
Abused elders will take a second seat as they watch the hundreds of events organised worldwide to convince people that wind farms are useful, cheap, harmless to birds and people, good for property values and great for tourism and the economy.

Global Wind Day, June 15th

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By Mark Duchamp —— Bio and Archives June 14, 2015

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Tomorrow, June 15th, the wind lobby will be celebrating Global Wind Day. Its choice of day coincides with the WORLD ELDER ABUSE AWARENESS DAY, as per United Nations’ resolution A/RES/66/127. This evidences a lack of respect for the elders, especially those that are victims of abuse. Is it surprising? - Not really. Wind farm victims are also treated with contempt. They are ignored, or even accused of imagining their insomnias, headaches, nauseas, tachycardias, etc.
On June 15th, abused elders will take a second seat as they watch the hundreds of events organised worldwide to convince people that wind farms are useful, cheap, harmless to birds and people, good for property values and great for tourism and the economy. But are wind farms useful, they might ask? - Not in the least, say independent engineers. The following cartoon explains why: Wind turbines have been operating since the eighties, yet the problem of their intermittency hasn’t been solved. Nor has their cost, which makes their electricity three times more expensive than that generated by conventional power. This, and other unsolved problems listed below, make many windfarm opponents claim that wind turbines are a scam. Their real purpose would be threefold:
  • - finance political parties (part of the subsidies are returned through the famous "revolving door");
  • - provide large, guaranteed profits to a new class of "green" crony capitalists;
  • - hurt the economies of entire countries or states (starting with Spain, California, Ontario, etc.), as a prelude to the political takeover by "anti-establishment" political parties (e.g. "Podemos" in Spain)..
Hence the nickname given by some to the Global Wind Day: Global WIND SCAM Day Other unresolved issues related to wind turbines:
  • - infrasound emitted by these machines make some residents seriously ill,
  • - allowed noise limits are frequently exceeded,
  • - shadow flicker at certain hours of the day causes added stress to residents,
  • - properties within view of the turbines suffer losses in value ranging from roughly 10% to 50%,
  • - turbine blades kill birds and bats by the million every year;
  • - wind turbines depreciate landscapes and heritage sites, and horrify most tourists;
  • - subsidies and other financial advantages granted by governments to support unprofitable and unreliable wind energy cause budget deficits to soar;
  • - taxpayers, then consumers foot the bill – fuel poverty soars;
  • - the high price of electricity causes companies to relocate abroad;
  • - investors prefer states or countries where energy is cheaper;
  • - states or countries relying on renewable energy become less competitive, therefore poorer.

Guest Column Mark Duchamp -- Bio and Archives | Comments

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