
Super Rich Elites, media control

How to murder your enemy

By Guest Column Bill Gibbons——--December 27, 2007

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Sometimes I feel like the Lone Ranger, I mean I feel that I am the only one who understands the enemy and his motives. This may not be so, but it sure feels like it most of the time.

Man’s mortal enemy is the SUPER RICH ELITE. To see who these people are go to our POPULISTS AMERICAN web site The elite are a very small group of evil men and women, that have been able to gather ALL the major media into their hands and they know how to use this power to corrupt the minds of the people. They have also been able to gather most of the worlds wealth into their slimy hands. With ALL this money and with the power of the press, they have are able to control who get elected to what position office, even the president of the United States. Don't get us wrong, we are not against a man making all the money he can make, that is not a crime, just as long as he makes it honestly and does not use his money to suppress and corrupt other people. But, alas, that is exactly what the super rich elite are doing with their money and power. You will find many of their names on the list of the BILDERBERGERS, THE TRILATERAL COMMISSION, and THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS. Now to explain why we say that the super rich elite is mans greatest enemy: The elite has been able to gather into his hands most of the worlds wealth. The elite controls the media, you can find their names HERE see know your enemy on Bill Archives the multinational corporations, the Hollywood studios, and our educational system, from kindergarten to the highest schools of learning. With these sources, the elite has been brainwashing people for the last 150 years. Here is an idea of how the elite feels about anyone but the elite: “We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa. I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children are now being born. Our control commissions will, in the interest of peace and wiping out inter-racial tensions, forbid the whites to mate with whites. The white women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the white men with black women. Thus the white race will disappear, for mixing the dark with the white means the end of the white man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory.” Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich speaking before a meeting of the Emergency Council of European Rabbis in Budapest, Hungary, January 12, 1952. From Commander William Guy Carr, of the Royal Canadian Navy and Canadian Intelligence Service. At this time the elite had hoped to start a war between the Soviets and the West, which failed to materialize. Today, the elite are trying to start a world war between the Muslims and the rest of the world. These scum bags will never give up until we are all under their heel and Ivan “the Terrible” is our master. With that background in mind let us go on to see several means these evil men use to murder their enemies: Bear in mind that the elite own and control our food supply from the farm to the table, which puts all our lives in jeopardy. I have before me an article in The Sunday Times On Line about prostate cancer in men. “A chemical used to make food wrapping and line tin cans could be the cause of surging prostate cancer rates in men, says a study. “Bisphenol A is widely used in the food industry to make polycarbonate drink bottles and the resins used to line tin cans, even though it is known to leach into food and has long been suspected of disrupting sex hormones.” This does two things: First prostate cancer kills many men every year, including the actors, Telly Savalas and Bill Bixby to name a couple. It also disrupts sex hormones, which can do all kinds of damage to men including making them impotent, which would cut down on the number of children being born. Anyone rowing with both oars in the water knows that our food supply is being poisoned by the manufacturers, with all the different chemicals that they use in prepared foods to make them taste better. Most of these chemicals are poison to our systems and will have some adverse effects on our human bodies. One good example of a silent killer is “ASPARTAME”. This is an artificial sweetener used in most all diet products, such as diet sodas, to replace sugar, but is twenty times more harmful than sugar, it is a poison. Aspartame is used to make NUTRASWEET, the popular artificial sweetener. This product is known to be poison, but is still approved by the Food and Drug Administration, (FDA), which is controlled by the elite. We call the FDA, the Federal Death Administration, because of all the harm done by these federal bureaucrats. Investigative reporter, Jim Kouri, writing in [url=http://www.newswithviews.com]http://www.newswithviews.com[/url] , said: " In comprehensive tests for an industrial chemical used in the United States to line cans of foods, a watchdog group's laboratory discovered a compound linked to birth defects in more than half of the samples of canned fruit, vegetables, soda, and baby formula from supermarket shelves, according to an Environmental Working Group report released last November. "The lab tests conducted for EWG found bisphenol A, or BPA, in 55 of 97 cans of food purchased from major supermarket chains in the states of California, Connecticut and Georgia. The EWG lab