
Washington's 8th District

Mr. Huber Goes To Washington

Jim ONeill image

By —— Bio and Archives July 11, 2010

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image"When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government...." -- Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) From "The Declaration of Independence" "In order to prevail against the most hard-core communist revolutionaries, you must send the most hardcore conservative patriots to Congress." -- Ernest Huber -- Congressional candidate from Washington's 8th District
That America will hold free elections this coming November is not a forgone conclusion. Most patriotic Americans are well aware of this fact. Nonetheless, we need to carry on "as if." As if we will have free elections, and as if the campaigns of Constitutional conservatives matter. You never know, these upcoming elections may be all that saves the United States from tyranny, economic ruin, and servitude. In that case, "politics as usual" isn't going to cut it. We've been pushed around, and played for patsies, long enough. We need to hit back, and hit back hard. Nothing less than a large-scale revolution will do. That's not mere hyperbole, I'm simply stating the facts. Hopefully, it will be a peaceful revolution, but we must be prepared for other outcomes and scenarios, as well. Be that as it may, the representatives that we support and send to Washington D.C. from now on, must be of an altogether different type and caliber, than we have been accustomed to sending. We need fearless warriors in Washington. If the seditious, corrupt, reprehensible 111th US Congress hasn't awakened you to how bad things are in D.C., then you're.... Well, I don't know what you are, but I hope you don't vote. Speaking of voting, I have a great example of the kind of person we need elected to Congress -- my friend, Ernest Huber, who's running for Congress in Washington's 8th District. Ernest tells it like it is, and he tells it well -- so rather than paraphrase him, I'll let him speak for himself. What follows is Ernest Huber's platform, (and advice), which I believe could serve as a useful template for other Constitutional conservatives running for office.


America the beautiful is dying. I'm mad as hell, and I know you are too. As your Congressman, I will do my best to save our country. A nation is usually overthrown non-militarily in two steps: Its economy is incrementally destroyed, and then a dictator promises to “rescue” it. But the economy never gets rescued, and the dictator never goes away. Obama, his handlers, lackeys, and fellow travelers, are clearly trying to implement unconstitutional and tyrannical solutions, to “rescue” us from the very problems they created or fabricated. The corrupt and dysfunctional Congress passes corrupt and dysfunctional laws. We have to stop this runaway train before we can back it up. We put on the brakes by gridlocking, repealing, or defunding most legislation. We do our part by electing courageous conservative brakemen to Congress and the Presidency. No more Mr. Nice Guys, pretty boys, party hacks, or insulated millionaire elitists. We must quickly address the following matters.

The Economy

Our money supply should be created by Congress paying for government's basic goods and services, instead of the money supply being created through borrowing and debt. This will work if we put courageous conservatives in Congress and the Presidency instead of Progressive misfits and banking concubines who historically sabotage debt-free money systems. See who speciously opposes this, then look at their source of income. They've probably been harvesting you. As your Congressman, I won't let anyone use you as a crop. This is not rocket science. The more someone takes from you, the poorer and less free you are. The markets, like people, must be free to properly function. Government employees don't create jobs, they just spend our money to perpetuate themselves. As your Congressman, I will oppose anyone in government who engages in economic sabotage to increase their power. They cause the problems, then demand taxes (your freedom) to solve the same problems they cause -- this is criminal racketeering.

Health Care

This is a non-issue for the vast majority of citizens who enjoy the best health care in the world. The government's role in any reform should be minimal; this is a free market area. I have not known of anyone ever being denied basic medical care. Government employees who lie about health care, and spread panic and disinformation to seize control of twenty percent of our economy and our medical freedom, should be in jail, not in public office. This isn't about health care. Communist insurgents got a slave master's bullwhip through the health care ruse. As your Congressman, I'll rip that bullwhip from their hands and work for their imprisonment.

National Defense

Our military is fighting and killing Islamic radicals and communists. So how do we win these conflicts? It's all in the definition of "win." We can precisely define winning, as the number of Taliban or Al Qaeda killed, and win today. Or we can vaguely define it as eternal security for the middle east, and never win. There will always be terrorists in other countries, but that doesn't always justify massive troop deployments. Our military has shown the world that they are the best warriors, and they have killed many times our 9-11 losses. We've made our point, and we can make it again if necessary. Our most urgent threat is the invasion by, and our de facto war with, Mexico. When armed Federales, drug cartels, and ten percent of Mexico's population regularly invade our nation, and when the insipid Mexican president criticizes Arizona in front of our own disloyal and cowardly Congress for opposing his invasion force, it's time to dump that worthless Congress and militarize that border. The invaders cost us at least $300 billion yearly, paying for their free health care, education, housing, food, and unemployment. They annually kill more of our citizens than those who died in the 9-11 terrorist attacks. They fill our prisons, close our hospitals, and bankrupt our communities. This is utter insanity. The invasion must be immediately stopped, and, like other topics, it is absolutely not open to debate.

