
CFP Podcasts

American Anti-Patriot Goon Platoon Emerges to Battle 4th of July History

It was a good week in the Supreme Court for Conservatives--Guns, Abortion, Religion

Is King Lear Joe’s Road Map for Trying to Destroy America?

Satan is roaring like a lion to reactivate abortion to slaughter more innocent babies. We must always be ready to defend our society from evil

Dopes, tyrants and asses, oh my! Charles Martel | June 22, 2022

Finally, Socialists cannot aid or love anyone else, because they only care about power over groups, not individuals

Charles Martel: Bringing down the hammer for Canada Free Press

The Pelosis and Schumers will always call for more violence to help save the Holy Revolution

When is violence a rational reaction? Charles Martel | June 3, 2022
Charles Martel Hammers home the point

Charles Martel Hammers home the point

As our nation races towards atheism, let's use our God created Natural and Constitutional Rights to shut down crazed killers and make our great land safer for us and our children, and future generations

Americans must stand up to ANY racism, whether by White Nationals -- a truly minuscule group, or Racist Democrat Leftists, who comprise 10%-20% of Americans in general

These anti-Americans are drowning the US in disasters hoping to make us defunct before Joe is finally Impeached

Quenching Biden's 5-Alarm Fire

Joe “God’s Child” Biden Uses Natural Law to Kill Innocents Babies

Supreme Court Leak: Abortion Vote Sabotaged by Judge, Clerk -- or BOTH?

Can you offer a handshake to a rattlesnake? Charles Martel | May 6, 2022

Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter

Media Coverups

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Time for a Symbolic RINO Hunt, Let’s Upgrade our Leadership for Return to Power

Biden Will Add Several $Trillion Yearly in Outlays for his Illegal Wave

The Six Trials of Jesus Kelly O'Connell | April 17, 2022
Christ himself prophesied his coming execution. That he was innocent is attested by his judges, and also granted by accusers when they could not find honest witnesses. Yet, without His death, Christianity would have never arisen to better the world

America On the Border: A Nation in Dire Straits Needs Biden-Proof & Salvation
