. are guaranteed the right to unite in public organizations: trade unions, co-operative societies, youth organizations, cultural, technical and scientific societies; and the most active and politically conscious citizens in the ranks of the working class and other sections of the working people unite in the "Communist" Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks), which is the vanguard of the working people in their struggle to strengthen and develop the "socialist" system and is the leading core of all organizations of the working people, both public and state. (This is the first time the word "communist" appears in the U.S.S.R. Constitution. This is the Western definition for our Republicrats.) Art. 129. The U.S.S.R. affords the right of asylum to foreign citizens persecuted for defending the interests of the working people, or for scientific activities, or for struggling for national liberation. Art. 130. It is the duty of every citizen of the U.S.S.R. to abide by the Constitution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, to observe the laws, to maintain labor discipline, honestly to perform public duties, and to respect the rules of "socialist" intercourse. (The citizen of the U.S.S.R. will be forced to work and toil (it is his "duty") even though the fruits of his efforts will be taken from him and redistributed to the worthless idle drones who make up the "Party" parasite apparatus who live in lavish idle luxury. There are millionaires in the Soviet Union too, but they are not found among the "proletariat" working class.) Art. 131. It is the duty of every citizen of the U.S.S.R. to safeguard and fortify public, "socialist" property as the sacred and inviolable foundation of the Soviet system, as the source of the wealth and might of the country, as the source of the prosperity and culture of all the working people. Person committing offenses against public "socialist" property are enemies of the "people". ("People" meaning the parasite people who run the government) Art. 132. Universal military service is law. Military service in the armed forces of the U.S.S.R. is an honorable duty of the citizens of the U.S.S.R. (No "draft dodgers" allowed here!) Art. 133. To defend the country is a sacred duty of every citizen of the U.S.S.R. Treason to the Motherland, violation of the oath of allegiance, desertion to the enemy, impairing the military power of the state, espionage, is punishable with all the severity of the law as the most heinous of crimes. (This is where we should have sent our draft dodgers and war protesters who committed these offenses against the United States. The U.S.S.R. would have put them in their military, it's the law! Those loyal patriotic Americans who served this country in Korea and Viet-Nam would have then taken a new and passionate delight in the performance of their military duties while serving in the armed forces of the United States.) This is the model of which we are to be programmed and brainwashed into being world citizens -- in "ideal" as well as in practice. Look up for yourself the "Constitution of the Newstates of America", the Sovietized model intended by the Ford Foundation to replace the Constitution of the United States. Be aware also that the United Nations Charter is almost a carbon copy of the USSR Constitution. Is the picture now starting to emerge? Only two Senators (Henrik Shipstead of Minnesota and Bill Langley of North Dakota) bothered to read the UN Charter in 1945, the only two who refused to sign on to it. Is this a familiar pattern or what? Part 4 will examine the subversive instrument of "political correctness".

Frank Polacek -- Bio and Archives | Comments

Frank Polacek an Air Force veteran; served a yr. (1967) in Viet-Nam; owned a trucking business; worked as a diesel and heavy equipment mechanic; a welder and structural fabricator. Retired for health reasons but try to remain politically active.
