
Stand up and be counted!

How Does Anyone Really Know Whose Side You're On?

Dave Merrick image

By —— Bio and Archives September 21, 2021

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Stand up and be counted!I just finished watching a two-and-a-half hour debate on Creationism versus Evolution. And, as usual, the ungodly side successfully lured the Christian into spending the entire time arguing about the age and origin of our Earth and Universe. Both parties stood on stage in front of a camera and jillions of curious people, GUESSING about where space and the planets came from. Did the Darwinists manage to prove it was a tiny little spinning jot of super concentrated matter that blew up? NO. But did the Christians prove it was God who spoke the whole thing into existence over a period of six days? NO. But the 'science' side, hiding behind the misused term 'science,' seemed to come out stronger in the debate because they stayed away from anything that was 'recently observable' or some such nonsense. Of course, the Christian church rarely seems to stay in its own arena (which is unfortunately just as portable as any part of today's slanted science). Historically, though, the Christian Church (Jesus rightly called us 'lambs') is always wandering out beyond its safest place--which is God's unfailing Word.

Intricate and frankly unbelievable SYSTEMS God has supplied in us

All the Christian debater ever had to do was to point to the SYSTEMS, in all of nature and our bodies, in order to hands down PROVE the indisputable existence of God. While the unbelievers have us arguing with them about the number of genomes in the ape, the accuracy of carbon dating, and the 'fossil columns' (which fell every which way as the earth was drying out) the absolute strongest attack against evolution is pulsing and squirming around right inside of our bodies (Psalm 139:14, etc.). I mean look at the eyeball! It is a perfectly assembled camera with its own light-receiving plate in the back. It has a lens that is perfectly held in place by a dilating and constricting aperture. It is kept perfectly preserved and lubricated by a tear duct outside of either eye. And, on the inside, it is the aqueous humor that completely fills and secures the interior of said eyeball. Or, hey! We could look at the sinuses which not only provide us with air but also add a perfect filtration system called mucus. It's also called by another nasty four-letter word. But we will stop at mucus. How does the mucus help to perfectly filter our air? The coating of mucus gathers dirt and dust. When it is full or dried up, we remove it from our noses (hopefully using a Kleenex), and more mucus takes its place. But don't forget the tonsils. Darwin was sure our tonsils were another of his almost 100 'vestigial' organs (serving no useful purpose, to him, anyway, all through the 19th century). Today we know that is just not true. The tonsils are a final filter for air going into the lungs. How many of my good readers have heard of the omentum? It is a broad drape of fatty tissue which hangs over the guts of all of us human beings, and it is filled with white or 'milky spots' which are masses of white blood cells (disease fighters). When any portion of our gut is injured or inflamed, the omentum crawls across whatever is in its way and literally caresses that injured abdominal component to help in its healing. I've here only scratched the surface of some of the countless, intricate and frankly unbelievable SYSTEMS God has supplied in us (and in all of His life forms, for that matter). Can anyone really believe that all of those systems just sort of came out of nowhere - or some primordial soup? But, of course, today's Christians (and I am one of them) have to do everything the hard way. In the Bible it says that we are getting frighteningly close to God's judgment when we merely call another human being a 'fool' (Matthew 5:22). But I feel totally comfortable in quoting God when HE says, "The FOOL hath said in his heart, 'There is no God'" (Psalm 14:1). Because the proof of His very 'out loud' existence (starting with the micro-universe which is inside of all of us) is abundantly shouting out the unarguable FACT of His living existence! As I have before pointed out, I could shoot a handful of iron ore into outer space, and still, in fifteen kajillian years, it would NOT return to me as a ticking Rolex. Okay, enough of that. Let's switch gears and talk about another topic. We will return to some of the above at my close.

How close do we have to get to our total destruction in order to understand the subtlety of that serpent?

