
The nuclear "deal" with Iran and The Israeli-Palestinian "peace process"

Obama, Netanyahu and the Ayatollah

Dr. Isaac Yetiv image

By —— Bio and Archives April 3, 2015

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The tempest that has recently blown over the US-Israel relations has one unique source, the personality and far-leftist ideology of one man, President Obama: his narcissistic belief and arrogant unilateral acts that are anathema to the American political system; his intolerance to dissenting views that brook no dissent from the other co-equal branch of government, the US Congress or from a foreign Prime Minister such as Netanyahu; his disdain of the US Constitution and his violation of its most cherished tenets; and his vindictive and punishing reactions against those who dare infringe upon his dictatorial fiats, like a monarch insulted by his vassals who committed the crime of "lese-majeste."
As many pundits observed, Obama's "temper tantrums" against Netanyahu were caused by the prime Minister successes, first in his brilliant speech loudly acclaimed in the Congress by both Republicans and Democrats, and later, in his resounding victory in Israeli elections that will allow him to continue as Prime Minister, an anathema to Obama who spared no effort to defeat him, even using taxpayer money and sending political hacks to Israel in that endeavor, which is a gross and ugly interference in a foreign country's elections. Before the Israeli elections, Obama unleashed his attack-dog minions to launch a campaign of vilification against the Prime Minister of Israel, the only real US ally in the disintegrating Middle-East. They called him names like "chickenshit," amid accusations of "spying," and ominous threats such as "Israel will pay a heavy price," the US may abandon Israel at the UN," etc. This abominable treatment of a beleaguered ally, surrounded by ferocious enemies sworn to its destruction, was never inflicted on US enemies, not even on the decapitators of ISIS. And what was Netanyahu's crime, pray tell? The Obama administration sees him as a spoiler of two of their cherished projects: The nuclear deal with Iran and the perennial "peace process" with the Palestinians. As if these two issues were not intrinsic to Israel's security and survival . And I hasten to add that Yitzhak Herzog is in total agreement with Netanyahu on the issue of Iran, as he has declared, and like his predecessors on the Left, he will not be able to satisfy the demands of the Palestinians (see below).

The nuclear "deal" with Iran:

One may ask what moral code dictates that Obama may negotiate the fate of the Jewish state and the Jewish people with their mortal enemies, behind their back, in secrecy, not allowing even the US Congress to know the dangerous concessions to Iran, whose leaders continue to yell "Death to America" (Marg bar Amrika), the Great Satan, even before "Death to Israel" the Little Satan? Netanyahu is accused of speaking to the Congress without obtaining permission from the president. This is preposterous because, in our system of government, the Executive and the Legislative are co-equal branches; the Congress is a sovereign entity and may invite whom it pleases and what world leader would refuse such an honor, a fortiori; the Prime Minister of Israel who has a lot to say about the inherent danger to his people, to the region, and to the United States. The acclaim in the Congress was bipartisan, which is reflective of the sentiment in America, where a majority of the people and more than 80% of the Congress do not agree with the president. And there are many reasons for the disagreement: Iran is still on the American list of "sponsors of terror," for dispensing money and weapons to a variety of terrorist organizations. It is practically in control of Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen, making it the hegemon in the area to the apprehension and detriment of Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, the Gulf states, and all the Sunnis in the region. The regime of the Mullahs is dangerous enough as it is now; with the bomb in their possession, they become lethal to Israel, the region, and the world. One may wonder why do they need nuclear energy with their abundant energy resources, and why do they need ICBM (Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles) if not for war purposes in the Middle-East and other "continents" such as America? The "deal" with Iran will allow this sponsor of terrorism to legitimately acquire the nuclear weapon even if it is delayed by a few years. It stands to reason that the potential victims will not stay idle or surrender even if Obama seems to be doing just that. Israel will certainly target Tehran and other cities, and the Sunni Arab states will acquire nuclear weapons. It boggles the mind that those who are "negotiating" with Iran pretend to ignore these facts even if the results could incinerate the whole Middle-East, friend and foe alike. There is only one explanation to this willful blindness: a blind and stubborn ideology to rearrange alliances in the Middle-East and to make Iran our "friend," a powerful ally in the region at the expense of the others, enumerated above. "Thus spake" , not Zarathustra, but King Obama .All his acts, facts, and pronouncements converge to make this assertion believable. He accepts at face value the mendacious "fatwa" of the Iranian Supreme Leader that "Iran is prohibited from developing a nuclear weapon." And the very expensive globe-trotter Secretary of State Kerry, who has never accomplished anything, shamelessly declared that the "deal with Iran is not legally binding...and unenforceable." Really? So why the negotiations? A childish, sophomoric attitude ! Many generals, and former Defense Department Secretaries like Gates and Panetta, are strongly against the deal because of the multiple concessions of Obama , the fact that the Ayatollahs can not be trusted, and the invalidity of the projected system of inspections. One IAEA high official declared that "Verification is not possible." Former US ambassador to Iraq, James Jeffrey, said it bluntly : "The Obama policy in the Middle-East is on a free fall." Those who studied the art of negotiating found two big mistakes that should be avoided: Never show that you are desperate to obtain a deal, and never take off the table a credible threat of use of military force if the talks collapse. Obama and Kerry failed on both counts; the Iranians play them like a violin.

