
We are now living a nightmare because of ignorance and blind voting. We are slowly being occupied and taken over by our enemies because of ignorance.

I choose To Protect and Defend the Constitution

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By Lee Wray —— Bio and Archives November 5, 2011

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Michelle Obama "…for the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country. And not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change. I have been desperate to see our country moving in that direction."
I wonder if she still feels this way after seeing all the protests here in America. What the Obamas have brought to America is not hope, it is a cancer that they are breeding and supporting. I fear that if we have four more years of the Obama Administration, America will be counted as one of the defeated. Everywhere the Obamas direct their “vision” that country is driven into war and is eventually destroyed only to be rebuilt into a nation of terrorists that is ruled by the very people our military is trying to defeat. Our President has made his bed with a people that we are at war with. He has exiled our allies and embraced our enemies. Obama’s vision for America is not a vision I choose to grasp but a vision I choose to stand against. In the country of Libya, Barack Obama committed U.S. troops and equipment to the “revolutionaries” for the cause of overthrowing Muammar Gaddafi. Reported in the news today (10-29-2011) Al-Qaida flags are being raised over the city court house of Benghazi and are flying the flag of terrorists Osama bin Laden. Barack Obama supports this group and stands behind the “Muslim Brotherhood”. Well, we now know that this group supports Hamas and Hezb'allah as it was told to him when he first got us in this “American funded land grab for Islamic Extremist (terrorists). Egypt is in the same boat as Libya. Obama rides in, overthrows a government, and then he hands it over to the terrorist group I thought we are trying to defeat.
Muslim Terrorists are also infiltrating the United States. As reported, the Muslims want a Catholic University to supply them with a room to pray in without Christian Symbols because it “offends” them. Excuse me, you chose to go to that University knowing what it is and what it represents and stands for. This reminds me of a sermon I heard once. In a nut shell it said that Satan also goes to church and tries to destroy it from within. I am convinced that Barack Obama is a Muslim and that his Muslim beliefs support the beliefs of people such as Osama bin Laden and Anwar al-Awlaki (he will go to whatever extreme necessary to get the result he wants). If he is “re-elected” I believe his face will begin to reflect the ideas and actions of Muammar Gaddafi and Hosni Mubarak (After He gets the results he wants, he will do whatever it takes to hold on to the power he has taken). We are now living in a country that allows judges to consider Islamic Law “sharia law’ in determining cases for Muslims. We now live in a country where the President of the United States supports terrorists (Muslim Brotherhood and Bill Ayers and more), and supports the Occupy Wall Street protestors that want to tear down capitalism. Barack Obama said if congress won’t do their job “we will” - who is we? Barack Obama is a Muslim that is taking the United States into the religion of Islam by way of socialism and in the end anarchy, and the “national religion of the United States” will be Islam. The United States is being directed towards socialism and eventually anarchy in order to achieve an Islamic Caliphate, The ultimate Muslim dream. An Islamic Caliphate cannot totally exist in our Republic. In our Republic there is too much freedom, there are too many rights, and the justice is equal for all. Above all in our Republic there is freedom of religion. The present form of government in the United States does not support the form of government the Muslims can use to exercise their caliphate here in America. America has to be thrown into anarchy in order for the caliphate to take hold and eventually rule. I choose to stand against all that try to tear apart the United States. We are born Americans. It is our duty to “protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies both foreign and domestic”. That is an oath that our military takes and lives by. I believe we, as Americans, should also stand by this oath and make a stand before it is too late. Please consider every check you put on a voting ballot. Please don’t go into the ballot booth blind. Do your homework. We are now living a nightmare because of ignorance and blind voting. We are slowly being occupied and taken over by our enemies because of ignorance. Our country is a powder keg and the match has been lit. The ballot is the non-invasive solution to the cancer we have. If America is lost, the only way of getting it back to being governed by our Constitution will be Revolution. Lee Wray

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