
Dr. Laurie Roth

Let’s talk REAL issues and the right change for America in 2012

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By —— Bio and Archives February 15, 2011

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I just got back from the CPAC, the largest conservative conference in the Country. It is held in DC and there were at least 11,000 people there. I EMCEED part of their afternoon session on Friday and did my show live from there. I want to thank Gainesville Coins for sponsoring my trip there. There were untold speakers talking about the cutting edge issues, some potentially running for President. These included Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, Donald Trump, Newt Gingrich on and on.
There is no way we will all agree on what to do with the USA, spending and national priorities. Politicians have been screaming, yelling and slamming agendas through for decades. We are bored already. There are however core American values and guidelines that reflect what our national priorities should and must be. These must draw from our real history and experience, while having these submitted to our constitution and Judeo Christian values. What should these issues and values be in 2012? First of all, I want to see leadership that reflects America and real people, not a super star, career politician and billionaire. Give me someone who has their ego in check and isn’t fulfilling a dream from Junior High school to be President and have fans. Priority list if Dr. Laurie Roth or a real person was running things

Strong national Defense

Looking at all the fat and waste that Obama and others have put in the presented 3.7 trillion budget, we can’t sacrifice or cut back on our military and defense capabilities. Yes, we must trim where there are stupid decisions, duplication and waste, but not hurt our troops, national security and minimize our defense capability. That is precisely why signing the START treaty was beyond stupid and dangerous for America. It takes away our nuclear and military advantage and frankly limits our ability to respond in kind if attacked by a WMD. Dumb, Dumb Dumb. Gee……a WMD just leveled Dallas and Philadelphia. Does anyone want to have a Bible Study and potluck with the Islamic Radicals and Regime that took credit? Perhaps we could call the UN, our attorney pool and Mommy if that would make us feel better. Maybe the American Idol panel could tell us what to do. We should respond, showing great restraint, caution and empathy for all the victims…….strong language and sanctions for the Islamic radicals and regime who did this???? NOT! How should America respond if such an attack occurred? Could this really happen? Just this week on the news officials reported finding a WMD coming across our southern border. Another close call signaling deadly danger to the US was told to me by Michael Carlin, the editor and publisher of Century City News in LA. He shared on my show that he was told of the apprehension a few years ago of an Iranian Diplomat caught in LA who was setting up military and an expansive, multi country trail of weapons set up and planning from Nicaragua to Tijuana. What would he have done if he had gotten away with his violent and well funded plans? I believe America needs to have some private, ‘red telephone’ conversations with Islamic led regimes throughout the world and should a WDM attack occur on the US by one of them, they should know in advance what the cost will be to them, including their religious shrines, if it is verified who hit us. As we compassionately did in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we could drop fliers warning the civilian population to leave, then flatten their capital. As I said in a recent article and on my show, Van Hipp, former Deputy Secretary of the Army, clued me in to a potential boondoggle being pushed for the Pentagon to build a second engine. This was projected to start with tax payers money at 450 million and soar potentially to 2.9 billion in waste. The military high ups and Pentagon don’t want or need it. As I said, why don’t we use some of the redundancy budgeting in the military budget and back up our active duty soldiers mortgages with enough cushion that none of their homes while they are on active duty and one year beyond could ever be accidentally or intentionally foreclosed on. There are way too many accidents now for my stomach!

Regarding radical Islam

We will be dealing with Fundamentalist Islam as long as we exist. They want a Caliphate and domination over the world and will stop at nothing until they get it. The big picture with radical Islam has to be real education and knowledge spread around in the free world as to what they really represent. We need national and international dialogue and exposure as to what Sharia law promotes and enforces. I have talked with former Muslims and Islamic historians and scholars who have described Sharia as a kind of expressed ‘constitution’ that reflects Islamic law, culture and traditions. I think Sharia speaks rather loudly. Let’s see just what the people think about executing gays, beating wives who are high handed with their husbands, executing Islamics for converting to Christianity, cutting off hands for stealing….just to name a few of their enlightened guidelines they want forced on the world. America is the big prize and Islamic Fundamentalists have said all along, they will use silent and violent jihad, while playing the persecution, minority, Islamaphobic card to gain legal ground in America and get radical Islamists elected. First, we must fight Islamic fundamentalism and Sharia with honest and bold knowledge, find ways to be fair with those Islamic citizens here while asserting and protecting our Judeo Christian values, constitution and freedom framework. We must have a zero tolerance for Islamic controls, curriculum manipulation and Sharia Law.

