
How socialist funding only helps the rich

Government Duplicity Loses Homes

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By Barry Napier —— Bio and Archives January 22, 2010

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The UK is well-ahead of the USA in terms of socialism and its grave consequences. Mortgage owners in the UK have been told: “Thousands of homeowners are sitting on a mortgage time-bomb, after a sudden rise in inflation.” (Metro). Because the UK is one of the costliest countries to live in (thanks to the Labour government), the majority of mortgage owners already pay through the nose for their homes, and have very little money spare for anything else.
What is the reason given for this sudden rise, that will add hundreds of pounds a month to many mortgages? “The £200 billion of quantative easing pumped into the economy by government” and inflation… caused by the “quantative easing”. Or, to put it into ordinary language: the bail-outs given by government to banks. As I said before, someone has to pay for this stupidity – and that ‘someone’ is the ordinary tax-payer, you and me. Not government, nor MPs, senators or congressmen, but ordinary tax-payers!! (With very few exceptions, they get just as fat as the fat cats they fund).

Steps to Socialist Government Theft

The steps are easy (for government): First the banks are strongly urged by government to give out crazy loans to huge conglomerates, who are given free or next-to-free levels of taxation, which allows them the opportunity to get extremely rich, very fast. Remember – this action is taken by socialist governments, not by known ‘capitalists’. To cover their huge output (mainly from money put into the bank by ordinary folks, who are already charged top fees) banks sell-on their debts (the huge loans given to huge companies). But, when they can no longer cover their debts by this method, government steps in and gives them a bail-out. The bail-out is NOT paid for by government, but by ordinary tax-payers, whose taxes are regularly misused and abused by government. Bail-outs are a form of theft from the people. The government does not ask the people if they mind their hard-earned taxes being used to fund rich fat cats (and themselves). So, the people pay at step one, by having their taxes misused and all other government services (normally paid for by taxes) for the benefit of the people reduced… because their taxes have been abused. Second step in this socialist abuse of power, is to then INCREASE the tax burden on the same people who provided the bail-out via their taxes already collected. So, ordinary folks find it even harder to live. The taxation increases are not all obvious: apart from direct taxes on income there are many others, hidden and unknown to most people. These include extra taxation on gas at the pumps, extra costs on food (via higher costs of transportation), huge increases in energy for no good reason except worthless ‘green policies’, and so on. In 2009, UK quarterly energy bills of £100 (US$162) suddenly jumped to £600 (just over US$970) because of ‘green’ policies. This will increase 400% over the next few years! In all this richer folks remain comfortably off. They can pay accountants to organise paying as little tax as possible with a variety of schemes. I know millionaires who pay no tax, by employing the skills of accountants. But, their employees pay heftily. At the same time, the banks who get the bail-outs continue to pay their top bosses literally millions in so-called ‘bonuses’. A bonus is supposed to be for enhanced performance, but banks ignore this. Instead, they pay their big bosses for getting the bank into trouble and for failing. Then, they have the gall to charge ordinary customers extra fees, and take them to court if they cannot pay. Then comes step three – when government has given all the people’s money away as bail-outs, and after they increase taxation to crippling levels to pay for them, they then get the mortgage rate increased dramatically, knowing that thousands will be unable to pay more. So, government expects them to lose their homes. This, by the way, has been called a “healthy sign” of a financial upturn, by government. And, behind this move to repossess are the banks! The same banks who got themselves into trouble by engineering stupidly dangerous big loans; the same banks that take bail-outs and pay themselves massive bonuses out of the bail-outs; the same banks that then penalise ordinary customers who cannot keep up with the increased bank charges; and the same banks who throw people out of their homes… because of the original bank stupidity and government duplicity. Governments cover their shame by referring to outstanding debts to banks as ‘toxic’ – blaming ordinary citizens, when they should be blaming themselves and fat cats.

Rich Made Richer by Socialism, Not Capitalism

Watch for this in the USA: California homes are already piling up like bleached bones in the desert, and other states are showing the strain. Obama will misuse and abuse personal taxes by giving them to companies and others who don’t deserve support and who pay nothing into the economy. And those same companies will kick you out onto the street, without any qualms… whatever it takes to keep bonuses, yachts and big cars. So, remember this when you next vote: government took YOUR money (not MPs’ or congressmens’) and gave it to banks. The same banks are treating those ordinary people who bailed them out like dirt, and their top bosses continue to pay themselves bonuses in the millions, out of the tax bail-outs, for being failures. Then, mortgage rates go up massively to pay for ‘helping’ the banks to stay afloat, and bosses to live like lords, while inflation created by bad government and banks causes other direct problems for everyone who pays tax. The same banks will then order repossessions of the tax-payers’ homes (and small businesses) who helped them. That’s how it works. Watch the UK and Europe – they are struggling as socialist ideals are forced on the people, who are losing big-time. Socialism only enriches the fat cats, not the ordinary tax payers, who have to pay top money for everything because they have no power. Those in government still get their big incomes and kick-backs. And just in case no-one has really noticed: the fat cat industrialists and bankers are NOT paid for by capitalistic means, but by socialist governments! So, socialists… you can stop screaming against capitalism! (I look at ‘new capitalism’ proposed by socialists, in my book; it is just the same as old capitalism). It is your own paltry theories that keep fat cats afloat, through socialist schemes. By voting-in socialist governments, you cost ordinary people their homes and incomes. So much for demanding government ‘for the people’! You will know by now that green climateers did not manage to control the earth’s natural movements in Haiti. (No doubt they claim earthquakes are caused by CO2). However, Obama must have jumped up and down with glee, because it took the heat off him! He made a big show of sending help to Haiti, hoping that this will give him good PR. But, bail-out madness and socialist trickery still remain. Good try, Obama – now get back to running the USA properly, wisely, and without big government. Or, get out. Barry Napier runs christiandoctrine.com. The Global Green Agenda’, Barry Napier. Published, Petra Press, 2009. For other anti-green books by Barry Napier contact the author: barry.napier@ntlworld.com

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