
Understand the fundamental difference between envy and jealousy

The Politics of Envy

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By Dr. Bruce Porter —— Bio and Archives January 12, 2009

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A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. 
It can only exist until the voters discover
 that they can vote themselves money from the public treasure.
 From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidates
 promising the most money from the public treasury, 
with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy
 followed by a dictatorship.
-Author Unknown-
(Popularly attributed to Professor Alexander Tytler)
To understand American politics, we need only to understand the fundamental difference between envy and jealousy.   According to the online reference; Wikipedia:  The words "Envy" and "Jealousy" are often used interchangeably, but in correct usage, both words stand for two different distinct emotions.
 If we give jealousy a political voice, it would likely say:  
You have nice things, (a better house, a fancier car, and a larger bank account, etc.) and I want these things too. Therefore, I'm going to further my education, work harder, save my money, invest wisely, and do whatever I must do to have the good things you have.
A jealous person doesn't necessarily begrudge the good fortune of others or assume there not enough good things available for them as well. Such a person tends to see a world of abundance with unlimited possibilities. A jealous person often admires good things and believes that since someone else can achieve success, then they can too! The success and blessing of others serves as an inspiration and motivation to better one's self and enjoy the fruits of hard work and success also.
 Envy, on the other hand, begrudges the blessing of others. If envy has a political voice, it might say; 
  You have nice things, money, etc. I want those things too, but I don't think its right that anyone should have what everyone cannot have! Besides, there isn’t enough money and resources to go around for everyone to have what you have, so this is an injustice! Therefore, I will do whatever I must to make sure you can't have such things! I will help pass laws that will tax you and anyone else like you who think you're so great and give it to myself and others who deserve it! I'll redistribute your wealth and thereby bring about justice! (Can anyone say, “socialism?”) Envious persons are often annoyed and even outraged when someone else is successful and prosperous. Socialism, and its ugly sister Marxism, borrow much lumber from envy with their concept of "class warfare." Communism begins with the erroneous assumption that resources and wealth are limited, and therefore only so much is available to go around. This, of course, is a lie since the natural resources of this planet (not to mention the ingenuity of people when inspired by opportunity) are virtually limitless in their abundance. The popular myth of “sustainable lifestyles” perpetuate this “lack” mentality and give opportunity for manipulation of the masses through fear of lack or global climate disaster. Such Chicken-Little “the-sky-is-falling” propaganda by the Left is a cynical attempt to gain control over the masses through fear. My only disclaimer to the above is that wise management of our vast resources and abundance should not be neglected. President Theodore Roosevelt, a man of the outdoors as well as an avid hunter, recognized the necessity of wise management and the preservation of areas of our country for the enjoyment of all generations. However, he would never have sanctioned the idea that man was a disease upon the planet as some extremist environmentalists assert today. Our great nation was built upon a spirit of jealousy.   Most people came here for political and religious freedom, and an opportunity for a better life for themselves and their children. They saw abundance and possibilities and natural resources. They drew encouragement and inspiration from the successes of those who came before them. Such freedom and liberty made the United States the most prosperous, generous, and greatest nation in the world. People from oppressed nations of the world have been willing to risk everything just to come here and build a better life. The politics of envy has now arisen to prominence in our nation.   Thanks to the incessant efforts of dedicated socialists and closet-Marxists in the popular entertainment, news-media, and particularly the educational systems, a growing and increasingly vocal segment of our population now believe that "big oil," "big business," and "the rich" are the source of their problems. Marxist concepts of “Class Warfare” and the suspicious envy of all successful individuals and institutions have proliferated in our nation’s public schools. (See my blog on the origins of Public Education in America) In many of our public schools, children are taught that America's prosperity and success is the cause of most of the world's problems because of our “crass consumerism and exploitation of the poor” in developing countries. Never mind that American consumerism and prosperity actually gives opportunity for people in poorer countries to find employment and realize the hope of a better life. Liberals capitalize on resentment and foment outrage at perceived “social injustices” in order to recruit new activists who will spread their hatred for America and promote envy-politics in the voting booth. They champion their concept of “justice” through a "redistribution of the wealth," and yet have carefully obscured this agenda from the general population during political campaigns. Until they gain a majority base in the electorate, they must appear as “moderates” in order to dupe the remaining thin majority of center-right conservatives in our country. Once the balance of power tips in their favor (as it seemed to in the past election) we can expect that they will become bolder in their socialist agendas. The politics of envy has steadily crept into our national dialogue. Our media now continuously trumpet class warfare terms like "big oil," or "corrupt investors," and "big corporations" as if these institutions are intrinsically evil. Never mind that nobody has ever gotten a job from a poor person. We constantly hear newscasters speak of "Mr. so-and-so from a 'working class' neighborhood” as if such terms come from the lexicon of a free Republic. Such words have meaning, and are slowly but steadily drawing the noose of Marxism around our collective throats. 
The politicians and pundits of the Left, and not a few so-called "conservatives-in-name-only" fools, have learned that the fast-track to power is to stir up outrage among the electorate who feel disenfranchised and envious of the so-called "fat cats." They promise the masses that they will make "big" business and "big" oil pay higher taxes that will be "redistributed" to them in one form or another. Obama is a classic example of a "class warfare" politician. The politics of envy would bring tyranny upon our people in the name of "social justice." History has shown us repeatedly that when people are deceived into the notion that they are "entitled" to government handouts, they elect tyrants who will use government to subjugate and enslave everyone to feed their own megalomania. 
 Let us pursue jealousy (zeal) and seek the highest and best we can be as a nation. Let us seek excellence with zeal, and along the way lift up those who need our help. Let us not give in to a spirit of envy and fearfully tear down what our forefathers prayed for, and paid for, at such a dear price for our blessing, and that of our posterity. Bruce Porter is a writer, speaker, documentarian, and disaster responder. He serves as a Firefighter Chaplain, Civil Air Patrol Officer, and frequently responds to such disasters as Columbine HS, and other school shootings worldwide, Beslan, Russia, after a terrorist attack, Sri Lanka after the tsunami, Ground Zero after 9-11 in NYC, Israel during three wars, as a counselor and a search & rescue worker. His blogsite is: brucespeaks.com/myblog, and he twitters at: twitter.com/bruceporter. Bruce can be reached at bruce@brucespeaks.com

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