
Illegal Immigration, American Sovereignty

“What Has Government Done For You?”  “Let Us Count the Ways”

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By Ron Ewart —— Bio and Archives May 5, 2008

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Life is indeed complicated and stressful! There is so much to do and so little time to do it. What with jobs, commutes, kids, homes, vacations, entertainment and sports, it's so hard to pay much attention to what our government is doing. But just because we look the other way does not diminish the affect of their actions on our daily lives, much less our bank accounts.
Many of government's actions are hard to see.  Federal, state and local governments pass law after law and somehow we think we are immune from the consequences of those laws.  Government is kind of like a mosquito.  You don't feel the actual penetration of your skin, only the itch after the mosquito has removed its blood-sucking weapon and buzzed away.  Come to think of it, government is very much like a mosquito with its blood-sucking taxes and zillions of rules, regulations, restrictions and ordinances that control every aspect of our lives. (the rules are the "itch" after the government has removed its tax-wielding weapon of choice, from your wallet.)   So what has government really done for you?  Where do we start?  Why not start with illegal immigration?   Your federal government (that's the 545 people who control almost everything in America - a president, 435 representatives, 100 Senators and 9 Supreme Court Justices) has seen fit to encourage (indeed provide a magnet) illegal immigration by not forcing existing law and sealing our borders, as they are mandated to do.  We are absolutely convinced they have done so on purpose.  And for their skullduggery we get to pay for it all.  The price tag for schools, tutors, medical treatment, anchor babies, social services and lost jobs to legal Americans by illegal aliens, has been estimated at nearly $500,000,000,000 per year.  (That's billion with a capital "B")  We had no say in this policy, as our representatives and senators know what is best for us.  Well, don't they?  Besides the cost, comes the premeditated, unconscionable erosion of our American sovereignty.  And speaking of American sovereignty, let's not forget the Security and Prosperity Partnership (North American Union) where the executive branches of America, Canada and Mexico are conspiring to create a European-style partnership, to merge the three North American countries into one, without congressional approval from each country.   Now let's look at what the collusion of the radical, international environmentalists and the U. S. government together, have done for us. 
  • 1) The purposeful and unconstitutional theft of our property rights with environmental law after environmental law.
  • 2) Stopped all development of new crude oil resources on American soil for 30 years. 
  • 3) Stopped all construction of new power generation and refineries on American soil for 30 years.
  • 4) Trying to take control of every mud puddle in America (HR 2421). 
  • 5) Instituting an ill-conceived and dastardly policy to turn "food" into fuel.
  • 6) Brainwashing the entire American population (including our children in public schools and colleges) into believing that we are the cause of the destruction of our planet and must give up our cars and our lifestyle and pay for CO2 emissions. 
  • 7) Along with all this brainwashing comes the propaganda and lies of man-caused global warming.  
  • 8) The mandated institution of a National Animal Index System (NAIS) to register every animal and every premise in America, that might be harboring livestock or other animals. 
  • 9) But worst of all comes the treasonous degradation of the foundation of our laws, our constitution, by integrating UN and European social and environmental policies into law by presidential executive order and without the debate and ratification of such additions to our laws by the U. S. Congress, as required by the constitution.  And what is the result of the government's collusion with the radical, international environmentalists?  Rapidly accelerating costs of everything and the direct and inexcusable loss of our freedom and liberty.
  •   Then we have the government's monetary policy under the Federal Reserve.  But then the Federal Reserve isn't a government entity, is it?  It is run by a bunch of elite bankers who tweak the supply of money (money that essentially has no intrinsic value) by moving the interest rate they charge other banks, up or down, in response to perceived events that they, in their infinite wisdom, have determined that such changes are required.  Unfortunately, they are usually wrong or go too far and set off a chain of events that they then try to over-correct and end up acting like a teenager just learning to drive.  The Feds have the power to send us into a recession, or rapid inflation, or stagflation and they do.  Who pays the price for their tomfoolery and their inability to properly make adjustments to a dynamic system?  We do!   And of course, let's not forget the government's social policies.  From the New Deal in the 1930's to President Johnson's Great Society, the blood-sucking government has eaten up trillions of our tax dollars to solve a problem (or is it buy votes with our money) that shows no signs of getting any better.  In so doing, they have robbed the pride, self-reliance, independence and a can-do spirit out of a bunch of Americans who have sold their souls and their freedom for a piece of the American hard-working producer's sweat equity.  Instead of growing in independence, they have grown totally dependent.  These folks that drink at the "well" of the government's largess, become unproductive and an increasing load on the rest of us.   Finally, the good 'Ole Federal government passes law after law that then filters down to state and local governments, that create law-driven symptoms that have us all running around like chickens with their heads cut off, trying to stop the state and local governments from making our lives even more miserable than the Feds have already done.  In our actions to thwart these government-manufactured "symptoms", we take our collective "eyes" off of the ball that is the direct cause of all these local symptoms; the 545 people that control everything in America.  And the socialists and radical environmentalists that camp at government's door, vie for any favor they can get from government, in return for money, votes or perks offered by the lobbyists.  Our system of government has become so corrupt that only a full court press by WE THE PEOPLE can ever bring sanity to what is now hopelessly insane and out of control.  The inmates control the asylum.   There is so much more that government has done for (or is it TO) us but there isn't enough space here to describe them all.  So what HAS government done for you?  They have taken your pride, your hard-earned money and your liberty, for policies that far exceed the limits of commons sense, much less the individual, inalienable rights, that are the irrevocable gift of our creator.    But then, what with jobs, commutes, kids, homes, vacations, entertainment and sports, it's so hard to pay much attention to what our government is doing.   Wasn't it President Ronald Reagan who said. "The  most terrifying words in the English language are: "I'm from the government and I'm here to help."  He also said: "Government is not the solution.  Government is the problem."   If only government would just get out of the way and let the spirit of a free American people prosper and save themselves and the rest of the world, like some have said we were pre-ordained to do.  The sad truth is that, government will not get out of the way unless WE force them to.           Ron Ewart, President NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF RURAL LANDOWNERS Website: www.narlo.org

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