
The Great Reset and its false promise of ‘building back better” has fallen on the wayside, left behind as roadkill by convoys of rolling trucks.

Freedom Convoy Making Roadkill of The Great Reset & Lying Politicians

Freedom Convoy Making Roadkill of The  Great Reset & Lying PoliticiansTwo years ago governments worldwide threw the same people who voted for them into a deep black hole, a soul-killing dark hole, from which they believed there would be no way for humanity to make it back into the light. Governments everywhere began shutting down restaurants—holding them down by restricting access to them; hairdressing salons, theatres, sporting events, gyms, libraries, museums—a myriad of small businesses, some never to return because of massive bankruptcies. Relatives and friends had to be left off of wedding invitation lists; many people were banned from attending the funerals of loved ones.
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By Sue on 2022 02 10

They may take God from society’s, but they can’t take God from the heart. God moves in mysterious ways His wonders to perform. Don’t ever doubt the Power of The Almighty Sovereign God of His Universe. You may deny Truth, but Truth is Truth whether you believe it or not.

By Nabi on 2022 02 10

Watch the news and the actions of the protesters. Everybody's busy recording everybody else on their cell phones while stepping gingerly back. Looks like the cops and government are crumbling by cell phone assault. Hilarious! Hopefully the Chinese don't decide to send their embassy officials to take charge of parliament.

By Centrewing on 2022 02 10

Their build back better for themselves, like only black lives matter is just their selfish lies, nothing is better. Now like in Canada, free speech is about to take a hit too in the USA. That is building back better, either you agree with whatever scheme they cook up or end up in prison and your possessions are theirs? that is the new one that they want to pass because if it doesn't agree with them it is "misinformation" that is dividing our countries peoples according to their reasoning and Truedoper and his misfit gangs hopefully soon on the run has been trying to get similar laws passed here in Canada with his usual lie "because it is what Canadians all want" not me I want freedom of speech especially against this kind of freedom fighting BBB against our lives and their stupid lieberal polls that keep showing everything "Canadian's" want according to who the NWO, the Chinese or who?
Thank you Freedom Fighters, our best Heroes, Truckers maybe most Canadians and Americans will start to really pay attention and start at least to think for themselves, realize what is going to happen to their lives
My daughter and I had an outright nasty disagreement when she when I made the remark about how our government traced over 33million cell phones and our taxes are paying for an out sourced private company to go through the information on them all? she called her mother, me a gaslighter. She then proceeded to tell me off about not being vaccinated and a confused old lady, I cannot believe this is really my daughter at times to her anything politically based is a lie and she does not want to know about it. This started with her telling me that she felt sorry for the people in Ottawa, those truckers should be stopped they are just upsetting peoples lives? She doesn't think it will get them anywhere wow she is in her fifties and just wants to enjoy her life, why am I telling her all this negativity? I cannot believe this whether I like it or not she is entitled to her own wrong opinions and staying ignorant of what is going on in the world? IMO. this is why we are where we are to me.

By Deb on 2022 02 10

I completely support the Canadian truckers and am thrilled that their idea has been duplicated elsewhere in this world. As for the video, I could only listen to the first few seconds of that. Hearing that man speak is like listening to any other National Socialist from World War II. I had to shut that off. He sounds just like the rest of them.

By Frances Batchelder on 2022 02 10

Thank You, Judi. Your words are truth and needed so much.

By Bob on 2022 02 11

The left is running scared, and I believe they will stop at nothing to get their way. Including shooting down and murdering their own people. Yes, I include the United States. Not so much demented old Joe but the people pulling his strings will kill to stop us all.

By Barbara Hardin on 2022 02 12

These politicians need to leave the truckers alone. Tick off enough of them, and they won't be delivering food and other items. It's bad enough now as it is, with not enough trucks to unload the waiting ships. I completely support the truckers in what they are doing.

God alone has control of any situation. Don't believe in God? Then I feel sorry for you. Great article, Judi! Thank you for always reporting the truth and not letting the leftists control your paper like they control our mainstream media here in the states. As a retired newspaper editor, I am totally ashamed at what news reporting has become. It's pathetic.

Those who are running our government at this time are evil. Don't think for a minute that senile Joe doesn't have people behind him telling him every move to make. Bob is right. They will stop at nothing to get what they want.

God bless us all!

By David Wamsley on 2022 02 12

How appropriate showing the Trudeau government as a bunch of Nazi's

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