
Kent Constabulary is now holding an essay contest in celebration of LGBT month

Political Correctness – A Cancer on Common Sense

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By —— Bio and Archives February 19, 2009

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It's probably my reaction to your reaction to the essay on the Death of Common Sense. It's opening my sometimes jaded eyes, to the hunger on your part for some push back to the biggest mind invasion of our generation, political correctness, which I will define here and now as The Oppression of the Independent Mind by those who would want to modify our behavior by controlling our thoughts and speech.
If you are looking for my working definition to pass on to your friends and family and to work off of as you scan the news of the day, feel free to log on to our site, charlesadler.com and you will find it. Now let's be clear about what common sense is. It's a way of straight forward rational thinking and rational behavior based on what makes sense to a person who hasn't yet lost his human liberty. Common sense is a child of liberty. Because of your reaction to the demise of common sense, liberty's child, the hills of my mind are alive with the pounding sound of the drum in the funeral march for our friend Liberty. Politically correct propaganda is always based on a big lie. And one of the liar's favourite terms is human dignity. We are told to change how we think and behave in order to preserve some group's human dignity. Folks, there is no such thing as human dignity for some, when human liberty is trashed for the many. This is why I wasn't backing down on my fight with the CBC who, as the chief media agent for political correctness in Canada, was spreading the venom that hiding our national anthem, downsizing it, relegating it, minimizing it, was going to enhance human dignity for one or two children whose religious values made exposure to the anthem very difficult. But that was last week's garbage. Let's look at today's trash which I found in a British dumpster. The Headline reads, "Why instead of chasing criminals, are police asking children to write essays about Gay Pride?" I will be happy to link the story to our website. You can read all about how the Kent Constabulary is now holding an essay contest in celebration of LGBT month. That stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender month. The Kent Constabulary, a police service in the county of Kent wants to promote itself as a gay-friendly employer. Gay-friendly is a phrase that is meant to appease the PC police who have four unspoken declarations that result in suffocation of freedom of thought action. Declaration number one: Society is homophobic; 2) the legally constituted authority known as the POLICE are homophobic; 3) the only way to cure the disease is to strongly encourage the hiring of openly gay employees and to participate in community programs to stamp out homophobia; and 4) any opposition to these policies which are in the interests of promoting human dignity among the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered communities will be publicly branded as homophobic - sanctions to follow. Now once again, what's so insidious about this is that the declarations are unspoken. You know the drill by now. News events create court cases, and they result in judgments and they result in various organizations, public and private, operating defensively, with lawyers telling them what to pro-actively do to avoid the land mines that get detonated when one transgresses political correctness. First we have the crime. Then we have it labeled a hate crime. Then we have laws governing how we speak about certain issues and how we promote tolerance. And so in Kent County, the police are inviting children under the age of 14 to write about their feelings about lesbians and gays and bisexuals and transgendered people. The essay's title must be "All Different, Same Respect." First prize is 25 pounds. First reaction from the political community is that conservatives think of this as another 25 pounds to the mind of common sense and first reaction from those who loathe conservatives will likely brand them as homophobes for not embracing and celebrating the lives of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and the Transgendered. I am not making this up. I am waking you up if you haven't already been woken up by the fact that you are being asked every day, in every way, to abandon your common sense and I know that many of you require no wake up call. You are the ones who reacted viscerally to the essay, "The Death of Common Sense." Common sense is dead in Kent County, England, and it's dying in other counties in England and the U.S and Canada and everywhere in the not-as-nearly-free-as-it-could-be free world - no longer as free as it used to be. When do we get tired of leaning on the used-to-be crutch and grab the bullet train to a world with more freedom and less used-to-be? Now that would be change really worth believing in, as opposed to the empty slogan filling the teleprompter of a Chicago politician. If you think the Kent County Mind Screwing is restricted to that county or that country, please don't kid yourself. Our world is shrinking by the minute and if the political correctness virus is infecting a police service in Not So Jolly Old England, it's just a matter of time before this one comes to our shores where the word Jolly is rarely heard, and certainly desired by the trolls of political correctness. The first thing that gets zapped when your human mind is attacked is your sense of humor. And so please don't laugh when I read a headline to you from a British newspaper because it’s not meant to funny. It is anything but funny. Is it about how a local police service has been morally coerced, (one of my favourite oxymorons) into becoming a tool of political correctness. By the way, I said the words Police Service. You may remember they used to be called the Police Force. But that was deemed too offensive, too threatening for the most dangerous force in our society, the PC Police. They are about a lot of things. Protecting you isn't one of them. The PC police in one of their language patrols beat up and murdered the words Police Force. It's now a service, no different than a dry cleaning, or cake decorating or toilet cleaning service. No more or less important. No criminal should think of the police service as threatening to their movements. The police service should just be thought of as a group of benign individuals driving blue and white cars, showing up at crime scenes with a smile and a notebook. It's a service, not a force. The nasty joke is on all of us of course, because if the criminal doesn't feel the boot of authority on his neck, it gives him a clear path to his boot to your neck. The replacement of the word force by service is a classic case of mind screwing, liberty draining political correctness. Replacing force with service is a disservice to the law abiding citizen. The cop working for him is now just a service man, instead of an agent of force working against the criminal. And so the criminal is given a license to impose his force upon the law abiding citizen. The police force used to be about deterrence. Fear of the force would deter the criminal. But now there is no fear. There is no force. There is a notebook and a smile coming from the service. The criminal doesn't show up with a smile and a notebook. He wears the black gloves our guy used to wear, and wields the weapons our guys used to have, and brutalizes you and your family. Next time you hear of a citizen being brutalized in your community think of it as just another service, compliments from the PC police, the thugs who in their loathing of human liberty, stripped common sense and beat her senseless. If we wanted to be a little more subtle about it, we could fairly say that Political Correctness has been a cancer on Common Sense. Is there a doctor in the house who doesn't think its terminal?

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