
It's time to dismantle and abandon the dysfunctional VA and efficiently merge its true responsibilities into the Department of Defense for unified and solidified professional care of our U.S. Military Veterans.

Time to Abandon the VA

By Robert L. Rosebrock ——--March 26, 2016

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Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans: Yesterday’s commentary about the “Community Veterans Engagement Board” (CVEB) sparked an outrage amongst Veterans, and rightfully so.
As evidenced by the CVEB’s unilateral agenda, the Los Angeles VA property has already been completely hijacked by non-Veterans and controlled by the “hidden hand” of the community’s wealth and power, including an obvious attempt to transfer VA medical services over to the private sector. One thing has become very clear: We no longer need a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Now the mere mention of such a statement will have the non-Veteran ingrates and the wealthy and powerful robber barons jumping up and down shouting with joy and approval. But not so fast … here’s a strong dose of reality and common sense: The VA as we know it, needs to be abandoned and merged into the Department of Defense. This is not a new concept and former U.S. Presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson proposed this as a solution for the seriously dysfunctional and disgracefully failed VA system that protects career government employees at the expense of Veterans and their personal healthcare and needs.

Read Dr. Carson’s prescription for proper treatment of our U.S. Military Veterans: “We Don’t Need a Department of Veterans Affairs” - “Veterans Affairs should be in under the Department of Defense, and it should be a smooth transition.” Read "Daily Caller" reporter Luke Rosiak's investigation into Congress's proposal for proper treatment of our U.S. Military Veterans: Congress May Fix VA Hospitals By Merging Them With Military << Congress is exploring a dramatic transformation of Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals that would merge them with Department of Defense (DOD) facilities and treat active duty Soldiers and Veterans side by side. Many veterans and lawmakers believe the VA healthcare system is in dire need of complete overhaul, and the idea of privatizing it has been increasingly popular. But lawmakers have also quietly been pondering a fix that would take it in the opposite direction - militarization. >> Read the downside of handing Veterans’ health care over to the private sector, which is not the solution to VA’s problems. Written by Garry J. Augustine, a Vietnam-era combat-wounded Army veteran. Gary is Executive Director of Disabled American Veteran’s Washington D.C. Headquarters. The Solution To VA Reform Isn’t The Private Sector << Turning the VA health care system into merely an insurance program would require shrinking or shutting down the nation’s largest, fully integrated health care system, leaving millions of veterans without access to VA’s specialized care.>> In sum, the Los Angeles VA as well as all other VA's nationwide, need to be merged into the Department of Defense and operated with the professional decorum and respect that is deserving of a U.S. Military Veteran. Moreover, we need a “Veterans Oversight Board” with Veterans only investigating, advising and counseling on all Veterans’ needs including providing permanent housing for disabled homeless Veterans. We do not need a “Community Board" of Non-Veterans such as the Brentwood Village Chamber of Commerce that will “offer vets a job” in exchange for exclusive use of a mega-million dollar parcel of VA property illegally operated as a public commercial parking lot. Nor should there be a non-Veteran Chairman of the West Los Angeles Neighborhood Council who supports the illegal Los Angeles City public dog park on VA property -- rent free -- by declaring: "We're looking for veterans to get the land they need, and at the same time expressing hope a way could be found to keep the park open and available to the community at large.” And in exchange for "sharing" this mega-million dollar VA parcel, he proposes that the City of Los Angeles “train and employ veterans, and generate income for the VA by charging fees.” Enough of these offensive and disrespectful assaults on U.S. Military Veterans and the integrity of this sacred land deeded exclusively in their behalf. What we really need is an Oversight Board of hardliner Veteran advocates who put the best interests of Veterans first and foremost and will demand the permanent maintaining of this land as a National Veterans Home and guarantee that it will not be accessible for any non-Veteran special-interest entities. Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans, this is an emergency call-to-action to stop this longstanding crime and corruption that now puts the wealthy and powerful in control of these community puppets who are "just following orders" of the "hidden hand" to guarantee their continued illegal occupation of Veterans land. It's time for Truth, Honesty and Patriotism to take a leadership role and demand the immediate firing of VA Secretary Robert A. McDonald and his "special assistant" Vincent Kane, and the immediate cancellation of the counterfeit "settlement agreement" / "master plan" / "community veterans engagement board," and the immediate filing of a new lawsuit with real substance that permanently evicts these robber barons, including a Federal Grand Jury Investigation into all this Organized Crime that includes massive land-fraud and heinous crimes against humanity -- against war-injured and impoverished homeless Veterans. It's time to dismantle and abandon the dysfunctional VA and efficiently merge its true responsibilities into the Department of Defense for unified and solidified professional care of our U.S. Military Veterans. Sincerely, Robert L. Rosebrock Director, Old Veterans Guard

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Robert L. Rosebrock—— Robert Rosebrock is a U.S. Army Veteran, Vietnam-era and Director of the Old Veterans Guard. He can be reached at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