The Environment

Environmentalism has become a Leninist weapon. Communists wear many masks. One of them is a criminal conspiracy called Sustainable Communities. This is a perfect example of what the Chicago communist Alinsky meant by overthrowing our nation from the bottom up, by subverting our institutions. I will move to repeal the Endangered Species Act and start over, viewing humans as more important than animals. During the past 200 million years there have been four extinction-level events, but the species populations continued to grow, and today have tripled. Bugs, snails, minnows, birds, and other silliness, have been used by the bad guys to con us into destroying our own farms, industries, and power generation. This absurd Act has made us the endangered species; it is an act of war. Surface and seabed volcanic activity and the sun, not humans, cause the vast majority of climate change. Al Gore is a liar. No one should be allowed to use global warming, or other environmental ruses to justify slave tax rates, and world dictatorship.

The Democratic Party

This party in Congress has been infiltrated by liars, gangsters, and communists who intend to rape and destroy our freedom-loving, Christian, Constitutional America. The only thing worse than a Progressive is a rich Progressive. They’re all enemies of We The People, and they're nation-killers. Kick them all out, and never elect them to public office again.

The Republican Party

This party in Congress has been castrated. Its timid and disloyal members go along to get along, presenting us with the dangerous illusion of choice. They rarely embrace or defend conservative archetypes that are necessary for our survival. The GOP must follow its traditionally conservative platform, and say "Hell, no!" to compromise, shun the RINOs, and purge them from the GOP. Then we'll be on the long road back to saving our nation.


Public education is broken. We spend about $10K per year per student and still can’t seem to staff our professions, stop the skyrocketing dropout rates, or have the world‘s best students. We play with class size, test scores, diversity, sensitivity, gender, self-images, every child a winner, no child left behind, and we fall more behind, because traditional curricula have been abandoned. More money won't solve the problem. National and state teachers’ unions and the Department of Education have become leftist political indoctrination agents and costly boondoggles that have a vested interest in education's failure. They should be abolished. Mastery of English, true American and Western civilization history, and Constitutional memorization should be required to graduate or we’ll get more ignorance, balkanizing multiculturalism, disunity, chaos, and government tyrants.

The Media

In a word: Accomplices. They are openly hostile to our civil rights, exemplified by their attempted destruction of Sarah Palin and her family. The people in these organizations are toxic, and they threaten democracy by bullying, lying, and usurping governmental powers. They certainly aren’t operating in the public’s interest. We're at a point where conservatives in the media have said all they can say without losing their jobs. It's critical that we don't let their pacifism become our pacifism. They are at a point beyond where they cannot go, but we can, and we must.

Church and State

The social collapse we are experiencing is mainly due to the loss of our moral foundation. Deadly totalitarianism cannot exist in a Christian nation (Rom. 13:4), so the wannabe dictators actively try to suppress Christianity. If your pastor or priest focuses only on love, good works, prayer, tithing, and pacifist sermons but avoids courageous moral teachings and won’t fight evil, then you should fire him or change churches if he “owns” it, or start a home church, and tithe to it. It’s an abomination, and suicidal, to submit to the spiritual authority of a coward; it’s also a nation-killer. On the other hand, the nation’s pastors and priests could turn this all around if they mobilized their congregations to fight evil. So far they haven’t, so we’re having to work around them. In 1776, Peter Muhlenberg delivered a sermon, concluding, "There is a time for all things, a time to preach, and a time to pray, but those times have passed away. There is a time to fight, and that time has now come." He removed the clerical robes that covered his Colonel's uniform, and then set out to successfully command the 8th Virginia Regiment of the Continental Army.


This genocidal horror has surgically ended the lives of over fifty million helpless US citizens since Roe v. Wade in 1973 under the deadly guise of the right to choose. This wholesale slaughter is a socially engineered war crime of genocide against humanity. If you are prohibited from directly killing 50 million people; you are also prohibited from indirectly killing them using social engineering. Who are these mass murdering "social engineers?" Here's a hint: They're not Conservatives, Constitutionalists, or Christians. Abortion was a felony forty years ago, and it should be a felony today.

Racism and anti-Semitism

All races and religions have the right to peacefully co-exist, and the duty to ensure that peace. But no one has the right to demand perpetual victim status for special treatment, privilege, or shielding, based on injustices to ancestors. That absurdity is a shakedown and has no place in civilization.


