
Grossly misguided Americans have been brainwashed in schools, taught manufactured history. What they do not really realize is that socialism does not mean “power to the people,” it is “power over the people,” and “power to the state.”

'Governing Socialism' and State Power

By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh ——--January 29, 2021

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'Governing Socialism' and State PowerGovernment is not a solution to our problem; government is the problem.Ronald Reagan The American socialist left has been planning behind closed doors for over a century to govern the United States. But the Constitution has been in the way. They could not seize the means of production and bring about the totalitarian state power governing everything by the rule of one Party. But they finally succeeded by attaining one most important element in this battle--electoral power and dominance by one Party, the Socialist Democrats of America. As Bill Fletcher wrote, by seizing state power the left has created a “hegemonic bloc that moves us away from capitalism, instead of just changing who controls the institutions that keep it running. Winning state power involves the domination and, over time, deconstruction and replacement of capitalist institutions.”

The path to socialist power has been rather simple. Denigrate capitalism and everything America has achieved as being evil, racist, and dreadful

Governing socialism is different from seizing state power. Leftists or progressives as they like to call themselves in the sea of deceptive euphemisms they have invented over decades of political correctness, a form of stifling freedom of speech, have been seizing more and more state power through political offices at all levels of government in a capitalist state, with capitalist money and support. As more socialists/Marxists win political office, they can achieve the societal transformation by which the capitalist state is replaced with the socialist state. Since the 1970s, the public school system has been churning yearly millions of miseducated American youth who are taught to despise and even hate their own country, roots, and history, considering everybody who disagrees with their view of the world as inimical and stupid, including their own families. The path to socialist power has been rather simple. Denigrate capitalism and everything America has achieved as being evil, racist, and dreadful and present socialism to the brainwashed masses as the solution for all the real and invented atrocities. In a simple way, cancel American culture and replace it with Cultural Marxism. Expanding the socialist base to critical mass has been accelerated by a state-controlled lockdown from a viral flu outbreak misrepresented by a seriously flawed computer modeling from the U.K.-- threaten citizens nationally and globally with a pandemic so horrific that people would die if they did not stay hidden in their own homes. People lost their jobs, livelihoods, faces, freedom of movement, assembly, schooling, and identities to a mandatory mask, making everyone equal in their misery and fright. People’s lives and behaviors as human beings have been forever changed. Lock down the economy through unconstitutional mandates, bankrupt thousands of small and mid-size businesses, maintain and enrich a few oligarchs dedicated to the socialist cause, and make millions of Americans unemployed and dependent on government for their survival, and you have almost overnight equality in unemployment, dependence, and poverty.

Censoring conservatives by technocrats, constant disinformation by the media, censoring the president of the United States

Techniques such as online organizing which Organizing for America (OFA) perfected, resurrecting the dead to vote, the “undocumented” border jumper vote, unsolicited mail-in ballots, shutting down vote counting for hours during election, ballots brought in the middle of the night, and fraudulent electronic voting in key states, has entrenched the power of the progressive and anti-American forces who are now controlling the country with Socialist Democrats securely at the helm with a president suffering of second stage dementia. Censoring conservatives by technocrats, constant disinformation by the media, censoring the president of the United States and all those who worked with him by tech giants who now control speech, has put the final nail in the coffin of capitalism and allowed the so-called socialist Democrats to gain political power at all levels of society in the misguided effort to destroy the economy and install a new socialist society. Will the forces of capitalism just give up because the leftists politicians are now controlling everything? Can the Socialist Democrats convince a critical mass of Americans that capitalism is toxic while enjoying its luxuries, and must be destroyed and replaced by the socialism that promises everything for free? I personally doubt it, as I have experienced how incompetent the socialist republic I grew up in was run by the one-party state, the Communist Party. The economy was terrible, these apparatchiks were better at spouting socialist drivel than governing, everything had to be rationed, it was made of poor quality, and everyone was equally miserable and poor.

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Peoples’ wealth, land, and private property were confiscated for the “collective good.”

Gone was the abundant economy under the monarchy. When the Bolsheviks came in and the Soviet Army invaded the country, people were forced to accept the Marxist ideology and their ridiculous Five-Year plans that managed to drive everyone into abject poverty after peoples’ wealth, land, and private property were confiscated for the “collective good.” George Orwell wrote in his 1984 book that “ignorance is strength.” He said that the basic structure of society has not changed throughout the ages. There were always “three kinds of people in the world, the High, the Middle, and the Low… the same pattern has always reasserted itself, jut as the gyroscope will always return to equilibrium, however far it is pushed one way or the other.” The High want to remain in power. The Middle want to change places with the High. “The aim of the Low, when they have an aim, … is to abolish all distinctions and create a society in which all men shall be equal.” Orwell continues, “Of the three groups, only the Low are never even temporarily successful in achieving their aims. They have only managed to change “the name of their masters.”

“The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.”

So, for the time being, the voters were convinced by hook and by crook that their new masters, the Socialist Democrats of America, are a force for good, have seized power and governing in a socialist way to provide freebies that nobody must work for because they are entitled to such benefits. If Americans believe this huge distortion of reality, socialism will reign. The wise British PM Margaret Thatcher said once, “The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.” Sadly, many Americans no longer read to learn the truth from real history. Since many Americans do not understand basic economics and that the state does not have any money, it is the taxpayers’ money distributed in welfare or stimulus checks, they give you back your own money, it is highly unlikely that they will understand that socialism can just as easily take away as they give away and install rationing and poverty like in Venezuela. Grossly misguided Americans who have been brainwashed in schools and taught manufactured history by Howard Zinn (exceedingly popular “history” book written from his socialist perspective), raise their clenched fists in a cry of “power to the people.” What they do not really realize is that socialism does not mean “power to the people,” it is “power over the people,” and “power to the state.”


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Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh——

Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh, Ileana Writes is a freelance writer, author, radio commentator, and speaker. Her books, “Echoes of Communism”, “Liberty on Life Support” and “U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy,” “Communism 2.0: 25 Years Later” are available at Amazon in paperback and Kindle.
