
Greens Brazen It Out

The Gall of Liars

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By Barry Napier —— Bio and Archives December 4, 2009

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James Hansen persuaded the world the sky was falling down, even though logic told us it wasn’t. Now, this great man is getting cold feet over warming, which is suddenly getting too hot for him. He has been caught out, and is now floundering as he invents more absurdities for the world to swallow wholesale.
Not that he uses his brains in any constructive way. More like a pot of spilled ice-cream trying to play the piano in a heated room. Up to today, Hansen has been yelling hysterically for the world to do things “NOW!” and for the Copenhagen Summit to come up with the goods, much as a street vendor sells fake Gucci. But, as soon as Phil Jones and his merry band of frauds was found out, Hansen suddenly became righteous and says he hopes the Summit will fail dramatically! (The Guardian, 3rd Dec.). Yes, he’s floundering alright. He wants to invent stories to cover his part in the sorry mess Jones has spilled all over the greenie sidewalk. And part of his scheme is to re-invent warming and the other silly stories.

Top Scientist?

Hansen is called one of the world’s “top climate scientists”. Nowadays, that’s just as prestigious an accolade as calling him the most successful serial killer. He says the Summit is already a disaster (I agree to that), so he’d like to see it stopped and “re-assessed”. I know, let’s re-assess dropping a ton weight on his foot. I guarantee that each time it is dropped it will be just as painful. What’s the point of re-assessing garbage? He means he wants to tweak the words of reports and twist their meanings (again). But, the results will still be garbage and still as painful. Isn’t it odd that Hansen became righteous only after Jones was found out? What a coincidence that Hansen now wants the Summit halted. I wonder if there’s a connection? Hansen kick-started that charlatan, Al Gore (he is now hiding away somewhere in Canada so I believe), who is also now ‘re-assessing’ and re-inventing new ways to scam people after he has been found out. What about Obama? Even he must be getting cold feet over warming after the Jones-town-mass-suicide-of-scientists-by-their-own-admission scandal? He won’t let on, of course… he’ll just go and bow subserviently to a few more world leaders. Our friend Hansen, seeing how the world is slowly coming to its senses, is now being critical of the very men he prodded into action, Gore and Obama. Very convenient. To him, climate laws are a “moral imperative”. The science is bunkum, but the morals must be upheld at all costs – and the costs will be extreme, though there is nothing to be ‘moral’ about, except putting scientists under arrest for fraud. Warming and climate arguments are worthless. Now that the rather obvious cooling is a hot topic, Hansen is using his head to stop himself getting buried. Hopefully, he won’t make it. Get rid of all scientists who commit fraud!

Respected Researchers – the Myth

The Guardian enviro-correspondent (itself a fake job created by fake science) calls Phil Jones and his ilk “respected researchers”. She doesn’t refer to them as ‘once respected’ but maintains a positive imperative. To her, their criminal and ethical fall is a mere blip, to be ignored. But, she has to be that way, otherwise she would lose her irrelevant job. How can a national newspaper possibly continue to ’respect’ people who have had their crimes and fakery made public? How can the same correspondent possibly speak of the “enormous body of scientific evidence” the same frauds produced, equating it to truth and genuine science? Does she understand the difference between ‘evidence’ and ‘proof’? You can have enough ‘evidence’ to sink a ship, but it does not mean you have any ‘proof’! Evidence is NOT necessarily ‘proof’ – maybe greenies should come to learn what these terms mean. “Hansen admitted the controversy could shake the public’s trust.” You don’t say! These folks are either deaf and blind, or they are incredibly self-biased. What ‘public trust’? There is virtually none. Now, the public trust scientists as much as they trust politicians!

Conclusion First – Then Data

Scientific frauds are so full of themselves they do not even realise when they make stupendous gaffs. In his Guardian interview, Hansen made an amazing statement. He actually said:
“All that stuff they are arguing about the data doesn’t really change the analysis at all, but it does leave a very bad impression.”
Yes, he really did say that! It is like saying of the equation, 2+2=4, that it does not matter if the numbers are changed, because the equation remains the same no matter what the numbers are. Put in 3+3=4, or 37+11=4. See? It is all the same! How? Because the ‘analysis’ or answer came first!! In another article I have shown that scientists are destroying true science by doing just that – inventing a theory and then forcing the figures to suit the theory. That is, they do not ‘falsify’ their own theory… they just make it false. It is another way of saying that the science doesn’t matter (argued by myself and many others) because what matters is the theory, the preconception. The conclusion precedes the data! Look at the statement again and broadcast it, because Hansen really is messing his own backyard.