Next, I need to ask you - AT LEAST THE 75 MILLION OF YOU WHICH FAKE NEWS TODAY SAID VOTED FOR TRUMP - CAN YOU STINKING BELIEVE WHAT HAS BEEN HAPPENING TO OUR ALMOST DISAPPEARED 'GREAT NATION'???!!! The real-live devil (and I can abundantly document his existence as well) after about 50 years of slowly boiling the brains in nearly every American household, is now making his move to finally destroy the last precious chunk of paper on this Earth that prevents his complete planetary takeover. Of course the paper I'm talking about is our dear Constitution. And the cooker that has been simmering our brains, of course, is the television. People! How close do we have to get to our total destruction in order to understand the subtlety of that serpent? Hold that thought as well. Years ago,  I wrote for another major conservative paper based in the United States. Before Facebook began trimming back the ease and scope of reach for particularly the conservative Christians involved in that social monstrosity, I could have an article published online early in the morning, and by midday have tens of thousands of 'likes' and almost the same number in 'shares' . I was one of that earlier venue's more popular writers. But one day, in speaking with my former editor, he warned me that their mostly youthful editorial group was looking to cut my presence entirely, in spite of my popularity. They did not appreciate me there because, as the lead editor had tagged me, I was an "extremist Christian" (his words). And, in that I did not use Jesus' name as a swear word - but always in the living and present tense, I was severely slowing down the sharp, modern and increasingly 'cooler' appearance of their quite large rag. But I loved writing for them, mostly for one big reason. It was because the then Facebook format allowed me to follow and keep up with people's discussions about my articles. [Today Facebook knows how, with a click of the switch, to make me all but invisible--my personal page as well as my published stuff.] Back then, in one of the articles I had written about a certain 'hugantic' Middle Eastern religion, I simply exposed some basic, very true but almost unheard of history regarding said belief system. As it is with all dark religious cults (even in the US), their religion is filled with falsehoods and false prophecies. After it was posted on facebook I happily watched an online conversation between two guys--one was in London, and the other was living not far from a town we just yanked all of our military out of. The Londoner asked his friend, "Did you believe anything that he said?" And his buddy said,  "Well I kind of have to. My girlfriend has been spouting the same stuff to me from a book she has been reading. And she is seriously considering leaving (that religion) altogether!" I was overjoyed! I don't write this stuff for my health (obviously). But that was, albeit, before facebook decided to block or delete free speech. That story, by the way, was one of a couple picked up by another online magazine over in that neck of the woods. And their editor (also obviously involved with that religion) judiciously picked out his own choice of subheadings. He took all of them from my most caustic criticisms. This was a major, worldwide outfit, to boot. And it was obvious that they were not at all entertained with my opinions. A hostile group, to say the least.

Most of the Christians, it seems, are still comfortably occupying their recliners and remote controls in front of their warm tvs as faithful members of the "silent majority"

But, right now I am writing for Canada Free Press. And I am most proud to be here! I mean, I am in a living relationship with Jesus Christ. And my CFP editor allows me to mention Him all I want. And I'll tell you why I'm bringing all this up. It is because, TO ALL YOU CHRISTIANS OUT THERE READING THIS, the body of Christ these days, at least in the Western world, is generally sound asleep. And most of the more well-known Christian writers seem to be writing for 'in-house' church magazines--online and on paper. And the reason I don't ever want to do that is because I don't want to be preaching to the choir. I want the general public, people who don't know my Lord, to find Him and to get eternally saved! The very real devil makes fun of all this because he can't afford rousing his zombies through a lot of noticeable disturbances. And I am certainly not a perfect man. Nor am I immune to the devil's temptations. But Jesus saw that lying devil trying to trap me--and  He died for me--while I was yet his enemy (Romans 5:10). So I can try to show my living gratitude which should be bottomless (James 4:7). I used to circumnavigate the United States talking to churches about Jehovah's Witnesses (a comparative religious study of mine which wound up consuming most of my adult life). Every time I spoke at a church, I would first ask for a raise of hands as I was starting my spiel: "How many of my audience (often in the hundreds or thousands) have been called upon by Jehovah's Witnesses?" And invariably nearly 100% of the hands were raised. My second question was, "How many of you have left your homes and gone out and called on Jehovah's Witnesses and told them about the glorious Gospel in the Bible?" I was lucky to get one or two hands raised. And I am seeing the same sort of lame result in Christian participation during what is now proving to be the indisputably hottest time, spiritually (right versus wrong), in the history of this world. Most of the Christians, it seems, are still comfortably occupying their recliners and remote controls in front of their warm tvs as faithful members of the "silent majority". We true Christians go out and call on people because Jesus lovingly sent us to do that. The cults evangelize because the hard-nosed god they worship says they'll be damned if they don't.

