
Ray DiLorenzo

Ray DiLorenzo is a career pilot having retired after 22 years as a contract fire pilot with the California Department of Forestry (Cal-Fire). He is presently affiliated with Stand Up America US Foundation founded by Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely (Ret).

Most Recent Articles by Ray DiLorenzo:

Think It Can't Happen Here?

Germany 1938, Fasenenstrasse Synagogue, Berlin

Ignorance from Ivy League schools seems to be the norm today. Maybe it's the DEI hiring of professors, deans, and school presidents, or just low admission standards, or maybe it's all part of the plan. There is no doubt that student intelligence, or, should I say, student education, is well below par. These institutions of 'higher learning' seem to only advance socialist propaganda, and the birthing of Hitler youth, whether it be Marxist or Fascist.

- Monday, April 29, 2024

How Do You Kill 7.5 Billion People?

Odd question, I know. But we're all in this together, and we had better figure out how to deal with this quickly. Globalists want us dead. The World Economic Forum (WEF) has stated many times in print and in speeches that the planet is overpopulated and that its survival depends on controlling climate change, reducing population, controlling food supply, and our bad habits like owning cars.

- Saturday, April 27, 2024

The Loss of Freedom Is All About The Process

"From each according to his ability - to each according to his needs." Karl Marx

Former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov claimed back in 1984 that the Soviet Union had a long-term plan to subvert the United States and destroy her from within. They funded leftist groups and established informants in intelligence agencies. That plan had to be developed since no country on this planet, especially Russia, thought we could be defeated militarily.

- Saturday, April 20, 2024

It's All Fake Except the War

Everything we have been reporting, everything we have suspected concerning the Biden presidency has been confirmed. It's all fake, contrived, and bogus, if you will, from the very beginning. I take no joy in writing this article. When I think of the loss of our country's prestige, it brings tears to my eyes.

- Saturday, April 13, 2024

Divided THEY Fall

    "A house divided against itself cannot stand."
    Matthew 12:25, Lincoln, 1858

For those who are not taught such things anymore, the traditional motto of the United States is "In God We Trust," but the motto on the Great Seal of our nation is "E Pluribus Unum," - Latin for 'Out of Many, One'...circa 1782.

There was a time when differing political opinions meant a good discussion at the dinner table or workplace. In those days, political business conducted itself through compromise.

- Saturday, April 6, 2024

Is Trust Gone?

In these troubled times, it is disconcerting to find that too many people have no idea what is going on around them. They assume too much. They trust without bothering to know why. Leaders with familiar and unfamiliar faces plan their corruption, while too many never look up. Whether they realize it or not, they live by the code: 'What you don't know can't hurt you.' Far from the truth.

- Saturday, March 30, 2024

2024: Can We Survive?

Spring is in the air. The weather is getting milder by the day. But many people are getting nervous. We can pretend all we want that everything is normal, but many of us know better. An election is coming unlike any election in our lifetime or even our history, if anyone even reads history anymore.

- Saturday, March 23, 2024

The Age of the Liar

Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, But those who deal faithfully are His delight.  ~ Proverbs 12:22

Like everyone who is alive and breathing, I have come across some very talented liars in my lifetime, much of it later in life. I wish for them the karma they deserve, but most of them don't come close to the liars that work for the government, specifically those on the Left.

So, what do liberals lie about? Everything—everything that serves their purpose. This is not your normal political distortion. This is something else. It has a concerted determination. There is power and evil behind it. Reality is twisted. They insist that what you see is not the truth. They lie with aplomb, confidence, boldness, and authority.

- Friday, March 15, 2024

Democrat Party, Inc.

I have said numerous times in other articles that the Democrat Party is no longer a political party. They are a criminal organization—a crime organization like no other. They have the reigns of government and are not about to let them go, legally or otherwise. They want power and money, and little else matters.

- Saturday, March 9, 2024

Why is Trump So Misunderstood?

For those who are unaware, Donald Trump grew up in Queens, NY, one of the boroughs of New York City. There are five: Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Staten Island, and Queens. Most of the attention goes to Manhattan, the land of the high rise, the Empire State Building, St. Patrick's Cathedral, Broadway, and Wall Street.