tested 27 national name brands and three store brands, according to their report." Will the FDA demand that the makers of these products clean up this problem, or will the elite owners of the plants be allowed to continue to manufacture this poison and put it into our food supply? You cannot hold your breath that long, so don't try. This is just another way the elite have of murdering their enemy, which is everyone but themselves. You can be sure, that there are many other things wrong with our food supply that we are not awareof, but these examples are enough to convince anyone with an open mind, that the super rich elite is the enemy of all mankind. AGENT ORANGE used in the Vietnam War was another poison, which was known to be poison, but was used anyway and should be considered a war crime. “Never in human history (at least up to that time) have a people witnesses one country’s making war on the living environment of another.” Senator Gaylord Nelson in a speech before the U. S. Senate in 1970. Eighty million liters of Agent Orange, a chemical defoliant containing dioxin was sprayed over Vietnam between 1965 and 1971 by the United States. It is reported that one millionth of a gram of dioxin per kilo of body weight is enough to induce cancers, birth defects, and other diseases when exposure persists over a period of time. Our soldiers, as well as the entire population of Vietnam, breathed this stuff for six years while serving in that senseless war, which we never intended to win. Our military leaders, with nerve enough to speak out, said, we could have won the war in six weeks had we really wanted to do so. We never bombed their cities, the ports, or their factories. WHY? Because our elite leaders, hiding behind their puppets, would not allow their puppets to defeat a communist country, but did allow them to poison countless thousands of innocent men, women, and children. Now, fast forward to Gulf War One and Two and see how these same evil elite scum are poisoning the entire Middle East, with some of this poison traveling all the way to England. What is this new poison that we are using to poison the Middle East? Depleted uranium used in our shells that we are dropping all over Iraq. Depleted uranium is used; because it helps the shells penetrate through armour. That is fine as far as it goes, but the uranium is a poison that NEVER goes away. This poison will remain in the air until the Lord returns to put down all evil works. There is no way to clean it up, and the residents of that area will have to breathe that stuff as long as they live. Every one that breathes depleted uranium will die prematurely; that is before their normal time. Many will suffer agonizing pain before they do die. We have seen some horrible pictures of deformed children of parents that have breathed deplete uranium. Many more children will be born horribly deformed as a results of using this ammunition containing depleted uranium. We know this is true, because we have seen the results of breathing this stuff from Gulf War I. Ten thousand of our own troops are already dead and fifty thousand are ill from breathing that stuff and they were not there as long as some of the present troops have been. Now this is murder as sure as there is such a crime as murder, but no one is being called on the carpet for manufacturing and using this poison. This is a war crime of the worst sort and everyone guilty of using and manufacturing depleted uranium should be lined up against a wall and shot. I have never personally killed anyone, but I would volunteer to join any firing squad that would be called upon to execute these murderers, because there is no lack of evidence that they are guilty of MURDER! Now, can you see that the elite that control our food supply, our chemical plants and our war machines is guilty of murder in the first degree? Can anyone doubt that this is pre-meditated murder? These evil men have figured out ways to kill many innocent people and never get their hands dirty. But their hands are dirty and they must be brought to justice or there is no justice. How long must we sit by and allow this small clique of evil men to run rough shod over the rest of the world? Will we finally let them put us all in a giant concentration camp like the old Soviet Union and the present China prison camp? If we do not stand up and be counted this is what is going to happen. If you commentators do not wake up and tell the people who the real enemy is, we will all, that is those of us who are not murdered, will be slaves on a global plantation. Most of you are afraid to identify the enemy, but the enemy has a face and he has a name, and he needs to be identified before he can be defeated. You mealy mouthed commentators that are too scared to spell out the facts about the enemy should shut up and go away, because you are wasting your time. The elected Republicans, Democrats, and thousands of bureaucrats are not the problem. The real problem is the men and women that tell them what to do and these are the people that must be identified or we will never win this battle. They have a name and you can see the names of many of the enemy on our web site. We name many of the Bilderberg members, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations members and the owners of the major media, they are all the enemy and must be exposed to the world and we do that on our web site.

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