Garbage lies of a big money entertainment/news media empire

I'm discovering that so many professing Christians are actually swallowing the garbage lies of a big money entertainment/news media empire that is lying its butt off in order to perhaps occupy even more floor space in an already thoroughly infiltrated White House. Nevertheless, I have had entire towns of JW's calling me everything from an "opposer"(one who is an opposing critic of their Watchtower leadership), to an "apostate" (a title reserved for people who have quit Jehovah's Witnesses [of which I was never a member]) because I hosted phone lines on which I was sharing a three-minute weekly message regarding the historically obvious dishonesty and false prophecy-filled history of Jehovah's Witnesses' leadership, The Watchtower. This was all before the Internet. You can today go online and find out all about the shady past of that cult. But I should note here that the Bible warns us of false prophets, and Jesus warned us about false prophets in the last days prior to his return (Deuteronomy 18:22, Matthew 24, etc.).] Okay, folks, long story short (too late, I know). Like the churches I spoke at, I am asking all you 'conservative Christians' the question of the hour! Whose side are you on, anyway? And if you are calling yourself a 'Christian' because you or your parents kept a big Bible on the coffee table or because you have never raped or robbed anybody, you need to be informed of the FACT that none of that makes you a Christian by God's definition. If you believe in God, then you must believe that He has the power and perfect morality to keep His message perfectly intact. Otherwise He has no right to judge anybody. But, by the same token, if you call yourself a Christian and are voting for people who are making it increasingly easier to break the law and kill babies, you need to go back, read the Bible, and soberly realize that a lot of very visible, allegedly peace-loving 'social justice warriors', WITHOUT CHRIST, are on their way to an eternal hell. But if you are a Jesus believing Christian, turn off the television that just today called us all "democracy cannibalizing Frankensteins" in commenting on the fake Trump rally put together by members of the fake news in order to make more news and tell more lies. Yes, according to the fake news clip I saw this afternoon, "… At least 75 million voted to continue to lead us down a path to degradation." Amazing that they would dismiss 75,000,000 Trump voters--and we know it was a lot more than that--as voting to lead our country astray. Bottom line, people, they hate us because we simply don't agree with their lies. And their lies are plentiful, well disguised before lazy headed people, and multifaceted in all sorts of topics and details. Yes, Christian, we are in an all out spiritual war —just as Jesus said we would be right prior to his return.

There is a battle going on right now for the souls of men

And now concerning the evolution versus creation stuff that I wrote in my first few paragraphs: There is a battle going on right now for the souls of men. Like any real lover, God will only gently woo to Himself those who truly want Him. The Bible even tells us that GOD HIDES HIMSELF (Isaiah 45:15), just as did many of the wealthiest and most powerful disguise themselves when looking for a true and loving mate. The very real devil will tell you anything you want to hear to get you to follow him into eternal torment. As I said, this is a very real battle going on. And the devil will ravish you with whatever will put you into a hypnotic state of carelessness long enough for him to take you just a few seconds past too late. The debate about our origins will be kept up and poorly argued until the whole issue is history and all the lights on this planet go out. As we read in the Bible, Jesus and His apostles didn't argue quite as much as they simply proclaimed the hard truth. And for that unvarnished proclamation, starting with Jesus, most all of them wound up being killed in order to be silenced. An old English lady, as the story goes, was in a small rowboat on her way to Dunkirk in order to fight against Hitler's approaching troops. She had no rifle. She was just carrying an empty mop handle and the paddle she was rowing with. One of the Dunkirk-bound British armada sailing past her cried out, "Where are you going with that old mop handle, woman?" She said, "I am going to Dunkirk to fight those Nazis before they kill my son." The yachtsman yelled back and said, "And just how much damage do you suppose you can administer with a single mop handle?" Her determined answer was, "Well, I probably won't kill anyone. But I can slow a few down, maybe. And at least they'll know which side I'm on!" My story here has been scattered. I have fired it, like a shotgun, towards whomever will hear. And my questions to all my good readers are these three:
  1. What side are you on?
  2. What side do you want to be on? And
  3. If you are not doing or saying anything regarding this effort, how will anyone know whose side you are on?
INDEED! Stand up and be counted!

Dave Merrick -- Bio and Archives | Comments

Dave Merrick, Davemerrick.us is an internationally known and published artist whose works reach into the greatest diversity of audiences. Known primarily for his astoundingly lifelike portraiture, Merrick’s drawings and paintings grace the walls of an impressive array of well-known corporate and private clientele. Many of his published wildlife pieces have become some of America’s most popular animal imagery.

He has more original work in the Pro-Rodeo Hall of Fame than any other artist. His wildlife and Southwestern-theme work is distributed internationally through Joan Cawley Galleries of Scottsdale AZ.