The closer we are to those who work for us in government the more accountable they are to our control. We The People are the final check and balance, and the guardians of our own freedoms. I will strive to reduce the power and size of federal, state, county, and local government, without sacrificing national security or the public welfare, to help ensure you have control and freedom. Clearly, those who promote world government are sovereignty's natural enemies and our mortal enemies. I have always opposed them.

Strategy (how you can help)

I’m using our Founding Fathers’ tactics: guerrilla political campaigning. I’m not playing to the bad guys’ strengths, but to their weaknesses. I am bypassing the media and the small RINO/Progressive county cliques that have infiltrated the GOP. My campaign is really your campaign. Like Tea Party participants, we're all in this together, we're all leaders, we vastly outnumber the bad guys. I respect you, and we can win. I’m asking that you make and pass out your own fliers, make your own signs, and display them when and where you think is best, work your own precincts, do your own phone banks from your homes, call talk shows, write letters to the editor, enlist your family, friends, and church. Blog, vote for me, photocopy your completed ballot before mailing, and work in election headquarters to prevent fraud. If you do that, I'll win the primary and general elections, and go to Congress to help take back the government that's been stolen from us. Be advised, some Progressives and RINOs are doing everything they can to stall, derail, and prevent We The People from stopping their crime spree. These snakes appear out of nowhere; have no conservative credentials; can't or won't articulate conservative principles, and try to hijack, dilute or divert campaigns, precincts or conservative candidates. A little investigation usually shows they've been connected with Progressive or RINO organizations, candidates, or activists. Be sure to thoroughly vet those seeking precinct, or district, influence. Also, do your own candidate research. Be safe. Don't delegate it to strangers. Too much is at stake. We‘re way past politics-as-usual. We must retake the GOP from the grassroots up, then peacefully retake our country. We might not have enough time for a peaceful solution, but we must try.


So here’s the deal. There are now people in positions of power over us who have repeatedly said, and shown, they are America’s enemies. They are intentionally destroying as much as they can. If we allow them to keep tightening and consolidating their tentacles of power and control; history shows that they will kill us -- and we are in denial despite massive and overwhelming evidence. Shamefully, many conservative commentators and leaders lack situational awareness, or courage, and are still stuck in stupid. They prattle on about their pet political and economic projects and historical perspectives that are applicable only to a free country. There is a low intensity war going on and we haven't even been half-hearted in fighting it. Be prepared to take swift and brutal action or our nation will fall. I'm sure our Founding Fathers would authorize the use of force just as they did against the tyrannical king. Read the Declaration of Independence in light of current events. Its principles still stand. The passive resistance of Gandhi and Martin Luther King does not apply here and it will be fatal if used exclusively. We must fight fire with fire. This is an emergency. Our survival demands that we quickly acquire a fierce mind-set to defeat deadly enemies. This fact will become clearer the closer we get to the 2010 primary election. This election is not about politics-as-usual; it's about counter-insurgency. It could be the last election we have, if we don’t fight, vote like our lives depended on it, and then fight some more. Freedom is not a spectator sport. If the United States falls, the world will turn into one huge death camp. I didn't stop fighting for you when I retired from the military and now I choose to fight for you in Congress. We're at war with domestic enemies. We will prevail with God's help. Let’s roll! Addendum Ernest Huber for Congress Ernest Huber PO Box 1714 Issaquah, WA 98027 ErnestHuberForCongress@gmail.com [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnYLuNlgfFs]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnYLuNlgfFs[/url]

Military Service Record

USAF Sergeant; Intelligence Operations Specialist/SERE instructor, USAF Survival School; 1963-1968 Army Chief Warrant Officer; Military Intelligence interrogation technician, Army Intelligence Center; 1978-1980 Retired Navy Lieutenant Commander; Surface Warfare Officer, counterterrorism Battle Watch Commander; 1980-1994

Jim ONeill -- Bio and Archives | Comments

Born June 4, 1951 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Served in the U.S. Navy from 1970-1974 in both UDT-21 (Underwater Demolition Team) and SEAL Team Two.  Worked as a commercial diver in the waters off of Scotland, India, and the United States.  Worked overseas in the Merchant Marines.  While attending the University of South Florida as a journalism student in 1998 was presented with the “Carol Burnett/University of Hawaii AEJMC Research in Journalism Ethics Award,” 1st place undergraduate division.  (The annual contest was set up by Carol Burnett with money she won from successfully suing a national newspaper for libel).  Awarded US Army, US Navy, South African, and Russian jump wings.  Graduate of NOLS (National Outdoor Leadership School, 1970).  Member of Mensa, China Post #1, and lifetime member of the NRA and UDT/SEAL Association.
