
Bringing in 50,000 Syrian refugees

600,000 Canadian Seniors living below the poverty line

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau: I just observed a CARP editorial on TV which stated there are over 600,000 Canadian Seniors living below the poverty line. We have observed all the National Coverage you have received about what it is costing Canadians to host 50,000 Syrian refugees, now plans to bring in Palestinian refugees, and the millions of dollars you are giving to countries around the world to combat Global Warming, and the new tax you are imposing on Canadians to limit Carbon emissions. What I have not heard or seen announced on TV or Radio is what you are doing for these 600,000 Canadian Seniors and all the other Canadians faced with living in Poverty in Canada. Does Charity not start at home? What are your plans for putting Canadians First? Please advise. Jack ward

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