
A Country's Obligation to Defend Itself

Cast Lead” Operation against Terror Infrastructure in the Gaza Strip Continues

By Guest Column ——--December 28, 2008

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At 11:30AM Israel local time Saturday morning, December 27th, 2008, Operation "Cast Lead" of Israel Defense Forces against Hamas in the Gaza Strip has commenced. Communication by IDF Spokesperson:

"Cast Lead" Operation against Terror Infrastructure in the Gaza Strip Continues

Since this morning, the IDF attacked dozens of targets affiliated with the Hamas terror organization in the Gaza Strip. The targets included command centers, training camps, various Hamas installations, rocket manufacturing facilities and storage warehouses. The vast majority of the casualties are terror operatives; most of whom were wearing uniform and working on behalf of terror organizations. The operation is ongoing and will continue for as long as is necessary, pending security assessments by the General Staff the IDF Chief of Staff. The IDF wishes to emphasize that secrecy and the element of surprise were central to the implementation of the operation. The IDF also wishes to inform the Israeli public that it must prepare itself for continued rocket fire by Hamas. The patience and resilience of the Israeli public is required. The Israeli public is requested to listen to IDF Spokesperson Announcements and follow directions given by the Home Front Command in order to ensure their safety.

A Country's Obligation to Defend Itself

A country's basic obligation is to defend itself and its citizens. Israel has failed doing that when it allowed Hamas and the palestinians to bombard civilian population centers with Kassam and other rockets and mortar shells. Inaction was translated as a sign of continued weakness of Israel and fully exploited to Israel's detriment by its enemies. This has been going on for some eight years, causing those who had the option and means to leave, others to deal with the reality of unknown death and destruction that provides, at best, a fifteen second warning before it strikes. Chronic post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is prevalent among the residents of the areas surrounding Gaza, more than anywhere in the world. Kids go to sleep – often refusing to sleep alone – and have nightmares. They often pee in bed past the age to which it may be common. Four year old kids know that "COLOR RED" are the words one hears before a large "BOOM" hits. Why do they have to grow up knowing that devil? We cannot fathom living under a constant threat since we cannot imagine that we have not experienced. The images we see are of Israelis "human rights" organizations demonstrating against "The Siege" and the "Atrocities" Israel is committing against the captive population of Gaza. A picture of dead and wounded against the backdrop of refugee camps with Isareli F16s flying up above is extremely effective. There is no history, no background, no justification – Israel is at fault, therefore it MUST BE GUILTY. Hidden from us are the facts that the refugee camp is the camouflage of intense military activity, a cover for a city beneath made of tunnels through which miles of electrical and communication lines run and other military infrastructure exist, a lid below which thousands of tons of advanced weaponry are stored, hidden from the eyes above. There is also one Israeli soldier who was kidnapped from Israel more than 900 days ago. He is held captive somewhere in this city-beneath-the-ground, no one (including the Red Cross) has been allowed to visit him. All the same time, Hamas demands the right for weekly visitations to their prisoners in Israeli jails (prisoners with blood on their hands – who perpetrated various terrorist attacks against innocent civilians - enjoying first class accommodations, knowing they will eventually be released). Gilad Shalit became a symbol of Israel's fight for sanity, the struggle to have him released a reflection of Israel's ineptness in handling what is seemingly "just one soldier" but goes to the very heart of its existence. Our own opinion is constantly shaped with a barrage of other types of missiles: The propaganda war on the world's public opinion is only done by one side – the enemy's. So we constantly hear about the area under siege, the poor hundreds of thousands without electricity, flour, oil, gas, medicine and other basic human necessities. The fact that none of this is true is unimportant, irrelevant. The description is poetic, the melody touches our hearts, the picture mobilizes us to action – AGAINST ISRAEL. Only part of the electricity to Gaza is supplied by Israel and Egypt. The rest is produced in Gaza. It would behoove someone to explain why should Israel supply electricity in the first place to a place that is determined and publicly committed to annihilate it, or why would the power plant supplying the electricity continue to do so when it is bombarded by missiles from