
Copenhagen Propaganda Still Winning

Climate – Still Not Getting It!

By Guest Column Barry Napier——--November 30, 2009

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I watch the news and comments about climate claims and The Copenhagen Summit with increasing frustration. Despite the recent email revelations and growing numbers of scientists who are defecting to the good side, people are still not getting it!

The climate scandal is not about arrogant scientists who want to influence fellow scientists with stupidity and crass bad science (which is never successful because their colleagues aren’t stupid). It is about politicians who are using what they say to change the world without our consent. The BBC refused to make the email scandal public, because it is just a government puppet. It is overrun by PC environmentalist editors, producers and writers. It actually believes what that great showman and rusty anthropologist, David Attenborough, says in his glossy programmes, but they get rid of loftier scientists who are real, working experts, such as David Bellamy, because they express doubts about global warming. No scientific process for the BBC – it gets in the way of a jolly good fictional series! And the BBC continues to up the pressure by putting out even more pro-climate argument programmes. This is called blowing out a smoke-screen. Or, lying your head off. Or, being utterly deceitful using public money. Or, being scientific scammers. (Add any other titles you wish to use. I’m sure there are hundreds).

Petition Failure

Very recently I tried on four occasions to get a petition going on the official 10 Downing Street website, demanding (not requesting) an immediate stop to everything it is doing based on false science. Of course, it got nowhere… each one was rejected on grounds that it ‘might be wrong or libellous’! Eh? It is okay for the government to get it wrong and libellous, and to spread blatant propaganda, but not for a member of the public to even raise a question about its infallibility.


The real reason the petitions were rejected was that they came far too close to the Copenhagen Summit! The government doesn’t want anyone rocking the boat on the eve it wishes to commit another act of treason. Not only did Gordon Brown sign Britain into the clutches of the EU without the nation’s consent, but he is also to attend the summit to again sign us over to another foreign power – this time the UN. By any country’s law, this is outright treason. Obama will do the same thing – and that, too, is treason. But, everyone seems to think it is okay. By ‘everyone’ I mean all those who are allowed to speak by government. Those who dissent are silenced or simply ignored. Bad science should just be shown up for what it is, by scientists. And that is the proper way to deal with it. But, when scientists themselves cook the books and prevent others from finding out the truth, that hikes up the seriousness of it by a hundred notches. The problem is not that scientists behave badly (because science is rife with these intellectual ruffians), but that they get politicians to do the same. Once they do that, and politicians force everyone to obey… that is the main point… and it hikes the seriousness by a thousand more notches. I don’t really care if some scientists act stupidly. When they do, they bring ridicule upon themselves, damaging their own reputations and making a mess of their intellectual prowess. What I care about is when bad, and often fraudulent, science, is used against the people. I have already detailed the results of this kind of socialistic propaganda, and it is frightening. Just look at information passed off as news in the last few days: Dr Mark Penning, president of WAZA, a global network of zoos, said that ‘thousands of species of animals face extinction if the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is not reduced.’ This is all window dressing for Copenhagen, to help force leaders into the CO2 quagmire. Similar messages are being issued constantly in the short time before the Summit comes to its inevitably horrendous conclusions. But, the hacked emails and the views of ‘other’ scientists are kept away from public view! This illustrates my main point. Whoever you are, you should be very concerned. Even if you think you are a socialist, bear in mind that once Marxism takes hold, even you will be downtrodden as a mere bit of dirt under the hobnailed boots of our totalitarian leaders. The theory behind this world-zoo claim is one that has already been debunked by genuine scientists, but is still used by greenies. They can get away with it because the media won’t allow dissent, and neither will governments. The zoos say if CO2 continues to rise, it will also cause temperature to rise. That’s why I am frustrated! How can people in zoos tell the world that species in the wild will die if CO2 rises? It is impossible! How can a man in charge of a zoo organisation know anything about climate science? They can only get their views from bad science. So, why listen to the zoos? I am not against people in a variety of disciplines making their point known, but not when that point is merely a repeat of debunked and false science. Otherwise, others of intelligence are quite free to speak as they wish. The problem arises when they pass this off as genuine, and when what they say affects my freedom. Paul Pearce-Kelly, a senior curator at London Zoo, makes similar claims to those made by WAZA. I do not wish to disparage the man, but when comments like his are used to strong-arm people like me into paying huge taxes and be made a slave to the UN, I am not amused. What does a curator at a zoo know about climatology? Nothing. By all means hold your view as an opinion – but don’t present it as expert knowledge, when even climatologists are faking it. Even though my own articles are strongly worded, I must rely on genuine climatologists for my information, though I can see the errors of science-logic myself. Especially when true science shows that temperature change precedes a rise in CO2 by hundreds of years. Get my drift? The biggest threat to animal species is not climate or CO2, but the activities of hunters, tree-fellers and mighty eco-fuel conglomerates. They are removing trees and habitats for the sake of money. So, don’t blame CO2, and don’t blame humans for ‘damage’ supposedly caused by the CO2 increase. ‘Other’ science says something different. If even climatologists get it wrong, there is no valid reason to rush ahead and force a socialist conclusion to the coming Summit.

Hey! You’ve Been Debunked!