Other national security threats…..our borders and ports of entry

We also must finally get a real vision and WILL to deal with illegal immigration and securing our national borders and ports of entry. No one really knows how many illegal aliens there are in America but it is most likely between 10-40 million. This is at a level that is bankrupting schools, counties, medical facilities and depleting social services. Other than the obvious drain on States, services and budgets, it is essentially organized slave labor that also takes US jobs while exploiting, desperate, ‘mystery’ people coming over our borders from all kinds of countries. Michael Carlin, editor of Century City News has come on weekly for many months exploring the ‘Why Not Plan’ Whynotplan.info which talks of the critical importance of first securing our borders with our national guard, stopping the illegal alien flow, terrorist flow and drug traffic. This should have been done decades ago under several administrations but has not and that is a huge national security risk and betrayal to Americans. This plan says that once we really have secured our borders and stopped illegal immigration, we can only then explore and offer various plans to invite illegal aliens out of the shadows. One of the innovative and entrepreneurial ideas with this plan involves the creation of an ‘Honor Zone’ covering 60-80 miles across the Mexican side of the border that invites US businesses to establish there and hire Mexican workers. Hopefully that would start to also draw some of the illegal alien workers down to work in this zone. America would win. Mexican illegal aliens would win and our economy would win.

Give us REAL tax reform

Obama has just sent over a 3.7 trillion dollar budget that is already making huge waves with conservatives. The fact is that the progressive left will never have the same fiscal priorities as conservatives. Obama and his progressives believe in redistribution of wealth and taxing people more as they achieve. Conservatives believe in the opposite and rewarding achievement. We have seen this ‘taking’ socialist philosophy from day one with the Obama Regime. He has instituted tax increases everywhere he can, certainly we have seen a treasure chest of ridiculous tax increases put all through the Health care bill that is thankfully in the process of being dismantled and neutered. The bottom line is that if we do roughly 400 trillion in Government transactions a year (which amount was given to me by a published and successful CPA) of various kinds and could tax even 300 trillion of it with a 2% point of purchase sales tax, you would have 6 trillion dollars coming in. There would be zero need for any payroll, income, gas or capital gains tax of any kind. Even with Obama’s liberal, Democrat budget of 3.7 trillion you can begin to see the math. Imagine it being trimmed even a little to 3.5 trillion without hurting our infrastructure. You would have 2.5 trillion left to chunk down our huge debt each year. We have to somehow plan a way to get rid of it before the nearly 15 trillion of it gets rid of us, our economy and stability. Why not just have a little sales tax and no other tax to burden people and business? It seems like a no brainer to me.

We need a plan for energy independence

What we don’t need are any more ‘wind mill fantasies.’ The two most logical and history proven ways to create energy, protect our independence and lower gas prices is to drill for oil where ever we can and explore Nuclear plants. Both options are used around the world and most safe. We need two or three refineries going that provide oil for America, weaning us from our endless dependence on other countries and regimes that can put prices where ever they want. Obama sure wants to help other countries drill for oil but apparently not us. He gave Brazil 2 billion to drill oil to keep for themselves. We are not to explore or drill. That is frankly dangerous to America, stupid and shameful. Why can’t we pursue drilling for oil where ever it makes sense, while incorporating preservation of the environment and support for the native, animal population. Nothing of consequence for America has to be all or nothing. There are so many things I would love to hear from the next President. Let’s start with correct national security and border security; Real tax reform and freeing people from income tax while actually carving our way out of debt; drilling for oil, exploring Nuclear plants and promoting energy independence and restoring our freedoms and Judeo Christian values. Bring it on. Let me know what you think Thepeoplespresident.me

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Dr. Laurie Roth Just Who is this Annie Oakley of the airwaves?

Laurie Roth has a Ph.D. in counseling and a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, is happily married and currently resides in Washington State. She is a singer/songwriter with five CD albums to her credit.