the very recipient. Logic does not work in this part of the world. Our enemy is the first to demand our attention and utilize the rights afforded to our citizens. The enemy is also the first to take our lives away. We are to remain quite – if we do anything we are strongly condemned – by Egypt, Hizbollah, Iran and the UN, to name just a few of Israel's outspoken condemners. The international community is already up in arms, and the devil's dance is about to commence. Israel cannot be allowed to protect itself. Israel must be considerate of the lives of the poor refugees. Israel must exercise self constraint. Israel suffers and it must pay the price for this is what the world demands. Why does the world not stop to ask where are all the billions that were poured into Gaza, donations given by the EU, Japan, the USA and other parties wanting to help the poor refugees? "Corruption," would be the answer. The money wasted, gone. In fact some of it is in numbered bank accounts, but most was used to build a military might the likes of which major countries do not possess. Like a minefield, the area is clogged with the most advanced weaponry available – including Russian-made explosives that can penetrate the most advanced vehicles – such as Merkava Tank Mark 4. Like rats that spread disease, the leaders of Hamas ran to the sewer to hide – among the filth and dead remains. From there they will continue to sacrifice the poor palestinian refugees – women and children, young and old. The cause of destroying Israel justifies the means. Human life has no meaning on either side of the border. Last week two sisters, five and twelve year olds, were killed and a 40 years old man was evacuated (to an Israeli hospital) when a missile from Gaza exploded in Gaza hitting a building. This work-related accident reached the media (Israel is yet to be blamed for that as well). Had the missile hit its intended destination, Jewish blood would not have warranted much of a mention, if any at all. Foreign Minister Livni explains it is our basic right of self defense, stating: ISRAEL LEFT GAZA IN ORDER TO CREATE AN OPPORTUNITY FOR PEACE. IN RETURN, THE HAMAS TERROR ORGANIZATION TOOK CONTROL OF GAZA AND IS USING ITS CITIZENS AS COVER WHILE IT DELIBERATELY TARGETS ISRAELI COMMUNITIES AND DENIES ANY CHANCE FOR PEACE. HAMAS IS A TERRO ORGANIZATION. NO ONE IN HAMAS IS THEREFORE IMMUNE. Statement by Ehud Barak, Israel's Defense Minister. WE WILL NOT ALLOW TERROR TO HURT OUR CITIZENS AND OUR MILITARY. TIME FOR CALM AND TIME FOR ACTION. NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT. IT WILL NOT BE EASY. IT WILL NOT BE SHORT. BUT WE MUST CONTINUE. WE MUST BE DETERMINED. Too little, too late? Will Israel have the will to withstand the international criticism? If it does, this operation might be successful. If Israel once again caves in for international pressure, we are on a path to self destruction. We already lost our deterrence during the Second War in Lebanon two years ago. A further disaster is a proven recipe for an end to the Jewish Homeland. We must support Israel at this time, we must pray its leaders find the strength they did not have before to fulfill their obligation to the People of Israel. Failure is not an option, since the clock is ticking fast toward the outbreak of war. The next few hours and days will tell how Iran's orchestration will sound – a total attack using Hizbollah and Syria and only a fraction of its strength in Gaza, or a war on two fronts (Lebanon and Gaza) and activation of its operatives throughout Israel. A present for the last day of Hannukah in the form of long range conventional missiles directly from Iran? A Fifth Column has already started acting, going to the streets to violently demonstrate against Israel. If the situation deteriorates further, they will have to be dealt with swiftly and unequivocally: Those who prefer Hamas rule, can be on buses to Gaza to join their brethren without any obstacle - the road blocks and barriers making the lives of the palestinians so unbearable will all be open allowing for a one way convoy to join the enemy in Gaza. They must make up their mind – even in Israel an enemy from within will not be tolerated at a time of war. Israel must make up its mind as well – if Jewish blood is of no consequence, then the status quo continues. But now that the operation has started – there is no turning back. Anything but a total, clear victory and the elimination of Hamas will translate to a weakness and defeat. For Israel to continue to exist, it must take itself seriously. The world standing on the sideline and condemning Israel should think twice if indeed this is the right course of action. Even if the world arrives at the probable conclusion that Israel must stop the operation (or be stopped), Israel must think back at the Holocaust and realize: There is no other option but to prevail, to protect its citizens. E-mail: aribussel@gmail.com BLOG:

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