In genuine science, conclusions come after a long period of scientific study and falsification, etc. But, say our greeny deceivers, if we wait until that happens, “it will be too late.” Eh? Please, don’t insult our intelligence. What you are saying is that you have not yet proved your case, and almost every claim made by greeny science has been debunked, yet you still want to hurry up, disregard proper means of investigation and peer examination, and load the world with a financial and social burden it cannot bear? Just in case? In case of what? That the deceptions already discovered might be further debunked and treated with the contempt they deserve? Until you go through the scientific process, and stop getting our backs up, you will not gain our approval or even the faintest whiff of credibility.

Cut Finger Made Into a Disaster

Let me put it this way. Imagine you cut your finger on a sheet of paper. Ouch, that hurts! Now, you go to your first-aider to get a band-aid. But, he goes into a panic and runs you to his vehicle after shouting urgently to the boss. He races through traffic, causing multiple pile-ups, until he gets you to the hospital. Your cut has by now stopped hurting and there is no blood. But, the emergency doctor looks and panics. He calls the Registrar, who also panics. He calls the consultant, who panics, and calls a surgical specialist, before he shuts down the clinic and makes it an isolation-zone just in case you have Ebola, putting the entire city on standby. “Sorry, but your arm has to come off, because I fear gangrene will set in”. Before too long you are hauled into a side room and prepared for surgery. Your arm is removed and you are at last safe from the danger. But wait. Do you think that perhaps it was all a bit over the top? If a medical man looked at the above scenario he would laugh out loud and say that a paper cut only needs the initial “ouch!” and nothing else. And he would be right. But, one idiot met another idiot, and all along the line each idiot generated another idiot. Before too long, huge numbers of them coincide their conclusions based on panic and false medical processes, not because there is any validity in what they say or do, but because a lot of them say the same thing! Now that, friends, is what greeny science is like. It takes a paper cut that will heal in minutes into the realm of make-believe, radical surgery and a city shut-down.

The Ignorant Leading the Ignorant

One of those radicals is Ed Miliband, the UK’s Energy and Climate Change Secretary. He is in the chain of panic. He says that world leaders must “unite and reach a workable deal on climate change ahead of crunch talks in Copenhagen…” Note that? ‘Ahead’ of the Summit. Forget due process (again) and just forge ahead, making private deals away from the public eye. And that deal would subscribe everyone in the world to higher taxation, etc., etc., etc. This comes from a member of the same government whose MPs stole and deceived to get massive financial expenses. Politicians don’t do anything unless their own interests are served first. If this somehow coincides with what the voters want, then that’s a bonus, but not required. If a politician reads this and says he is not like that – then prove it and make a public stand against what’s happening. Otherwise, well, carry on pretending. The aim is to get the deal done fast, so that no more embarrassing revelations can be found beforehand. Not that it has made any difference thus far. For all those who think Copenhagen is a great idea, just re-read the illustration of the paper cut. If our leaders get their way, what they sign up to will be irreversible. It will lock us all into a continual cycle of paying heavily in every way possible. The only ones to benefit will be politicians. Once the greenies have fulfilled their role, they will be ditched. And then folk will run around asking ‘Why? Why? How did this happen?’ Yeah, right. Miliband even had the gall to say that “Copenhagen must succeed, but it will take maximum pressure from politicians and public alike.” Hang on! In a previous article I showed that under half of the people in the UK believe there is a climate problem to begin with. Even fewer (possibly none) want government to drag them kicking and screaming into a binding worldwide agreement! So, where does this “and public alike” arise from? Miliband already knows how many people do not believe in his harebrained schemes. So, how can he add those same unbelievers to his merry band of destroyers?

Called ‘Fascist’ Because it is

Think you know your history? Then you will recognise that this is how Hitler came to power. Even in the USA today, thugs are roughing-up dissenters to Obama’s wicked healthcare scheme. In his early days, Hitler intimidated the population, fouling the air with socialist propaganda, and silencing any opposition. That is where we are at right now. Then came the real stuff, the stuff he always wanted to do. Violence became the norm. And did you know that Hitler’s rise to power from the 1920s was due extensively to the support of Jews? You probably didn’t know that. Hitler was quite happy to use their money and votes until he got into real power. Then he threw away all superficiality and what he did to the Jews is now, well… history. Beware, all you greenies, who know as much about green science as the German Jews knew about Hitler’s real aims. Follow the Grim Reaper and his scythe will mow you down. Dramatic? Yes, because that is what will happen. We are seeing the grim reality of Fascism growing fanatically in the West. Obama is nobody. He had no political experience, and yet he somehow became a (p)resident. He is using Fascist techniques to bring about Marxist objectives, by removing all dissent. If a publication such as Canada Free Press can allow other views (see ads for climate change movements), why can’t Obama and friends? They can’t because freedom means they will be found out. Those who fear truth will always stop freedoms. Europeans already acknowledge that the EU is Fascist. Everything the EU does is Fascist. Yet, voters were complacent until it was all too late. The people don’t matter, nor does real science. You can still fight Copenhagen. Just voice your concerns and opposition in as many ways as you can. And please sign the two petitions attached to my last article on Copenhagen. Barry Napier runs christiandoctrine.com. The Global Green Agenda’, Barry Napier. Published, Petra Press, 2009. For other anti-green books by Barry Napier contact the author: barry.napier@ntlworld.com

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