
Today, citizens are under the authority of Union Bosses and Bureaucrats

Gettysburg…150 Years Later

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By Ray Devlin —— Bio and Archives November 20, 2013

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As our government celebrates President Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address…remembering his words “a new nation conceived in Liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”
And upon his words was the promise of our great civil war, whose brave men and their families endured great suffering for Freedom…whose dead shall not have died in vain upon this universal cause. …“That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom…and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”. For we dare not forget our rightful inheritance of our American Revolution! But her citizens have long noted and cannot soon dismiss, that our government has instead undermined our democracy by gerrymandering and imposing separate and unequal laws and privileges…granting themselves absolute authority to choose the course of our lives for us. A government which has denied us of our long fought for individual freedoms and equality under the law…outlawing God in the public space. In the name of equality, government has confiscated our individual liberties, conscience and prosperity…to decide by force what is fair and righteous for our society. Today, citizens are under the authority of Union Bosses and Bureaucrats; this government can claim the character of a nation conceived in Liberty, under God and equality in the law. No, instead we (the people)…with hands wide open and arms extended can only wait for our “fair” portion. As we are merely citizens inescapable trapped in the “old” world governance of a King’s Noble Court, who installed Tyranny of Rights of good intentions, “FOR” the people…we have no legal standing to choose!

Guest Column Ray Devlin -- Bio and Archives | Comments

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