
We are the truth and we are the rightful owners of America. America does not belong to our government.

How Jaded Are You Now?

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By Greg Easley —— Bio and Archives April 29, 2011

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More deceit has been cast upon our shoulders while we swim in a mountain of debt, unemployment, inflation, diminished assets and lies. “Just Words” by the man who would be king and the elected elite who can not and will not step up and do the job they were hired to do for their Nation of deserving Americans.
Wednesday morning was an historic day in America when the President of The United States, your Nation, stepped forward and offered proof of his legitimacy to an angry electorate in a hopeless attempt to salvage his re-election. He failed just as Congress and the Senate has failed to do their duty in 2008, 2009, 2010 and so far in 2011. Barrack Hussein Obama is a liar and a fraud. He made it clear April 27, 2011 and it will stand, as presented by his own hand, proving his disdain for America and his boundless public deceit. What Obama placed on his own web site is a fraud, created with Adobe Illustrator. If you have access to this software, you can readily see that the certificate has been built manually with 10 layers from pieces of other documents and the Adobe change history is still intact to prove it. You can see the basics of this here . There is no birth certificate. If there was, Obama would not have spent 3 years hiding that fact and it would certainly not look like the one he offered to the world Wednesday. It would look like this plain paper certificate of Eleanor Nordyke who was born 1 day after Obama in the same hospital. (WND) We can only imagine why Obama has done this, but it is what we needed to see. He has admitted, by offering this document to the world of his own volition, that he is a fraud and so are his credentials. He has forfeited any reckless claim of legitimacy to be President of the United States by publicly proving that he is a dual citizen of the United Kingdom and the United States. Regardless of his place of birth he cannot be President as a duel citizen because he is not a Natural Born Citizen as required by the Constitution of the United States. A child inherits their citizenship from both their parents. His father was a citizen of the United Kingdom and his mother was a citizen of the United States. At this point it is doubtful that he was even born in Hawaii because he still cannot and has not proved it. You cannot choose what parent will give you citizenship anymore than you can choose your parents. We have to ask ourselves now what we will do about this mockery of our law as it is obvious that we cannot trust our government or the media to do anything about it. Each member of Congress is complicit in this fraud. And what of Fox News, the bastion of conservatism and American exceptionalism? Glenn Beck, the “Caption of Conspiracy” theories, has suddenly gone mute and sounds more like the arrogant Bill O’Reilly than O’Reilly does on the “birther” issue. This is right up Glenn’s alley. How can he “teach” us to fear George Soros and ignore the most brazen acts of Obama, his sock puppet. How can he “teach ” us do to our “own homework” and “seek our own truth” when he refuses to investigate the most obvious fraud of all. He has all but said Obama is a fraud - but the birth certificate is not! They are willfully part of the problem now. They are bought and paid for. Boycott them! If we let Obama get away with this now, we too can kiss the Constitution goodbye along with our personal sovereignty and that of our States. Obama already has. If we let Obama get away with this we would have only 2 real solutions left. Demand Obama’s resignation or demand that our States secede from the Union. Obama patently ignores any laws our States pass to protect its citizens and the 10th amendment that guarantees this right to the States.. He has already proven that with the Texas and Arizona borders. He has proven it with the Gulf Oil spill and his refusal to drill our own oil yet he financially supports Mexico’s drilling in the Gulf. He has proven it by inciting the riot in Wisconsin in an illegal attempt to save the union thugs he needs for support and for his own little personal army. Now they are attacking people at Town Hall meetings after doing $7 million dollars damage to the State Capital in Madison. Who pays for that? The list of his seditious acts is so long it would take 15 years to prosecute him and all the complicit governmental officials involved. Engage! We are the truth and we are the rightful owners of America. America does not belong to our government. Obama is trying to raise $1 billion dollars for his re-election. He knows he will lose if he cannot control the elections. He will use this money, not for ads or legitimate expenses, but to buy votes, control the votes and count the votes. He won the 2008 election by only 6%. That is 6 people out of 100 people. He has already lost a large percentage of his voters including blacks, hispanics, independents and whites. He lost them because he lied to them. He lost them because he made promises he did not keep, never intended to keep and will never keep. He sold them a bill of goods and has taken the wealth of Our Nation and squandered it. He will continue to do this until there is nothing left of Our Nation. Then he will move on to a new post in some “One World Order” of destruction. And he will be your King. Is that what you voted for? To be a useless peasant bound to a potato patch owned by some socialist in Europe you never met! Demand his resignation. Your elected officials will not have the guts to do it for you because too many are part of the fraud!

“We The People” have had enough. Yet Obama still insults us. Obama still shames us. Obama still destroys us.

The November 2010 election sent a clear message to our politicians and to the world that “We The People” have had enough. Yet Obama still insults us. Obama still shames us. Obama still destroys us. All of us - white, black, and brown. There is no freedom left, there is no sovereignty left and our money is near worthless. Even the Mexicans don’t want it anymore. And now Obama flaunts his arrogance about the “silliness” of our legitimate concerns when he is the one that refused to settle this issue 3 years ago. Media pundits are busily trying to turn our objections into a racist attack on Obama forgetting that white people got him elected. The racism is coming from Obama and his supporters, not the people who are demanding legitimacy in our government and freedom for all of our citizens. Right now thousands of white people are calling for Herman Cain, Allen West or Marco Rubio to run against Obama. White people don’t care about Obama’s race, we care about his policies, his lies and his willful destruction of what we have all built for the past 200 years. We care about our law, our freedom and our rights. We care about equality, privacy and our future not about his ideological dream of socialistic slavery. Right now Allen West is being attacked in public for his beliefs in the American dream and the right for all Americans to pursue their own dreams unfettered by a President that would take that away if given the chance. Herman Cain is attacked for being an Uncle Tom because he has the same concern and the same hope for all Americans. I guess these two black men are racist too because, like most Americans, they believe Obama hate us all so much that he will destroy our Land of Opportunity every way he can. For what? His dream of being King! Obama is the racist. Obama in the thug. Obama is the liar. He proved it Wednesday with a pathetic hoax that he claims is his real long form birth certificate. It is not! Richard Nixon resigned for a simple burglary and a cover-up. He committed perjury – and he had the decency to resign rather than force the nation to suffer anymore shame over his stupidity. Obama has done much worse and much more. He must resign. The game is up. It is time for all Americans to demand his resignation so the nation can heal and move on to its destiny of Freedom and Equality for all its people. We deserve better than this – all peoples of all nations do. Greg is a professional Information Technology Analyst and a devout political conservative concerned about the destiny of The United States of America and the free world. He is a member of the Tea Party Patriots and publisher of his own web site The 4th Awakening. The site features his own commentaries and important political news items posted daily. Greg lives in the Atlanta, Georgia area and is looking forward to retirement in the woods. Greg can be reached at: gdeasley@bellsouth.net

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