
Main Stream Media – The “Tories” of 2009

Operation can you hear us now

Operation Can you hear us Now Greetings fellow patriots! The "Tories" of 2009. Yes, I spelled it right – TORIES. The Main Stream Media are the "Tories of 2009." For those of you who are students of history you’ll remember the tories. Think back to the late 1700’s, is it coming to you? Here’s a little refresher…

"Starting in the mid-1700’s the British government tried for ten years to collect a series of taxes from it’s colonies in North America to pay European war debts. Many colonists thought the taxes were unfair and complained loudly. Other, calling themselves the Sons of Liberty, rioted. To Enforce the collection of taxes and put down disturbances, British troops crossed the Atlantic to Boston. The violence and protests spread and escalated rapidly. The colonists were not all of one mind, however. Some, who became known as TORIES, supported the British Crown. Others, calling themselves Patriots, took the opposite view. In the spring of 1774, Great Britian cracked down on Boston for the illegal act of dumping a shipment of tea into Boston harbor. The port was closed. More British troops arrived in the city and the royal government moved to Salem, Massachusetts. These and other drastic steps prompted the colonies to send delegates to a Continental Congress in Philadelphia ‘to concert a general and=2 0uniform plan for the defense and preservation of our common rights…’ The uniform plan had sharp teeth: It barred imports from England as well as exports to the homeland. Many were alarmed and angered by this drastic step, especially a New York Tory writer who signed himself as "A.W. (Westchester) Farmer." In an article titled "Free Thoughts on the Proceedings of the Continental Congress," he called those who attended the Congress "a parcel of upstart, lawless committeemen" who "basely betrayed the interests of the colonies." The Continental Congress, the writer added, hoped to subject the colonists to "abject slavery." "Can men defend rights who act in open defiance of the law?" he asked. Three weeks later, "A Friend to America" answered the Westchester farmer with a thirty-five page pamphlet that included this scathing charge: "They (the Tories) endeavor to persuade us that the absolute sovereignty of Parliment does not imply our absolute slavery; that it is a Christian duty to submit to be plundered of all we have, merely because some of our fellow subjects are wicked enough to require it of us…" The "Friend to America" was seventeen-year old Alexander Hamilton. And while this was his first political essay, it was far from his last."
Exerpted from Alexander Hamilton, America’s Bold Lion, by John Rosenburg Like Chris Matthews, I felt a tingle up my leg (but due to a much different cause) when I re-read these words. If you take Hamilton’s quote and substitute the words "Main Stream Media" for Tories, and "our government" for Parliment, the effect is chilling. We all know the MSM has it’s agenda, and it certainly doesn’t reflect the opinions of a majority of Americans. We’ve heard the cry – "Separation of Church and State!" Where is the cry – "Separation of Media and State!" If you have had all the media bias you can take, then join us on October 17th at media outlets around America and let your voices be heard! Remember – dissent is the highest form of patriotism! It’s not too late to start your own local group! Send us your location and info and we’ll post it so others can connect! BE SURE TO READ NEW PAGE – RULES & STANDARDS OF PARTICIPATION! God bless all you Patriots who will not be silent!

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