Scientific Fascism

Greenies loathe having ’Nazism’ attached to their cause – but that is exactly what it is… Fascism. Republicans (many of whom flew in formation with greenies to get their votes) in Congress now call the ridiculous green posturing, “scientific fascism”. They might be hypocritical, but they are right. I know, because it is what I discovered when I researched my book. All the signs point in the direction of Marxism and Fascism. And Obama’s science Czar, John Holdren, is still hanging on for grim death, even though he is one of those caught in the CRU email records as a fraud. As is usual for serial liars, he casually says he will apologise IF the accusations can be proved to be true. He isn’t worried one little bit – why should he be worried when his boss gets away with his own deceptions? If a Kenyan with no documentation can get away with it, why can’t a poor excuse for a scientist? He will just brazen it out to the end. The same Guardian correspondent believes against all the cards stacked against greenism. If she’s not careful, the cards will collapse around her head. Better to leave the sinking ship now. She repeats old green foolishness, that the “coal industry produces more gas emissions than any other fuel source.” Like all those who bleat to the same mantra, she does not stop to wonder just how any science can measure exactly who emits what carbon! It does not even occur to her. And that is a very sad indictment. However, Hansen is right on one thing: he hates cap-and-trade. He says it is the same as the old Catholic Indulgences: just pay some money and your sins are blotted out. Unfortunately, this one slender sliver of truth doesn’t save his hide as a scientist. Like someone who believes stinking pus is the sign of a clean wound, Hansen believes (or, more accurately, he says he believes) that by not stopping CO2 emissions the seas will rise dramatically. A UK court forced scientists to admit such an event is “impossible”, and the science behind the claim doesn’t exist… the stark sea-rise figures are a deliberate fraud put there by the IPCC!! (See my book). The IPCC slid the decimal point a few places to make a few centimetres (the usual sea rise figures) into anything up to twenty feet!! Yet, this ‘top scientist’ repeats what is a known fraud. Does he even know the IPCC has since changed the figures back to what they should be? I don’t think so. He also repeats the idea that humans are causing a rise in CO2 that is dangerous. Neither claim can be proved by science. It is all guesswork based on bad science.

Marxism Emerging

One of the key environmental foundation stones is ‘depopulation’. I doubt if few people know what this really means. It means getting rid of people by any way possible. At the moment, the UN does it by watching as Marxist killers commit genocide in Africa. Their troops even help them in some instances. There is also death by disease, or by starvation, or by war, or by mass abortion (hence the push for abortion on demand). It doesn’t matter how it is done, because it is all useful ‘natural wastage’. And it is always the Third World that carries the can. Birth control is now put forward as a means to stop population rising. No, not the usual stuff. Someone with a warped mind has come up with the idea that the richer countries can pay for family planning in the ‘developing world’ (which greenies do not want to be developed) through carbon offsets. By paying into the scheme, the richer folks can emit as much CO2 as they like. But those in the Third World cannot. Nor can they have children. The reality behind the scheme is as chilling as the ‘Final Solution’ devised by Hitler’s evil plotters.

Business, Not Science

Carbon offsetting is now big business and it will expand exponentially. That is why Gore owns stocks in the business (he also has his own offsetting company) and why richer folks are shifting their money into carbon. It is a fake movement started by fakes to make themselves filthy rich. They don’t care about the environment, only about money. Yet, offsetting is as real as Father Christmas; it is a scheme devised by the king with new clothes that don’t exist. Another trick of science, no doubt commended by Jones and kin. By richer countries paying for family planning (enforced), we will avert all those awful disasters brought about by CO2 emissions that cause global warming. The same disasters the UK court said are ‘impossible’ and that were invented by fraudulent science. The same ‘global warming’ that has not happened and has been missing for 12 years or so. Or, is it a new global warming, another brand? The idea is founded on the false science that humans cause the CO2 that supposedly causes warming. The science is unproven, and the idea that CO2 causes warming has been debunked, because warming precedes CO2 rise! But, they don’t care. They just keep repeating the same old rubbish. James Lovelock, the deviser of the Gaia principle, is fully behind the family planning idea. So is David Attenborough, who makes great TV films but has no idea what he is talking about.

Keep Going!

No matter, The Guardian’s enviro-editor, Joh Vidal, is hooked by global warming and all the other green falsity. He doesn’t even mention the email revelations. That’s because they don’t matter – what matters is the theory that precedes data. He does not even mention that his colleague, George Monbiot, who used to just as avid, is now a skeptic. Nor do greenies mention the fact that Australia voted against becoming the first country to adopt wholesale cap-and-trade. Keep shouting – maybe we can get others to follow the same common sense. In the immediate wake of the email scandals, Rhodri Morgan, leader of the Welsh Assembly of the tiny country of Wales, UK, promises that all government buildings will cut CO2 emissions by 10%. Wonderful! That’s as useful as spitting into the Atlantic to increase volume of water. It is meaningless, except that it proves the point that politicians have no idea what they are saying or doing. CO2 does no harm whatever. It does not matter if it fills the sky to the limit (which is impossible). None of it does harm. It is all a ruse used by unscrupulous scientists to scare people. The UK government enviro-minister, Miliband, says he wants the government to “hold itself accountable to climate change campaigners”. Eh? Why to greenies? Why not to genuine scientists who oppose green pseudo-science? The reason is that pushing a green agenda brings in huge tax returns and inordinate power. The email scandal broke in the UK, yet Miliband continues the march of the sanguines (in its ‘deep red’ meaning). He won’t be accountable to ordinary folks or to true scientists. What we need is for green scientists and politicians to be held accountable to the whole world, for all the wicked schemes that will destroy freedom and lives, and for their despicable power hunger, communications’ suppression, bad science, and the brainwashing of kids. That is why we MUST keep on resisting and shouting out loud. Let us bring the Copenhagen Summit to its rotten knees. Barry Napier runs christiandoctrine.com. The Global Green Agenda’, Barry Napier. Published, Petra Press, 2009. For other anti-green books by Barry Napier contact the author: barry.napier@ntlworld.com

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