
Fundamental transformation of America from a Constitutional Republic into a Marxist Oligarchy

Are You Learning From History?

If you ignore and manufacture history, no matter how unpleasant that history may be, in order to fit your propagandizing narrative, you are never going to learn to avoid such events. History is a great teacher if you are willing to listen to its lessons and absorb them.

Few people alive today know or have learned in school that in November 1960, representatives of 81 Communist parties around the world met in Moscow and issued a Communist declaration of purpose wherein the United States was “singled out as the main enemy of communism” and that the world Communist movement’s goal was to achieve world domination. The strategy 63 years ago was to attack the United States in full force. The meeting discussed the fact that “peaceful coexistence” was not possible.

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By Centrewing on 2023 09 29

This world forced human migration is the downfall of our nations?
Canada is full of illegal well armed terrorists, and criminal gangs drugs and human trafficking from around the world, while our terrorist loving government wants to take our licensed law abiding peoples guns? Then you find out that many of the MP's in our government belong to these groups supporting them not Canadians. Even when our public sex grooming education system is harming our children and parents have no rights left and the government run health care is actually dangerous to your life. While companies are being paid to only hire non whites, and 71,000 white construction workers were laid off left without jobs in a housing bubble caused by the government and high taxes etc.
Yes I have followed this communist/Nazi movement as our first Trudeau, Pierre Elliot supposed father of the one now really destroying Canada was a true playboy communist and was very involved in setting up the UN's communist programs as we see finally bearing fruit for his sons stealing and killing our countries wealth and citizens all taking place and well connected to the USA's destruction communists/Nazis The UN/WEF and super rich thieves will destroy us if we do not work hard to stop them and elections are fixed.
Believe it or not I believe Russia who knows well this destruction and is rebuilding may be the worlds only savior. I listen to their speeches and they have been warning us of what is taking over and that we must work basically to get governments who look after their own country not interfere in other countries, Canada's government is full of terrorists new comers to Canada running us into the ground we only have three Premieres fighting truthfully for their Province and against this coup foreign placed government. etc.
Again you are so right thank you.

By Ben Colder on 2023 09 29

I have seen this coming for a long time my family has pretty much told me to shut the hell up they don't want to hear it but now they are starting to think maybe something is out of whack. I am afraid it is too late the dem party is just about all communists and half the RINO party that is why they hate Trump so bad he has put a kink in their plans just when they thought they had won but they plan to put an end to Trump just like the old KJB did by destroying him completely one way or another. The country is nearly bankrupt and that is to their advantage all they have to do is wait their man Bribeme will come through or at least his handlers.

By Watsyxz on 2023 09 29

Start saying “no” like the parents did at Loudon County School Board meetings. Stop being polite and willing to Tolerate Democrats/RINOs bad behavior. Stop enabling activists who demand approval of deviant bad behavior. Everyone KNOWS that there is no such thing as transgender. It just a pretend fantasy. Stand firm in this evil hurricane. Support the J6-ers and Trump.

By N.F. Young on 2023 09 29

Yes, I have learned from history, I have always remembered reading some Karl Marx when I was very young, and the one thing he stated that has always, always, stayed with me , was his assertation that if you want to know why something is happening do not listen to the propaganda, ask yourself "Qui Bono", which means "Who Benefits" from it, and you will know the absolute truth of why it is being done.

By Tim A on 2023 09 29

We were rocked to sleep by communist demons working night and day to destroy the minds of the ignorant and low mentality masses like they have in many countries. So what happens now? We either shoot our way out of this mess or betray our freedom and our God and fall into gross apathy. This country is now too lazy too perverted and too criminal to fight for it’s liberty and freedom, God help us!

By parcelman007 on 2023 09 30

This has happened as a result of 40-50 years of brainwashing by the american public schools.

By Joe Boudreault on 2023 10 01

Answer to your question, Dr. Paugh:
Pray to Jesus.

By vicki hufstetler on 2023 10 05

The question is though, what can we do to stop it? I'm so frustrated that the people are not fighting back near as hard as they should be. It's taken from obummer to now, to finally get some parents on board, and start to fight back, only when they have (finally) discovered the schools are outright "Grooming" their children!
For God sake, Really? Can we react a little faster maybe? Pay attention to what is happening in our children and grandchildren's lives? I just don't understand the lack of motivation by the public. I realize that many of our young adults have already been compromised, but how do we fix that? How do we, older generations, that do remember what has occured and would Never have allowed what is going on today, happen in our children's lives or in our government then, translate the importance of this situation, to our kids and grandkids to stop this nightmare, and realize it is commie propaganda that is basically brainwashing them?

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