
Their current course: A multi-billion dollar industry called the American health care system

We The People Health: The Free Market Solution

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By Thomas N. Tabback —— Bio and Archives November 7, 2009

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As an 11-year veteran of the health insurance industry, the entire political debate about this so-called health care crisis has been frustrating beyond belief. They The Government say that health care is going to bankrupt our country. They say that insurance companies are evil and must be stopped from making gargantuan profits.
They say We The People can't bid for health care across State lines, or even qualify for health coverage if we have a preexisting condition, or that we may unfairly lose our coverage if we lose our job or change jobs. They The Government say that this social issue of health care in our society is just too big to handle by any means other than their capable hands. Ladies and gentlemen, they lie. We live in the age of gray, a desperate time of uncertainty, a time where our enemies plot against our borders, our economy seems to be headed for a famine of biblical proportions and our appointed leaders have revealed themselves as a new monarchy, glutting themselves on the last bastions of We The People's wealth, prosperity and FREEDOM. Their current course: A multi-billion dollar industry called the American health care system. If you really want to understand what's driving our health care system and causing the so-called crisis, I highly suggest that you read another article I recently wrote called Healthcare High Stakes Poker: Who's Going To Deal? . Boiled down, the issue of health care affordability in America--we have the quality element nailed--is a simple matter of supply and demand. Anyone remember when they still taught this law of economics in our public schools? For nearly two decades, health care costs have been rocketing out of the common American's reach, because demand is like Mitch Williams in Game 6 of the 1993 World Series--OUT OF CONTROL! This is largely due to our aging Baby Boomers, but this is only half the culprit. The balance of blame rests with the very government who now conspires to take over the entire system. While the system as it exists is far from perfect, the real crisis today is that government, whose only adept skill is in breaking things, may succeed in their hostile takeover bid. How do they justify their actions? Well, if you have been watching this debate unfold in the media, as I have, then it is a simple matter of dollars and cents. Unless they do "something," no one will be able to afford health care in the near future, save the rich. Additionally, if you listen closely to what They The Government say, you might get the impression that We The Consumers are at fault, because we can't control our demand for health care products and services. Isn't that an amazing concept in a capitalist society? What are we now, children who can't control our urge to devour all the candy at the candy store? Should consumers ever be blamed for consuming? Isn't that the whole point of a Free Market? Isn't consumption of goods and services what has made our nation the wealthiest society the world has ever known? We The People of the United States of America are on the brink of disaster. This country was founded to be a nation set apart, Under God, not a nation of conformers and followers. If we hand over the control of our health to the Federal Government, then for what did our Revolutionaries and so many patriots since sacrifice so much? Think about that... If we become like the other nations, like Britain and rest of Europe, to which our present leadership aspires, then why did we waste our time fighting for Independence? It certainly wasn't for the sake of lower taxes! Is it sinking in yet? How about this: If you are among those who believe that this present government of ours is on the right track with health care, has We The People's best interests at heart and can be trusted with authority over something so sensitive as our health, then how will you feel when the powers of office change party hands again? It's going to happen. Sooner or later, We The People will become fed up with one party running everything, or bored, and we'll put someone else in office who promises "real change." But do not be deceived, whether by the hand of this present administration or some other in the future, the power we give They The Government today will one day be sorely abused, misused and misappropriated. You see, that's what governments do, and it's about the only thing at which they are exceptionally skilled. Now, what if I was to tell you that there was a Free Market solution to our society's health care "crisis." Would you believe me? I suspect you may not, because We The People have been so bombarded by lies and deceit from government and from media that we can no longer discern the black and white through the gray. But there is such a solution, a solution truly Of The People, By The People and For The People that would not be run or controlled by government. It's a solution that would guarantee you coverage even if you have a preexisting condition. It's a solution that would allow us to bargain for the best health care services and rates, not just across State lines, but nationally. It's a solution that will maintain your coverage from one job to the next, whether employed or unemployed, just like the life insurance you may have today. Most of all, it's a solution that requires NOT ONE vote in any hall of government anywhere in this country. It's called We The People Health, which you can visit to learn more about at wethepeoplehealth.com. I know what you're saying. You're saying, "This is too good to be true. What's the catch?" Sadly, we have been so lied to for so many years it would seem that such a solution is fiction, but it's not. The Truth is, this solution has been around for more than a decade and has been put to effective use by various corporations, unions and government plans, including our Federal Government Employees Health Plan. In case you missed it, President Obama himself affirmed how to use the Free Market effectively during his August 11, 2009 New Hampshire town hall speech, where he said the following:
"They've [congress] got a pretty good deal... I want you to know though, their deal is no better than the janitor who cleans their offices... Because they are part of a Federal Healthcare Employee plan. It is a huge pool, so you've got millions of people who are a part of the pool, which means they've got enormous leverage with the insurance companies. Right? So they can negotiate the same way that a Big Fortune 500 company can negotiate, and that drives down their costs--they get a better deal."
We The People Health is for real, because when you BUY IN BULK in a Free Market economy, you get a better deal. When you channel your demand into strict negotiations with those who are in competition for your business, you get NO "preexisting conditions" or "State line" or "who's your employer" red tape. When individuals, families, small businesses and associations team up to combine their buying power, you don't accept the miserable contract that an insurance company places before you, with all sorts of loopholes that allow them to drop you in your time of crisis. No, you get to write the contract, and they're all the more happy to oblige just to have an opportunity to earn your business. If We The People came together and formed our own massive health care buying coalition, without the government's invasive hand, then we too will be able to negotiate for incredible deals, just like our kings and queens of congress enjoy today. That's the truth and the time for We The People to come together is now. Our plan can be up and running by January 2010, not 2012, because the health services industry has already come calling. It's a funny thing, but they actually like competition, and they know as we do that the tomorrow They The Government are conspiring to usher in won't wait much longer. Thomas N. Tabback, Author of Things Forgotten Co-author of Joe The Plumber—Fighting for the American Dream Pearl Gate Publishing

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