
Making the Bible a Tool of Socialism

When Christians Turn Green

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By Barry Napier —— Bio and Archives January 3, 2010

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Thousands of ordinary people have fallen for the Big Green Lie. They know nothing of the real science behind environmentalism, and only repeat what Al Gore and Pals tell them. These greens are superficial; they are ignorant of the facts but follow the trend. If it wasn’t environmentalism it would be something else – maybe mushroom growing, or wearing bow ties
This is because the majority are sheep. That’s why the elite smirkingly refer to them as ‘the masses’ and why they are manipulated by propaganda. They do whatever is in fashion… and the latest fashion is to be green. No real reason, but it makes them accepted by their peers; simple group dynamics. It is also why, no matter how much counter-evidence they are presented with, they will ignore it – they prefer being one of the crowd rather than wise. Am I trying to be superior? No, but I do know what I am talking about. (which is a fact, not arrogance) I am just stating truths about the human psyche. People will follow no matter what the outcome is. Make them feel they are part of something special and they’ll run ‘til they drop; they’ll carry banners in Copenhagen; they’ll scorn those who have proofs they are wrong; they’ll pay governments huge taxes; they’ll lower their heating and pay through the nose for energy. They just want to be accepted! Sad. And this is what is happening in Christian circles. By that, I mean people who claim to be Christians, and who claim to believe the Bible. This is astonishing and very odd, because Christians are supposed to be honest and believers of truth. Yet, here they are, running fast to join the greens, despite the frauds, lies and deceptions. Worse, they claim the Bible is green, and use it to batter other Christians into submission. In this way they become the religious arm of environmentalism, the Inquisitors. Which is weird, because hard-core environmentalism is out to get Christians! One of their deepest aims is to destroy Christianity (and Islam, or any religion with a transcendent ‘god’ or God)! In other words, green Christians are committing suicide. They cannot bear being outside the mainstream of opinion, even when it destroys them. They run fast like frightened deer, into the nets of the catchers, quoting non-green passages from the Bible. Very odd indeed.

The Green Bible

Richard Cizik, Vice-President for Governmental Affairs, National Association of Evangelicals, said “This is exactly what the Church needs at this critical time.” They need it like a hole in the head! The Sierra Club calls it an “important time for a resource like the Green Bible”. That’s like Hitler expressing love for the Jews, it is so false. The Sierra Club would melt down grandmothers and sell them as soap, if it helped their cause! In fact, it sounds about right, because the Club nastily demands culling of the population. When I finally read the ‘Green Bible’ (Harper Bibles, HarperOne) I couldn’t believe how bad the theology was! I was the only reviewer of the book a while ago on Amazon. Now, my review has mysteriously got lost. I wonder why! The Green Bible is not just a new version. The ‘Bible’ bit is stuck between two sections of ‘contributions’ meant to help the reader. The Bible part is replete with green print. The green ink is supposed to show us where the words are environmental. The green is used to identify every instance of the word ‘earth’, even though none of the instances say anything at all about the environment. The same goes for every other green inked word! No, I am serious… nothing highlighted in green is about the environment. The contributors’ ‘theology’ must have come from comic books, because they are lamentable. It is all too obvious they are trying hard to be green, so as to be part of the new fashionable movement.

Wrong Interpretations All The Way!