The Israeli-Palestinian "peace process:"

The "peace process" saw many "processors" and special envoys, and conferences at Camp David, Taba, Madrid, Annapolis. Various programs and methodologies have been tried Quartet, Road Map, Land for-Peace, Two-state solution etc.), and all came to naught. The Israel-Palestine peace is now a Don Quixotic dream of dilettante politicians impervious to the dictates of REALITY. Arafat himself, after Camp David in 2000, rejected President Clinton's and P.M Barak's very generous offer, and said that,if he signed, he will be drinking coffee with Yitzhak Rabin (meaning "assassinated.") Barak and Clinton "improved on the deal" in Taba : still NYET. Olmert , later, practically sold out with new concessions: same rejection by Abbas. Barak withdrew from Southern Lebanon, which led to Hizballah and thousands of rockets .Sharon cleaned Gaza of Jews,civilian and military, which led to Gazastan and to thousands of rockets against Israel. Any objective observer understands that the Palestinians, not Israel, do not want peace even if it means a "Palestinian state." They believe they can do better at the UN and force Israel to surrender without negotiations which are required by UN Resolutions 242, 338, and others. And, worst of all is Abbas' agreement with Hamas to form a unity government, Hamas, whose charter still calls openly for the destruction of the Jewish state. Isn't that elementary? Is it beyond the ken of Obama and KERRY? Israel, whoever its PM, is blessed to have the support of a majority of American Christians, whether evangelical or not. It is incumbent upon the American Jews , who populate the ranks of the Democratic party, to become seriously involved against the deal with Iran. The Jewish organizations, the Jewish elected officials, the Jewish donors to Obama and his party, should use their clout and their influence in such a fateful matter. We are not talking about the budget, or gay marriage where opinions differ and are respected, but about the danger of Israel's annihilation at the hands of the ayatollahs who never hid their deadly intentions. This movement has already started as a trickle with a few rabbis, some Jewish organizations, and the rank and file. But the trickle must become a torrent. A delegation of the Jewish leaders , Senators, and Congressmen and women should meet with the President and tell him to put an end to the negotiations with the perfidious Mullahs who, as they have in the past, cheat and lie without remorse, following the Islamic precept of TAQIYA. This must be done in a spectacular, public, and dramatic way to rally the suffrages of the American people. Since, in this case, the American and Israeli interests coincide , Iran being the unrepentant enemy of both, there is no fear of the antisemitic accusation of dual allegiance. By their tempestuous intervention, they will be enhancing American security and, at the same time, assuring the existence and security of Israel.

Dr. Isaac Yetiv -- Bio and Archives | Comments

Born in Tunisia and French educated. French Degrees in Math Physics. Lived in Israel from 1950 to 1967 where I taught same. Obtained a degree in French literature and Political Science from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Got involved in politics and was elected to the City council of Haifa in 1965. Took part in the six-day war in Jordan and the Golan Heights. Came to the US in 1967 after the war. Taught Hebrew at the U of Wisconsin , Madison,where I obtained my Ph.D. in French and African Literature.Taught at the U of Hartford, at UConn, U of Akron where I was Head of Dept of Modern Languages.

Published 5 books, hundreds of articles, especially on Middle-East and US system of government. Lectured extensively all over the world.Now retired in La Jolla, CA.
