
What is Monkeypox?

Understand Monkeypox Before They Turn It Into Fear Porn

Monkeypox is in the news now. How afraid should you be? Authorities may use this as the next pandemic to justify authoritarian control of your life again. Judge for yourself if this is warranted. What is Monkeypox? Dr. Robert Malone gives a good overview of the virus in his Substack article Monkey Pox. Key points are:
  • It is a zoonotic virus with many potential animal hosts.
  • Like other "pox" viruses, it is a DNA virus, not an RNA virus like SARS-CoV-2 and is very stable, subject to a low mutation rate. There won't be lots of "variants".
  • It has likely been around for a long time in its native areas in Africa and has a low mortality rate.
  • It is not a respiratory viruses so masks are unnecessary. Transmission is through contact with bodily fluids like HIV. It has a low transmissivity of less than 1 and therefore is unlikely to create a pandemic.
  • Vaccines for other pox viruses or natural immunity from infection with other pox viruses should confer a degree of immunity to monkeypox.
  • Symptoms include fever, swollen lymph nodes, and a distinctive bumpy rash.
Malone summarizes his view as:
In my opinion, based on currently available information, Monkeypox is a virus and disease which is endemic in Africa, emerges sporadically after transmission into humans from animal hosts, and is typically spread by close human contact. It is readily controlled by classical public health measures. It does not have a high mortality rate. Unless there has been some genetic alteration, either through evolution or intentional genetic manipulation, it is not a significant biothreat, and has never been considered a high threat pathogen in the past.
Another good overview article is from Zero Hedge: Everything You Want To Know About Monkeypox, But Were Afraid To Ask. BNO News is tracking global case numbers: In short, there is nothing to worry about unless the active strain is one released from a bioweapons program that has been genetically crossed with smallpox. Published by The POOG

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Ian Nunn——

Ian is a retired information technologist. While working at Health Canada he completed a BCS degree with highest honours at Carleton University in 1999. In 1998 he took a leave of absence from the federal government and worked as a consultant to Ontario Hydro Nuclear for 15 months in Y2K risk management. He retired from the government in 2000, went on to earn an MCS degree at Carleton, 2002, and subsequently completed the requirements for a PhD except for a dissertation.

Several years of graduate studies have equipped him to do thorough background research and analysis on topics he finds engaging. He is owner of the eclectic blog, The POOG. The acronym “POOG” came from a forgotten source: “pissed-off old guy”. A web search found a more flattering but accurate association: ”The mightiest of all men. He fights ignorant darkness in the name of wisdom, truth, courage, and honor.”

Ian lives in Ottawa.