- Thursday, February 29, 2024

The Great Taking: The End of Property Rights

In 2016, the World Economic Forum saw fit to release a video promoting their Great Reset. They gave a wonderful picture of how marvelously they were going to remake our world while trashing Western values. But one of the things that took people back was their statement, "You'll own nothing and you'll be happy."

- Saturday, February 24, 2024

A Pig By Any Other Name

The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. ~Ecc. 10:2

When I researched this article, I came upon many websites, fact-checkers, and pundits that were emphatic in their dismissal that the UN ever issued this statement. I don't want to necessarily take exception, but I do want to raise the BS flag in response to the UN and their friends' complaint. The UN may or may not have issued this mission goal statement, but that is irrelevant. The UN is as much a part of the World Economic Forum's plans as any other globalist organization, probably more.

- Friday, February 16, 2024

Why Our Country is a Mess

Yes, our country is a mess. How did we get here? Was it incompetence or intentional?

Eight years of Obama and almost four years of Biden have been devastating to our country. The Democrat Party and their Republican toadies, aka RINOS, have taken our country down a road we have never seen before.

- Saturday, February 10, 2024

Are We Alone?

Head of the Statue of Freedom standing atop the Capitol Building looking somewhat bewildered, almost saying, "Where is everybody?"

This piece is not about space aliens, but it might just as well be. It is an appraisal of a government that has ignored the needs of the people in favor of its own interests.

The Supreme Court, in a remarkable 5-4 decision, told Texas on Monday (1/22/24) that federal authorities can remove the barbed wire that prevents unvetted illegal immigrants from entering our country. It, once again, leaves us to wonder who in the court has been compromised or gone to the dark side.

- Saturday, February 3, 2024

The 2024 Election: The Final Battle

"The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." George Orwell, 1984

There is no doubt that the 2024 election will be the most contested since, at least, when Abraham Lincoln was elected in 1860. The very survival of our country is, once again, at stake and threatened by the same party. The Deep State, where many operatives were planted as permanent fixtures, is where the previous administrations, most notably Obama's, sowed the seeds of communism and fascism.

- Saturday, January 27, 2024

The Deepest Part of the Swamp The FBI

The Federal Bureau of Investigation was once considered the greatest investigative organization in the world. Their investigative talents and reputation were unparalleled. The mission, as stated on their website, is to ‘protect the American people and uphold the Constitution of the United States.' And they did. They were men and women in white shirts, clean, dedicated, and by the book. But something happened along the way. 

- Saturday, January 20, 2024

A Silly People

As long as the Arabs [or Americans] fight tribe against tribe, so long will they be a little people, a silly people, greedy, barbarous and cruel." -- T. E. Lawrence ( Lawrence of Arabia)

This article is not about Arabs. It's about Americans and America. You could include most of Western civilization, a once strong and proud society that is now lost in the desert.

- Saturday, January 13, 2024

The Biological War: What Lies Ahead

For the love of money is the root of all evil...1 Timothy 6:10

Seeing so many businesses, people, and politicians effortlessly "switch" away from fundamental human ideals and American values makes me believe that evil is at work. It is amazing what individuals will do to gain power and wealth.

- Saturday, January 6, 2024

Beyond Treason: Elections Have Consequences

Shortly after Obama’s 2009 inauguration, the new chief executive made one of the only memorable, though unoriginal, statements of his outwardly unremarkable presidency. ”Elections have consequences." It was a statement meant to tell Republicans, 'You lost, I won. I get to do things my way.' You could almost add to that, 'If you think we are going to work together, think again.'

- Saturday, December 23, 2023

The Key to The Coup

"The Hammer is the key to the coup." -- Admiral James (Ace) Lyons - 1927-2018

Admiral Lyons, on his death bed two days prior to his death, told Lt. General Thomas McInerney (Ret): "The Hammer is the key to the coup."

The coup was the takeover of our government, a coup d'état, by fraud and deceit on Inauguration Day, January 20, 2021.

I've had the honor of being the co-author of a book that reveals the truth about the 2020 election—‘Invisible Treason in America’. Along with retired Lt. General Thomas McInerney, retired Maj. General Paul Vallely, and Mary Fanning, we give an account of the political operation that denied our country an honest election and a second Trump presidential term.

- Friday, December 15, 2023
