
We need a Presidential candidate to step forward with the vision and the courage to take on the most devastating moment in America’s recent history

On to 2012!

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By Greg Easley —— Bio and Archives May 4, 2011

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The last couple of weeks have seen some incredible events affecting North America.
  • The long overdue release of Obama’s birth certificate, now definitively proven to be a manufactured fake.
  • The death of the 9/11 accused mastermind Osama Bin Laden at the hands of the fabled U.S. Navy Seal Team 6.
  • And most importantly, a historic Canadian election decimating the progressive Liberal party of Canada and Obama’s mentor and co-conspirator Michael Ignatieff.
What does it mean for America as it reels from the affects of greed, lies and internal corruption throughout its government and banking system marshaled by One World Order puppets like Barrack Obama and George Soros? In November of 2010, America said “No” to big government spending, deliberate inflation, endless debt and the relentless attack on our liberties and our Constitution by the progressive left and the elitist right of our elected government. On May 2nd, Canadians echoed the American demand for an immediate return to sanity by voting overwhelmingly to support conservative values, gaining a majority in Parliament and keeping Steven Harper as Prime Minister for four more years. The progressive right was soundly defeated thus ending Obama’s dream of pushing his sick agenda onto the backs of our northern neighbor via his good buddy, ex-Harvard professor Michael Ignatieff. It was a great day for Canada, for America and it is another resounding message for Americans that we too can overcome the damage being inflicted by Obama, the financially parasitic Federal Reserve Bank and Chicago’s progressive crime syndicate most notably controlled in DC by the likes of Valerie Jarrett with the help of the immoral anti-American, anti-freedom Clinton clucks. Canada sent a message to America – finish the job of defeating the progressives in America or we are all doomed. As for the long awaited release of the Birth Certificate by the Coward-In-Chief in an effort to “prove” he is actually legally eligible to be sitting in the White House in the first place, it is too little and too late. Too little because it is an obvious and poorly produced counterfeit and too late because he already committed the crime and the newly minted certificate only proves it. First it is undeniably forged and felonious and second it proves he inherited citizenship of the United Kingdom from his father as is the precedent defined by the Law of Nations, our Founding Fathers and the 2008 Senate Resolution 511 co-sponsored by Obama his glorious pathetic self. As for the long overdue assassination of Osama Bin Laden, Obama and his anti-war, anti-Bush, anti-Iraq, anti-Afghanistan, anti-surge, anti-Gitmo clan of clucks have suddenly turned into cowboys and cowgirls and are attacking everyone in site. No valid war declaration, no conviction of his victims in a court of law, invading sovereign countries in the middle of the night like banshees of the progressively bashed Bush war hawk regime. The stories of informational bungling on what actually happened with Bin Laden are so pathetic but revealing that there is no point even watching the news for another month or so as far as this story is concerned. Good Grief! Where’s the anti-war Liberal media now. Obama kills by proxy, as only a coward will, and only to save his miserable poll numbers. The birth certificate and the assassination are too late. Obama can find no legitimacy with his flip flopping, truth vacant, two-faced actions in the eyes of vigilant Americans. Too little and too late to turn the tide of our sentiment for a cretin whose sole goal is the complete destruction of the entire North American continent. This man and his feckless minions are so incompetent that they can’t even do the wrong things well. No matter their intent, it will never end well for America with these gofers in office. Greg is a professional Information Technology Analyst and a devout political conservative concerned about the destiny of The United States of America and the free world. He is a member of the Tea Party Patriots and publisher of his own web site The 4th Awakening. The site features his own commentaries and important political news items posted daily. Greg lives in the Atlanta, Georgia area and is looking forward to retirement in the woods. Greg can be reached at: gdeasley@bellsouth.net

On To 2012!

  • America said “NO” in 2010
  • Canada said ‘NO” in 2011
  • America will say “NO” again in 2012
Canada’s vote for Harper and conservative leadership for Canada was a vote against Obama as well, a continuing message that is resounding around the world as peoples from all nations recognize the Socialist and Islamic threats to sovereign law, all with Obama’s blessings. Killing bin Laden was nothing more than another distraction from Obama’s miserable performance and his illegitimacy to be the leader of our nation. America is shamed and weary of him. We have a job to do. A repeat of the November 2010 elections is paramount in order to reclaim our government. We must finish the job! 23 progressives and 10 republicans are up for re-election in the United States Senate. Our minimum goal should be a super-majority in the Senate but replacing all 33 of them would be necessary and proper to save our nation. As for the GOP, bargaining for a rise in the debt limit coupled with the proposed pathetic cuts in deficit spending is a joke. The debt ceiling does not have to be raised and the GOP knows this. They will do it anyway and the deal they make with Obama will not prevent the total collapse of the our currency. Bernanke is lying through his teeth about our economy. Everyone know this too. As for President, it’s a no-brainer. Obama is finished. His poll numbers are pathetic, his base is lost and the country is headed for financial ruin by his hand. Broken dreams and broken promises are Obama’s legacy and he can’t change that now. American’s have seen the cut of his cloth and we have no faith in his apprenticeship and there is No Hope in his stewardship of our great nation, only small pittance in the name of “Change You Can Believe In”. Removing Obama and his clan of thugs, criminals and perverts is necessary and proper. We need a Presidential candidate to step forward with the vision and the courage to take on the most devastating moment in America’s recent history and every jerk in Congress hell bent on wrecking our future and stopping this kind of candidate. We only have another 2 years or less to stop the otherwise inevitable demise of The United States. Where is this candidate? I don’t see one who fits the measure of character, courage and leadership that can master the voters and the people in Congress that will try and defeat him or her before the election even gets started. Or perhaps what I am seeing is voters, progressives and elitist who care too much about themselves to see that when America falls, we are all ruined as a nation. There will be no real survivors. Just war, chaos and poverty. Look at your history. It is always the end result, death and suffering in a last ditch effort to conquer for spoils or defend to the death. Choose wisely – it could be your last free moment to do so! Canada has our back, we must respond accordingly and faithfully to our ally, to our Founding Fathers, our children and our Constitutional duty as genuine Americans. Choose wisely in 2012!

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