One of the biggest accusations thrown at people like me is that I say we can use the earth as we wish. What a furore this causes! Critics tell me that when Genesis talks of Adam having ‘dominion’ over the earth, it really means being a ‘responsible steward’. Sounds good? Yes it does… but it is bad theology! They refer to Genesis 1:26, 28 for example, which says “let them have dominion over…” They claim ‘dominion’ means ‘good stewardship’. No, it does not – unless you want the Bible to be used as an adjunct to environmentalism (which is the reason for its publication)! It is actually bad interpretation of the Hebrew, radah. Like almost every word in the Bible, it can have one of many meanings. In this case, those meanings include: to rule, have dominion, dominate, to tread down, to subjugate, to reign, to take, to prevail, to subdue, or even to break-up. Of course, these meanings are not suitable to be used by greens, so they make the word mean something else… ‘good steward’. The point is this: ‘dominion’ holds the idea of total rule. Total rule includes everything a ruler can do, from benevolence to crushing to destruction. It doesn’t necessarily mean he will be one or the other, but the meanings are still there. For Christians it means the earth is for our use – we are not the servants of Gaia! If green Christians want the word to mean something different then maybe they should change the Hebrew! Until then, the word means mankind can do whatever he wishes with the contents of the world. This is not a trigger for mankind to destroy; it is just sound theological interpretation. It is really stupid to saw off the branch of the tree you are sitting on! But, mostly, it is not ordinary folks who do this – it is the huge conglomerates. It is these big companies who need to be tut-tutted, not me. Green Christians then go to Genesis 2:15, where the verse says “And the Lord took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and keep it.” See, shout the greens triumphantly, it says man must be good stewards! Not quite. To ‘dress’, ‘abad, means to serve God by tilling the land. To ‘keep’ means to take charge and make sure the Garden plants grow right. The word can also mean to ‘protect’, as the greens rightly tell us – but they are wrong in their application, because the word ‘abad only means to protect when applied to other men (like a guard). So, the idea of ‘protecting the earth’ is another dud, a ruse to catch the ignorant with. God can protect His own! But here’s the real downer, the real inconvenient truth: the verse is used only of Adam, and his realm was the Garden, with a very specific geographic area! In strict theological language, greens are abusing the text to make it fit their theories. Read the text yourself – it is a command to Adam only. And, read on a bit further and you will find Adam and Eve kicked out of the garden, never to return. From that time onwards things got rough, and they both had to work very hard to stay alive. The Garden itself was no longer to be tilled. So, Adam had to be a ‘good steward’ but in the Garden. Using the strict rules of interpretation, the text does not apply to all men in all the earth. Indeed, Adam was the ONLY man at that time, and the text specifically tells us that God “took the man” (Adam: singular) “into the garden” (a particular geographical site). The claim that ‘dominion’ means ‘good stewardship’, then, is the product of weedy thinking; it’s a green plant, not good theology. Greens, then, should get off my patch! They are spoiling my grass!

Other Green Ideas

Other ideas in the ‘Green Bible’ are just as bad, if not worse. Each one repeats the same mantra, demanding that we adopt socialism. Claims are made without a jot of evidence. Some make valid points about using good management of resources. But, that is all they are. They are not ‘environmentalism’. The main thrust of the Green Bible is not to promote valid theology and meanings, but to use it as a tool of the Sierra Club, which it does very well. Even the pope (a contributor) came up with some rather silly and unfounded theology. It seems those who become green also lose their powers of discernment and thought! Green Christians are really an odd breed. They run alongside environmentalists without regard for what those same people want to do to Christianity. Which begs the question: are ‘Christian’ greens just plain ignorant, or are they socialists who want a Marxist world order? So far, those who argue with me on this question cannot give a good answer. In fact, most display a very fragmented notion of their own beliefs. This is bound to happen, because they are forcing their own Bible to fit a Marxist agenda.

Sin Not to Be Green?

In the USA (and followed closely by the Anglicans in the UK), some supposed ‘Christians’ even say that NOT being green is a sin! This is an amazing piece of ignorance! Nowhere in scripture does God say not being an environmentalist is a sin. I suspect this is rooted in the erroneous idea that if we don’t ‘protect’ the planet, we are thereby opposing God Himself. Which would be fine – if it were true! Nowhere in the Bible do we find such a theology. Printing bits in green does not prove a thing! The theology of sin does not include the notion put out by green Christians. That is why I say green Christians are suspect. They follow a fantasy put out by neo-Marxists and neo-Fascists; they follow even though the aim is to get rid of Christianity. And they are using (and abusing) the Bible to do it. In my book such people are not genuine Christians, but heretics or simply wicked people. The Bible says what it says, but it does not say we must be greens. Not one of the green-print texts is about the environment. And the theology of its contributors is academically appalling. If you buy a copy just tear out the middle Bible part and throw the rest into a green bag ready for disposal! And remember – when people turn green, they are usually sick and about to vomit. Steer clear! Barry Napier runs christiandoctrine.com. The Global Green Agenda’, Barry Napier. Published, Petra Press, 2009. For other anti-green books by Barry Napier contact the author: barry.napier@ntlworld.com

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