
Wouldn’t it be prudent to demand to know what a candidate stands for, prior to casting your vote?

Which 2012 GOP Presidential Candidate will come clean & break from the pack?

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By —— Bio and Archives October 1, 2011

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If a Presidential candidate isn’t willing to expose all of the fraud and malfeasance that is being done at the expense of the American citizen/taxpayer during the campaign and debates, he/she won’t be able to do so after being elected to the office. Someone must come clean with us during the campaign and make a huge break from the pack of candidates.
Any thinking person realizes the QE media is manipulating the charade of a campaign and debates, akin to the Taylor machine in ‘Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.’ Most thinking citizens don’t trust any of the QE media because they prop up the weasels of Washington, so why are the candidates pandering to these co-conspirators? According to our Constitution, we are the ones who need to be sold on your vision and leadership, so who is going to forge a leadership position via honesty, ethics, morals, character and transparency? As voters, we are not seeking someone who is perfect, but we are seeking someone who embraces what has made us the most blessed nation in the history of mankind, while not slipping back to the injustices of our past, including slavery. We need a complete conservative, not a cafeteria conservative. A complete conservative embraces both social and fiscal conservatism. The good Lord has graced us with so much for so long, but for a considerable time, we have been ungrateful recipients of His blessings. The time for emerging from the shadows is long past!
While those on the dark side of the stargate of our delusional society most likely bristle at the thought of living according to God’s Ten Commandments, the quiet majority is rallying to them. Many of us are registered Independents, demanding more from those who seek our vote. The candidates need to realize their opportunity to reside in the White House goes through us. We demand a leader who respects God, the Ten Commandments, our Constitution and its Amendments, our Bill of Rights and us, the American citizen/taxpayer! Both major political parties have used and abused the American citizen/taxpayer for so long that they believe it is their sacred right to do so. NO MORE! We need a leader who does not retreat from the most basic of values, the sanctity of human life and traditional family values. Many within government wrap themselves within the ‘social justice’ agenda, which is a power grab and is actually an injustice. Without the core values that have stood the test of time, we debase ourselves to being less than human. No one willing to debase himself/herself can be trusted not to attack those who refuse to debase themselves. We need a leader who realizes he/she cannot lead without the assistance of qualified individuals in his/her cabinet and key posts within government, and without divine guidance. This leader will be honest and transparent, a polar opposite of the current resident within the White House. This leader will be fearless in not only identifying core issues that need to be resolved immediately, but will offer a thoughtful strategy to do so. All sound fiscal issues are rooted in basic Biblical principles, but virtually everything fiscal in Washington, D. C. is the antithesis of Biblical fiscal discipline and legal accounting methods. The reason nothing really changes, regardless of which party is in power, is that those within both political parties have conspired for their individual ability to amass wealth and power by abusing their Constitutional powers and the American citizen/taxpayer. The TEA Party is a movement towards what our elected politicians are supposed to have been doing, but have abandoned. Our Constitution guarantees the equal right to opportunity, but not to equal outcomes. I am practicing what the Left has used so effectively in promoting its lies. The Left professes its lies until people believe they are truths. I am promoting my concerns repeatedly with the goal of averting a certain disaster, a man-made disaster that Congress refuses to address. I trust a few in Congress, but I am disappointed even they have been mute on this issue, at least publicly. Whichever candidate addresses this issue, and is right on the social issues, will most likely get my vote, because I will know they are aware of the serious calamities we face on so many fronts. Members of Congress have given themselves a pass on actually governing with the insidious Baseline Budget and the annual increase built into it. They avoid having to make difficult decisions, including the elimination of unnecessary or abusive agencies and departments, adhering to the philosophy that what we (the American taxpayer/citizen) don’t know won’t hurt us. That’s Bilderberger balderdash! Because there is so little true leadership in either chamber of Congress, we are now subjected to the questionable judgment and agendas of six Senators and six Representatives. This gang of twelve is charged with placing a band-aid on an economy that demands a quintuple by-pass! This is not representative government. This should also provide insight as to how ominous ObamaCare is to all, but those who are in Congress, or who have been granted a waiver from this ‘Trojan Horse’ of stealth-care. No one running for the GOP nomination is speaking out about this issue, either out of ignorance, fear of greed. A person doesn’t have to be an Ivy Leaguer, a rocket scientist, or a math wizard to realize how broke we are without even addressing the challenges of Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid. As horrific as ObamaCare and Dodd-Frank are on Constitutional and/or ethical grounds, if this issue isn’t addressed IMMEDIATELY, all other issues are of no consequence! Congress’s 2011 budget is approximately $4 trillion, with a deficit of approximately $1.4 trillion. With an annual increase of approximately 8%, by 2020, Congress’s budget will be approximately $8 trillion, and who knows what the deficit will be? If we don’t enact legislation that encourages confidence in government policies and growth, our stunted tax revenues will continue to be blunted by high unemployment and under-employment. Continuing with the annual increase in the Baseline Budget, by 2029, Congress’s budget will have swollen to $16 trillion, regardless of revenues collected. By 2038, Congress’s budget will have hemorrhaged at $32 trillion, and by 2047, Congress’s budget will have mushroomed to $64 trillion, and all of this is based upon NO NEW SPENDING! A mushroom cloud is a perfect metaphor when you consider how the atom bomb displayed its destructive power over Hiroshima and Nagasaki to force an end to WWII in the Pacific. At this time, approximately $.41 of every $1.00 spent is borrowed money, owed to U.S citizens through government bonds, Japan, China, Britain, and others. If we are borrowing at an approximate 40% rate, this is five times the approximate, unsustainable 8% rate of increase of Congress’s profligate spending. What part of this ‘doing the business of the people’ is financially sound? Isn’t it as if both parties in Congress are sticking it to us? This is infinitely worse than the Madoff or Enron scams, or any other scam ever perpetrated upon unsuspecting suckers! Do you not think all of the lenders will demand repayment? Isn’t this fraud and malfeasance of the highest order? How old are you? How long do you expect to live? Do you believe our country can survive and you enjoy a good life with this type of insanity that has been practiced by past and current members of Congress? Do you understand why your children and grandchildren’s futures are already clouded? Do you understand why funding ‘social justice’ is an injustice to you and your family? The reason the regressive-Progressives don’t trust others is because they, themselves, are not trustworthy. Their secret obsession with stealing other people’s money and freedoms reveals how void of spirit they are, and they thrive on pulling others down to their level of misery. Do you seek to escape the quicksand of deception practiced by so many at your expense? Many voters were slipped a political mickey in 2008. Unless the previously unthinkable happens, and our Constitutional right of an election in 2012 is stolen, we have an opportunity to turn our country towards social soundness and fiscal prosperity. When vetting the candidates for 2012, wouldn’t it be prudent to demand to know what a candidate stands for, prior to casting your vote? We can’t have financial prosperity without obeying the laws of God. Without a solid social foundation, how can he/she have reliable fiscal solutions? This isn’t ‘American Idol,’ this is our future, individually and collectively. Choose wisely, and thank God for the opportunity to reverse our perverse course.

A.J. Cameron -- Bio and Archives | Comments

A.J. Cameron was born in Kansas City, MO, and raised in Prairie Village, KS. He is a graduate of Rockhurst High School and University of Kansas, and is a the former president of the Native Sons & Daughters of Greater Kansas City. Having worked for international and local, start-up companies, A. J. brings a wide range of insight to many of the challenging issues of the day. A.J. seeks to engage readers on key issues with views grounded in time-tested principles and common sense.
